No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for January 13th, 2009

Talk Like Jack Bauer Day – 1/14/2009

by @ 11:21. Tags:
Filed under Miscellaneous.

If it’s the middle of January, it must be right about time for Talk Like Jack Bauer Day. If you forgot how to talk like Jack Bauer, here’s a FAQ for you, dammit!!!!!

The Morning Scramble – 1/13/2009

by @ 10:39. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Metallica was in town last night. Unfortunately, I couldn’t go because “24” was on. In an unusual move, I’m offering two versions of “Master of Puppets”. If you need to avoid f-bombs, head on over to the Townhall version of this place for today’s song from the Alternica days; if you need the full-throated version from a time when Metallica kicked ass and kicked ass (and had plenty of kick-ass), here it is in all its glory…


It’s time for the Alan Shepard’s prayer since I’m getting a Campaign Spot spike – “Please, Lord, don’t let me screw up.”

  • Kathy Carpenter compares and contrasts the attitudes toward the government bailout among the various current-governor GOP candidates for the 2012 nomination. There is a shocker there that Michelle Malkin picked up on; that’s all I’m going to say.
  • Now They Tell Us, Part I – Jim Geraghty found CNN admitting that Barack Obama is looking like a different President than the candidate he posed as.
  • Now They Tell Us, Part II – Amanda Carpenter is shocked, SHOCKED The News Organization That Cannot Be Quoted™ waited until just before Sen. Hillary Clinton’s (D-NY) Secretary of State confirmation hearing begins (or began, depending on how fast I can finish this up) to reveal her Chicago Way bona-fides.
  • Speaking of the Chicago Way, doubleplusundead found a couple of potential Mobsters/future Senators (what’s the difference?) practicing the Chicago version of the Good Samaritan (or at least the robbers who preceded the Samaritan).
  • Back to Obama – Jim Lynch “borrowed” an advance copy of his Inauguration speech. Trust me, it’s an instant classic.
  • Steve Hayward outlines my fears that Obama will be the 5th FDR term.
  • Shoebox wonders how the NAA(L)CP could be so economically blind. It’s either the pastels or the decided lack of red amongst the belles.
  • GayPatriotWest identifies a severe case of Jeff Gannon Disease among the Obama press corps organs.
  • Warner Todd Huston brings news that bloggers are now credentialed media in the eyes of the NYPD. I wonder whether it was the suit those bloggers brought against the NYPD or the possibility that the New York Times will fold this year that caused the change of heart.
  • V the K found another brilliant example of spelling and grammar from the anti-Semite crowd. A missing “s” not quite as classic as the “Juice” episode, but it is very illustrative of the current state of education.
  • Jim Hoft has Exhibit Number 1,432,243 in the decline and collapse of “Great” Britian – the police are being chased off by Islamists, who correctly call them “cowards”.
  • Shoebox exposes the reason why the Not-So-Big Three is now pushing for higher gas taxes. I’m reminded of how GM got the catalytic converter mandated while they had a stranglehold on the market.
  • The quote of the day comes from Doug Powers’s take on the call from Obama to delay the final step in the transition to digitial TV – “In this arena, the government has once again made the Three Stooges look like the U.S. Marine Corps Silent Drill Team.” Since I don’t want to disappoint the Marines, here’s the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon…


    What, you were expecting the Stooges? Okay.


  • The runner-up comes from doubleplusundead’s news of the latest RINO Senate cave – Orrin Hatch (“R”-UT) acceptance of Eric “Pardons For Sale” Holder as Attorney General – “Who needs enemies when you have friends like this?”
  • If only they would take AWR Hawkins’ advice and ignore the 3 ‘Rat Rules of Politics.
  • Lance Burri wants gridlock instead of bailouts. After the veto-proof approval of a $10 billion land grab that oh-so-“conveniently” restores a major portion of the drill ban and the item 2 spots above, I’m not hopeful.
  • Flip proves that the natural extension of gridlock, Congress not being in town, is far better for the economy. 43 years of history cannot be completely wrong, especially when the difference is better than an order of magnitude.
  • Kevin Jackson proves that being poor pays.
  • Nick Schweitzer found the true lesson of a “Green” stunt pulled by a freshman Congresscritter – alternate fuels are not ready for prime time.
  • JammieWearingFool found an early candidate for Worst Father of the Year. I guess all those involved were just doing business transactions that legal Americans refuse to do when the father sold his daughter off for marriage in exchange for a promise for money, beer and meat. Bonus chutzpah – Papi went to the police to get his daughter back when his son-in-law didn’t cough up all the dough.
  • Your Health Minute, Part I – Christian Schneider links corn subisides, poor health, and calls for socializing health care like we did farming.
  • Your Health Minute, Part II – Lance Burri links socialized health care and government-mandated diets. I guess my mantra of not wanting to live forever, much less living forever on somebody else’s dime is out of vogue.
  • Adam found a show “ripped off” by “24”.

But Aren’t We Post Racial Now?

by @ 8:25. Filed under Miscellaneous.
Slavery Dresses?

Slavery Dresses?

According to this article, the NAACP is complaining that these costumes of an Alabama contingent reminds them of slavery and shouldn’t be allowed in the inauguration parade.     This really shows just how out of touch the NAACP has become.  

Isn’t it ironic that the NAACP nearly without exception, supported a black man to live in a big white house with columns?


Isn’t it also ironic that the man they backed is now  espousing economic policies that will  enslave all of us to burdensome deficits for generations to come?

Get antifreeze – Drinking Right is tonight

This is the Emergency Blogging System. It has been activated because Steve is trying to defrost in time for Drinking Right tonight.

That’s right, sports fans. It’s the second Tuesday of the month, so it’s time for another round (or two, or three) of Drinking Right. This is your 12-hour warning to be at Papa’s Social Club, 7718 W. Burleigh in Milwaukee.

This is a blogging emergency. Insufficient levels of antifreeze have been known to cause very bad things to happen. You are instructed to replenish them to a sufficient, yet safe level, along with delicious pizza from Mama’s right next door.

Who’s Zoomin’ Who?

by @ 5:24. Filed under Miscellaneous.

From an article in USA Today:

Carmakers lean toward higher gas tax to fuel small-car sales

Well isn’t that just special!

For the two of you are are still wondering whether bailing out the Big 3 was a good or bad thing, wonder no more.

The govt. has become a significant shareholder of GM, Chrysler and soon to be Ford.   Those stakes are likely to be dramatically increased once Obama et. al. send another $12 – $18 billion their direction.   Don’t forget that as a part of the Big 3 bailout the Govt. gets to have an auto Tsar oversee and approve all kinds of activity of the Big 3 including how focused they are at loving Mother Earth and ostensibly whether they will make any money.

It’s well known that the Big 3 make most, if not all of their profit (well, if they make any profit at all), on large vehicles; trucks, SUV, large sedans.   The smaller the car, generally, the less money they make.   In fact, the Prius is still believed by many auto experts not to produce any profit at all.

It seems like the Big 3 are left between the proverbial rock and hard place.   On one hand they need to deliver a plan that shows they can be profitable.   On the other hand, in order to show their lover for Mother Earth and meet CAFE standards they need to find a way to sell more small cars, where they make less money.   How do they achieve both?   Simple!

The Obama administration  will have  to show that all the money they will pump into the auto companies has at least the facade of returning to profitability.   They also want lots more Green cars made and sold.   The magical part of this equation is that the Obama administration will soon be the most influential shareholder of the Big 3 and through gas taxes, have the ability to dictate higher gas prices thus driving consumers to smaller vehicles in a way that normal market factors can not.  

As an added consumer benefit, as demand for the smaller vehicles is driven by higher gas prices the price of the smaller vehicles will increase as well.   While this is counter to normal market forces you’ll need to remember that govt. induced decisions are not normal market forces.   Don’t believe me?   They say it themselves:

Automakers want to be able to charge premium prices for their smaller cars to make up for profits lost when sales of high-margin trucks fell off a cliff. They also must cover the cost of fuel-economy-related hardware and materials needed to meet federal rules "” as much as $1,000 a car.

Free markets provide the most options for the lowest price.   In contrast, government intervened markets give you all kinds of perversions in both options and pricing.  

Perversions used to be exception and something that “nice folks” tended to avoid.   With the ever expanding hand of government influencing markets of all kinds it looks like you’ll need to be perverse to avoid being compromised in the governments perversions.

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