No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for October 19th, 2009

Set Your DVR

by @ 10:42. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

The latest Rasmussen poll is in and it’s not good for Placebocare.  Only 42% now support “reform” that is anything but.  24% strongly support the legislation and 42% strongly oppose it.

While most of the numbers in the latest poll, other than support is back near its lowest level, haven’t changed, there is one statistic that I found very interesting.  When asked what effect the proposed legislation would have on the cost of health care, 18% answered that the legislation would cause those costs to decrease!  Who the heck are these people?  I can only believe that they are the same folks who believe that the final plan will be a “bipartisan plan!

While the tact the Democrats will take to attempt to pass this atrocity is not yet certain, one thing is certain.  The last time the polling dipped towards the low 40’s% support, President Obama showed up in prime time to buoy it.  With insurance companies, the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations now coming out against Placebocare, the public momentum is not on the side of the Democrat’s.  If polling support drops below 40%, even the Democrats won’t be able to hold together to push this through.  Expect to see another prime time address from President Obama.  You can set your DVR by it!

This Just In….

by @ 5:33. Filed under Obama worship, Politics - National.

The latest White House attempt to marginalize Fox News was on display this weekend. In separate interviews, Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod attempted to say that Fox really wasn’t news. They both went on to say that Fox does things to make money.

Quick, someone contact ABC, NBC and CBS!  I think we have a news flash!

There was a time where the “Big 3” nearly financed the rest of their viewing offerings with the money they made off of the commercial revenue of their nightly news broadcasts.  As recently as 1980, nearly 55 million people nightly, watched the Big 3 network news each evening.  Last year that number was down to 25 million.  In the latest week, less than 21 million people watched the Big 3, a drop of nearly 20% from just last year.  The chart below shows the steady downward trend of network news viewership of the past 3 decades:


If that all wasn’t bad enough, in a recent survey, the total percentage of people who identified one of the Big 3 as the news organization they turned to most was a combined 27.3%. That number for the Big 3 was down almost 3% from 2007. In the same survey, Fox news was identified as the news organization people turned to the most by 28.4%, up nearly 2% since 2007.

I’ll bet the White House thought the Big 3 folks generated “news” when they made lots of money.  Are they now saying that NPR is the only arbiter of what is and isn’t news?  I suppose with all of the newspapers that are going out of business due to lack of subscribers and profit, they could also be purveyors of “news?”

Does the White House really believe that their words will convince those who trust or rely on Fox news not to?  Well, if they believe we buy the line about our insurance not changing with Placebocare, I suppose they could believe this as well.  The problem is, too many folks have now learned the line and repeat each time they hear a whine from the White House about how someone has maligned them, “Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?”

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