When running for the 2010 elections, Republicans attempting to harness the Tea Party enthusiasm promised that they would cut $100 B from the budget. Barely had they gotten elected and the Republicans backed off their $100 B promise and said they could only get something in the $60 B range. When it came to actually getting an agreement, they managed to hold on to a cut that was advertised as $38 B, but quickly identified as only $14 B.
Now that folks have had a chance to read the actual legislation, it turns out that none of the previously touted numbers are the real reduction that Boehner was able to negotiate. According to numerous sources, the actual amount of deficit reductions that Speaker, “We are going to cut $100 billion in discretionary spending next week” Boehner managed to get was only $353 Million…MILLION!
When it became apparent last year that the Republicans would retake the house I had conversations with several people who are much more knowledgeable of Republican leadership than I. I told them my reservations about Boehner becoming speaker and how everything I had seen from him lead me to believe that he was another Washington lifer who would say or do what he needed to to keep his position. I was told by several of them that Boehner was the “real deal.” While now living in Kentucky, I agreed to be from Missouri and be shown that Boehner was a conservative.
No more!
I am now on record as saying that Boehner is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the Republican party. Boehner is either a charlatan or ignorant. Regardless of which, he is not worthy of leading a party’s effort that is overwhelmingly made up of a base that desires, no, DEMANDS reductions in government spending.
This continuing resolution needs to be voted down. Boehner needs to be personally repudiated by any true House conservative for putting them in a position of having to support this sham of an agreement.
I hate Nancy Pelosi. I despise everything about the woman. Even with my level of disdain for her I give her props for one thing; she has a set of balls as big as two moons hung side by side. Nancy has balls and Boehner is a eunuch!