No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for January 11th, 2011

If it’s the second Tuesday, New Year’s Edition

by @ 15:50. Tags:
Filed under Miscellaneous.

If you missed the Christmas Party Drinking Right, brush the snow off your car and make your way to Papa’s Social Club (7718 W Burleigh in Milwaukee) at 7 pm tonight and drink. Hell, if you made it two Sundays ago, come on down anyway.

The Ame…er, Holloway House of Happy Hacks is now open

by @ 12:29. Filed under Politics - Milwaukee County.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported yesterday that acting Milwaukee County Executive Lee Holloway has appointed Renee Booker, who ran the county’s child welfare division so ineptly that the state shut it down and took it over in 2001, and who was fired from his “make-work job” at the House of Corrections once Scott Walker got settled into office, as the head of the Department of Administrative Services. Booker, who overspent the child welfare division funds to the tune of $6 million, is now responsible for, among other things, purchases the county makes and contracts the county enters.

County Board Supervisor Lynne DeBruin, an opponent of the move and one of those who pushed for Booker’s firing back in 2001, noted that when then-County Board Chair Karen Ordinans and interim County Executive Janine Geske served as temporary County Executives after Tom Ament resigned in disgrace, neither person made any major appointments.

I wonder if it was the crookedness of Booker or his common skin tone with Holloway that attracted Holloway to Booker. Given Holloway’s nature, I’d have to guess both played major roles.

Video of the day – In the Crosshairs – In the Crosshairs

by @ 9:20. Filed under Politics - National.

Uncle Jimbo unloaded on the oh-so-“tolerant” Left with the latest In the Crosshairs (yes, there is a language warning – deal with it):


New course offering from the network that gave you “Fake but accurate”

by @ 7:36. Filed under Presstitute Follies.

Over at Ace of Spades HQ, Genghis ran with the latest bout of outright lying from CBS, the originator of Yellow Telejournalism with their almost-completely-successful smear of Audi. This time, “Professor” Couric introduces us for the very first time to Judy Clarke, defense attorney for Timothy McVeigh. Never mind that no other source has ever found that connection; it is an essential part of the Bullshit Constant.

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