No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for January 19th, 2009

The Morning Scramble – 1/19/2009

by @ 12:46. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Time to put you in the Iron Maiden…


  • NiceDeb proves again, and again, and again, and again, and again that Shoebox was right when he said there was no difference between 57 ‘Rats and 60 ‘Rats.
  • Skip is shocked, SHOCKED that the ‘Rat half of the bipartisan Party-In-Government is seizing another opportunity to expand the pork. News flash – both halves of the bipartisan P-I-G will seize every opportunity (see the above item).
  • Owen found the shine already coming off the HopenChange Express. No matter; the presstitutes will just continue to cover for the next 4-8 years.
  • Charles Johnson presents them with the 2008 Idiotarian Award for just that behavior.
  • Matt Spivey reports the teachers’ unions are also more than willing to participate in the propaganda.
  • SteveT adds the Leftosphere to the propaganda – they’re throwing the race card out at those of us who won’t partake of the Obamination Inauguration.
  • Tom McMahon has the only way to watch that. The staff of NRE is not responsible for alcohol poisoning if one chooses to use it for a drinking game instead of bingo (though I note alcohol poisoning is better than cyanide-laced Kool-Aid).
  • Fausta found that it’s “cool” to fly the flag again. Of course, the flag in question is either the old Soviet Union hammer-and-sickle or this one…
  • Michelle Malkin is shocked, SHOCKED that the official flag of the Obama States of America (or is it Amerika) has been defaced (literally).
  • Jim Hoft declares the War On Terror the most-successful ever, at least in terms of casualties.
  • Dad29 lists some of those Islamokazis who have assumed room cave Hell temperature.
  • DrewM. found a side benefit of going back to the 12th Century – The Plague returns, Islamokazis hardest hit.
  • Thomas Lifson has Exhibit #513,213,592 of UN complicity in the war on Israel. Somehow, I doubt that Israel ending the offensive against Hamas a couple days before their shield in the UNSecurity Council evaporates will save them from having the UN compllicity become official UN policy.
  • John McAdams runs the numbers on the soon-to-be-reality-living-nightmare KRM. Of course, since there’s an additional 9 days of sick leave vacation, it’s “only” a subsidy of $12,000 per year for those who live in Kenosha.
  • Random10 proves Gorebal “Warming”, or at least mandates to combat it, have lethal consequences.
  • Martinra measures how many “a”s it takes to scream.
  • Adam cashes in on the collectible craze with Jack Bauer Commemorative Coins. I guess being out of work has caused Mike Novick to put on a few pounds.

If it’s Monday, and it’s between the Divisional Round and Memorial Day, it must be a “24” Monday. Unfortunately, I won’t be part of the Blogs.4Bauer liveblog tonight (prior committments, dammit), but don’t let that stop you from being part of it.

Another reason to read 4-Block World

by @ 11:02. Filed under Politics - National.

Tom McMahon came up with the definitive Barack Obama Inauguration Speech Bingo and Drinking Game card

Please send all thanks and credit his way (I disabled comments, trackbacks and pingbacks for this post to help you on your way).

It Seemed Like a Good Idea At The Time…

The Shoelets each have a T-shirt that has that saying on the front of it.   As 10 year old boys, there isn’t a caption I can think of, that is at the same time funnier  or truer.   At this age, the Shoelets are completely oblivious to the consequences of their actions.   They focus every moment of their lives in the moment that their lives happen to be in, at the moment.

The same could be said about many in the environmental community.   Too often they get focused on one specific issue or goal and don’t understand the implications or ramifications of their actions.   Case in point.   This article from the Agency who shall not be named.

The article tells about how environmentalists wanted to take the island of Macquarie back to its pristine condition.   Problem was, the island had a bunch of cats, rats, mice and rabbits that had inadvertently attained residence via boat transport over the years.   Well, “pristine” certainly couldn’t include feral cats so folks went about killing them off.   Then, a funny thing happened on the way to “pristine.”   Without the cats to keep them in check i.e. kill and eat them, the rabbits, mice and rats were now living in paradise.   While they lived in paradise, the vegetation of paradise was taking a beating.   With the vegetation taking a beating, the birds that relied on it also took a beating.

After figuring out that their first “fix” didn’t work, the environmentalists are going back for another try.   This time they will get the mice, rats and rabbits all at one time.   Of course, this is going to cost them over $16M for the 49 Sq. Mi. island not to mention that the island has been set back many years in an environmental sense.

In the same vein, here comes the world’s favorite Goreacle Acolyte, Jim Hansen.   He’s moved from being the world’s cheerleader for AGW to becoming the world’s hysteric for AGW:

President ‘has four years to save Earth’

US must take the lead to avert eco-disaster

Hansen’s big concern this time?   The ice caps are melting even faster than we thought which will make the seas rise even higher than we thought and we don’t have any more time to wait!!!!!!   Geez, does this guy ever peruse the internet?  

I find it interesting that Hansen has put a 4 year time frame on responding to his nonsense.   I’m torn on the reason.   It could be that as more and more evidence comes out refuting the link between carbon dioxide and climate change, Hansen may believe his gravy train is about to run out if he doesn’t get it codified by Congress.   On the other hand, it could be that he already believes that Obama will only be a one term President and the next one won’t be as gullible.

I also find it interesting that Hansen took his plea first to the British and US science communities in an attempt to “stir the pot:”

As a result of his fears about sea-level rise, Hansen said he had pressed both Britain’s Royal Society and the US National Academy of Sciences to carry out an urgent investigation of the state of the planet’s ice-caps.

The response?   Radio silence:

However, nothing had come of his proposals.

If rational thought and sound science were applied, I have no doubt that Congress would shelve Hansen, along with his increasingly questionable dataand focus on more pressing matters.   The problem is that Congress isn’t a whole lot different than 10 year olds, they focus every moment of their lives in the moment that their lives happen to be in, at the moment.

20 years from now, after spending billions of dollars, short changing the growth of the economy and showing absolutely no greater control over the earth’s temperature, someone will look back and ask why Hansen, President Obama and Congress led us down an obviously flawed path.   The only answer they will receive, the answer that Congress provides for nearly every issue that in bungles (see Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, TARP etc.) will be, “It seemed like a good idea at the time!”

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