In her Monday night address, Michelle Obama told the audience that she loves America. In the twelve hours since, the MSM has been carrying the issue as if it was some kind of great revelation. They point to this comment as if it should silence concerns about her patriotism.
From a recap by Brent Baker:
NBC’s Chuck Todd decided "this is definitely a response in some ways to that whole kerfuffle that she created for herself, six or eight months ago, about being proud to be an American."
CBS’ George Stephanopoulos gets the “suck up of the night” award with his take on Michelle:
"Tonight, there was no doubt. The money line in this speech was that line when she said, ‘that is why I love this country,’ and she lingered."
My question is: Why is any of this remarkable? Wouldn’t we expect the possible First Lady to “Love America?” After all, didn’t Michelle mark for us the exact time she began loving America when in a speech in February she said:
For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is making a comeback.
Wouldn’t it be expected that she still loves America? Why would the media be making a big deal of her love for America?
The reason Michelle Obama’s line of “I love this country” is newsworthy is not because it settles any concerns about her patriotism. The reason it is newsworthy is that she is the only Obama we’ve seen that has managed to maintain consistency on a core issue in the past six months.