The drunkblog below may not be the best record of the debate (I do recommend the gang at The Weekly Standard; they weren’t drinking heavily), but once the debate got onto the stated topic of foreign policy, the schooling of one Barack Obama by John McCain began in earnest. It was so much of a schooling that the refrain of the night from Obama, “I agree with John,” became an instant McCain commercial…
I must note that this was also a common theme in the Republican debates, and we know how the Republican primaries turned out.
The Lie of the Night also belonged to Obama, who mischaracterized former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s words into support for unconditional meetings with Iran’s leaders. That also earned an instant smackdown from Kissinger (via Stephen F. Hayes and TWS).
Obama is an expert on nothing. He has no expertise on anything at all. The default position of 40% of American dimbulbs is that because Obama won the Democrat nomination, he must have some qualifications for the office of President.
He has none. Zero. Nada. Zilch. He is good at one thing in life……flapping his gums. What astounds me is the Conservative side’s willingness to concede one inch that this man is noble, honorable or qualified for anything.
His own record, his own associations, his own sordid Chicago attachments, his own ego and his own non-stop stuttering isn’t enough to convince the dimbulbs that want to believe in nonsense.
The fact that this man is so close to the Presidency is very scary.
Are you people insane! You support the republicans even though they have taken the US into another Vietnam and thrashed your economy and morale standing in the world. McCain has had so much damage to his body you can bet that he also suffered brain damage. I would like to see a CT of his brain on the net. It would read generalized cerebral atrophy. But because of your “elect a Republican or scorch the US position” you will still vote for McCain and his bubble headed running mate.
At least our “bubble headed” running mate is running for VP instead of the Pres. slot!