No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Recommended Reading (10/03/10)

by @ 22:39 on October 3, 2010. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Here are, in my view, interesting, noteworthy columns and articles from the past week that I highly recommend:

Compare and contrast: Karl Marx 10-point program of Communism and Democrat agenda

“No federal government has damaged the American free market more than this one. No federal government has stolen more employment, more freedom, more private property — from this and future generations — than this one. No government has created more regulations, more unconstitutional dictates, more — dare I say it — slavery than this one.”

Don’t show all your cards

“If all goes well for Republicans in the midterm elections, they’ll capture the House and maybe the Senate, having revealed few specifics of what they might do in the next Congress. This makes sense. It’s the Chris Christie strategy.”

When blacks attack Obama

“I am forbidden to critique BHO and his boys on anything they say or do. Yes, if I do utter anything derogatory regarding his holiness it is immediately dismissed because of four primary reasons. Herewith are the raisons d’être of why I cannot decry señor Hussein.

Reason #1: I am white. How do I know I’m white? Well, aside from my skin color, one telling mark of my Caucasian-ness is that I have Hall & Oates on my iPod (I always set the treble up higher than the bass) and, of course, my Florence Henderson tattoo. If that ain’t white, I don’t know what is. Since I’m white I’m not allowed to disagree with Obama because that’d be hatred. It’s true. It’s science.

Reason #2: …”

The Ted Pledge

“What Republicans owe the American people is a hefty dose of plain-speaking, bold pragmatism that clearly articulates the GOP’s vision for America. Even I, your humble Motown guitar slayer, remain steadfastly locked on the vision of our Founding Fathers and am prepared to ride to their rescue with the Ted Pledge. My crowbar of logic and truth does not gently weep.”

The Five Biggest Lies about Liberalism

Every now and then liberals like to claim that they’re patriotic. Usually around an election. Of course they’re not patriotic in the ‘wear a flag on your lapel’ kind of way. They’re more patriotic in the ‘point out everything wrong with your country and then threaten to move to Canada if you don’t win the election’ way. Which is fine. America has seen patriots like that before. They used to wear green coats and moved to Canada, right around the time the last British troops left New York on Evacuation Day.”

Quietly racking up the abortion toll

“While Planned Parenthood continues to sit on its annual report for 2008-2009, new documents found hidden on its labyrinthine website give taxpayers an insider’s look into the beleaguered abortion monopoly it is helping fund.

The shocking thing about these numbers is that they are finally dispelling the ubiquitous Planned Parenthood lie that the organization is about something other than abortion.”

Finding Reassurance for America in Baseball

“Anyone who says America is broken, dysfunctional and doomed hasn’t been to a ballgame lately. The people who come out to such sporting events aren’t just the superrich or the privileged few: They represent every economic and ethnic segment of the society. When 20,000 enthusiasts can still find the money to come out to cheer a last place team, it’s inappropriate to peddle apocalyptic visions of a nation made up primarily of the destitute and desperate.”

Toys from our youth that would be illegal today

“A while back I wrote about the Johnny Seven One Man Army rifle (a toy from the sixties that Chuck Schumer would personally ban). What other toys from our youth would the Party of Weakness outlaw in this politically correct day and age?”

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