No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for January 20th, 2011

Doyle staff used “Enron accounting” on their way out the door

by @ 23:18. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

The Legislative Audit Bureau reviewed a few “questionable” decisions by the staff of former governor Jim Doyle (Democrat, for those of you just tuning in) that allowed the state to claim it was in compliance with the $65 million statutory minimum balance at the end of FY2010 by claiming the state general fund balance was $71.1 million. In order of, in my humble and non-expert opinion, increasing severity, here are the four items of “concern” that fell outside the scope of established Government Accounting Standards and thus outside last month’s “unqualified audit opinion”:

  • $10.6 million in “lapsed” amounts from program revenue appropriations to the general fund that were covered not by cash-on-hand, but by either accounts receivable or other assets – As the report notes, this is legal under Wisconsin law. However, it made cash available for FY2010 that was either not yet in hand or could only be put in hand by asset sales. I really would like to know how much of that was from accounts receivable (and how much of those receipts actually came in) versus how much was backed by illiquid assets, as that would determine how much of that represents a further hole in the state budget.
  • $25.9 million in funds spent in FY2010 but not reported as spent until FY2011 – This is a new twist on the “delayed payment syndrome” practiced by many states and advocated by some who want to avoid an increase in the federal debt limit. Usually, they’re “honest” enough to not spend the money until the new fiscal year “resets” things, but in this case, the money was gone in one fiscal year with only the recording of the expenditure delayed until the following one. Further, as it appears the fiscal year of the spending authority doesn’t match up with the fiscal year of expenditure, the LAB notes it appears to be inconsistent with the spirit of the portion of the state Constitution prohibiting expenditures without lawful-and-authorized appropriations.
  • $406,700 “lapsed” from the Unclaimed Property fund to the general fund – It may be but a drop in the bucket, but it’s a double-dipper for the Doyle administration. By state law, all the proceeds from the Unclaimed Property fund are to go to the Common School Fund, and under the state Constitution, the “clear proceeds” of property that comes under the custodianship of the state by escheat (e.g., unclaimed property) is to be used for educational purposes.
  • $8.8 million in “lapsed” amounts from program revenue appropriations to the general fund that were neither covered by cash nor by any assets – Now we get to the potentially-serious. There was, is, and will be no expectation of that $8.8 million ever existing, yet the Doyle administration claimed it did. In the private sector, that is a convictable felony.

Except for the heist from the Unclaimed Property fund, each of those other categories, especially the “whole-cloth” lapsing, is more than the difference between the reported closing FY2010 balance and the statutory minimum balance. I wonder what J.B. Van Hollen is doing these days.

To answer newly-minted Administration Secretary Mike Huebsch’s question of what this does to the over-$100 billion deficit in the current FY2010/2011 biennial budget (as quoted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which for some reason chose to focus instead on the up-to-$3.3 billion structural deficit the FY2012/2013 biennial budget needs to fill), my best guess as to how much of that $45.7 million is part of the expanded hole is somewhere between $9.2 million (the amount of the wholly-nonexistent lapses plus the improper raid on the Unclaimed Property fund) and $19.8 million (adding in the remainder of the potentially-nonexistent lapses). The $25.9 million in “delayed-reporting” spending, while odious, would have been spent prior to the end of FY2011 anyway and thus doesn’t appear to represent a further liability to the state.

Returning to CPAC

by @ 18:21. Tags:
Filed under Politics - National.

For the second year in a row, I’ll be covering CPAC from the ranks of the bloggers. This year, FreedomWorks has joined RedState as sponsors of

Since Rep. Paul Ryan will be there, I’m likely to grab an interview with him, either at the conference itself or at his office. Much of the GOP Presidential field is also attending, and I hope to get a word with many of them.

The Morning (give or take a couple hours) Scramble – Flowing back into it edition

by @ 12:01. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Sorry about not being around all week. I miss my 24″ 1920×1200 monitor, which is in the shop getting a new power supply. Yes, the computer room TV at the bunker is 2 inches wider diagonally, but it’s missing 180 pixels on the bottom (far better than the 1366×768 one it replaced though), and I can’t quite get it to look as nice as the other one. I guess it’s time to bring back a special edition of The Morning Scramble, but instead of a song, I’ll start you off with my Congresscritter, Paul Ryan, unloading on the sham that is PlaceboCare. I highly recommend paying attention starting at the 1:42 mark, where he mentions that the Congressional Budget Office said that PlaceboCare will add to the debt.


  • Bruce noticed a liberal Madison talk-radio show host didn’t exactly get the memo about the “New Tone” we’re all supposed to have, as he went way over the top on Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. Related – Charlie Sykes posted said liberal talk-radio host’s “apology” letter, issued only after almost two full days of firestorm, including a condemnation from the American Cancer Society (Kleefisch is a recent-cancer survivor).
  • Speaking of “New Tone”, Lieberal Edition, Ed Morrissey caught Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) channeling his inner Godwin mere months after being a target of chronic case of cerebral-rectalitis. Hey, I thought we weren’t supposed to say “blood libel” anymore (or does that only apply to those to the right of Che?).
  • It is Beat Duh Bears week part 3, so Dan Collins put up a trash-talk thread. Meat cleavers go through Bear hide just as easily as they did Falcon and Eagle feathers. GO PACK GO!
  • Philip Klein has a couple of rather interesting tidbits from the House vote to repeal PlaceboCare. If I have any steam after this, I need to explore the second item a bit further, but Klein pointed out (without naming, unfortunately) that 10 Democrats who voted against PlaceboCare last year now voted to keep it in place. I’ll name the 10:
    • Jason Altmire (PA 4th)
    • John Barrow (GA 12th)
    • Ben Chandler (KY 6th)
    • Tim Holden (PA 17th)
    • Larry Kissell (NC 8th)
    • Daniel Lipinski (IL 3rd, who also voted for Wreckonciliation)
    • Stephen Lynch (MA 9th)
    • Jim Matheson (UT 2nd)
    • Colin Peterson (MN 7th)
    • Heath Shuler (NC 11th)
  • Back to the “New Tone”, Lieberal Edition – PJ Gladnick caught a Palm Beach presstitute not only ignoring the New Tone, but repeating the early candidate for Lie of the Year in smearing the parents of one of the neurosurgeons who treated Rep. Gabrelle Giffords, as well as a shot at the neurosurgeon himself. Why, if I didn’t know better, I’d say that the lieberals see themselves as the Übermensch (and not in the Nietzsche mode).
  • Back to the Packers/Bears – Wendy and Chris have an interesting bet; donate a food item to a local pantry for each point their favored team (Wendy has the Pack, Chris has those Flatlanders) scores. Since I don’t think it’s going to be a high-scoring game, I’m thinking about donating one for every time the Packers stop Duh Bears. GO PACK GO!
  • Paul has an interesting idea for the debt limit – tie its rasing to PlaceboCare repeal.
  • You know all those polls (mostly stacked rather heavily in favor of Democrats) that claim Teh Won is getting his mojo back? Flap found an interesting sidebar in one of them – a majority of Americans want Obama to pursue more-conservative policies in the last 2 years of his term than he has in his first 2 years.
  • Jim Hoft found a Republican Congresscritter or two willing to cut non-defense discretionary spending to FY2006 levels for the next decade as part of a plan to reduce spending by $2.5 trillion over said decade. The bad news – the adopted FY2010 budget (the last one adopted, and the one the feds are working with still) anticipates a $3.2 trillion deficit between FY2011 (which started back on October 1, 2010) and FY2014. The ugly news – the CBO anticipates $10 trillion in new debt over the next decade, so that $2.5 trillion cut is only 25% of what is needed.
  • Kevin Binversie explains why Manitowoc is the Obama post-STF…er, SOTU speech stop. It’s not the bratwurst.

It’s noon, so it’s time to wrap this up.

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