The Beatles described The Blunder Twins ticket perfectly back in the day…
Yes, I’m late, but because it’s Open Thread Thursday, I won’t deliver a lot of links.
- Jett Atwood provides the ‘Toon of the Week™…
- Dad29 wonders about the down-ticket impact of the Obamination Express, and suggests to keep an eye on Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional race.
- Jim Lynch captures another sneak peek at the Obamessiah Greek Temple.
- Jim Geraghty took one for the team last night. He and Mark Hemingway even did a few videos for us.
- Fred invites us to read the real record on Obama. Yes, Geraldine Ferraro was correct.
- More Fred – he exposes what the liberals call “charity” – funneling your money through government so their consciences can be placated.
- Katie Favazza summarizes the case against CubaCare.
- Matt Burden put up some extended thoughts on the Blackfive tour of Blackwater.
- One last Geraghty nugget; he proves that good is bad in the eyes of the ‘Rats. After all, they are the party of “1% GDP growth is good enough”.
I will be live- drunk-blogging the Obamination Coronation tonight, so tune in later.