It’s been just over a year since Joe Biden called 95% of Americans unpatriotic:
“We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people. It’s time to be patriotic … time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut.”
Apparently, Biden wasn’t the loan wolf that I thought at the time.
In a recent poll, Rasmussen found that 29% of Americans believe that you are selfish if you put the economy ahead of global warming. Fortunately, there are a whole lot more people, 49% who disagree with this assessment. Additionally, 65% believe jobs are more important than global warming. It’s good to know we still have a plurality, if not a majority of sanity yet in this country.
In case you missed it, the $1,761 annually per family that cap and trade will cost us will mostly go back to the government. While President Obama isn’t able to determine what is or isn’t a tax, I can. If you pay the government, you can call it what you want but it boils down to a tax.
Don’t like increased taxes? Want more jobs and a better economy? Not only are you unpatriotic you’re also selfish!
Somewhere in my bloated feed reader, I have the latest destruction of the “hockey stick”. Since I’m about 35,000 feet over Ohio on my iPod, I.can’t retrieve it.
I think as the truth about Gorebal “Warming” comes out, fewer people will put it first or third.