Today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel includes a story on how a group of scientists at Columbia and Harvard Universities expanded on some exploratory work at UW and Kyoto University and coaxed adult skin cells of a pair of elderly ALS patients first to embryonic-like cells, then to nerve cells. It still is considered too risky to actually use those cells as they’re re-enginered with viruses, but these cells can at the least be used to study whether they’ll be effective on genetic diseases, as the two women have a form of ALS that is linked to genetics.
As Jimi says, the score is now 7851 to 0.
Embryonic stem cells have little to do with science and everything to do with the politics of ensuring that the left shows unborn infants to be nothing but a pile of plasma.
[…] again, it appears that research on adult cells is more promising than that on cells harvested from human embryos. The […]