The roll-call vote is up now, and Arkansas threw all of their votes to Barack Obama after Hillary Clinton released them at the last minute. So much for favorite daughter status.
No state thus far (through Delaware) has cast all the pledged delegates that Clinton had going into today for her, though DC did throw more votes her way than pledged delegates (it still was under the combined pledged/superdelegates total). Guess that pre-vote in the hotels worked wonders.
I hope the McCain campaign was paying attention to what Shoebox said this morning.
Revisions/extensions (5:43 pm 8/27/2008) – I honestly don’t know why California passed on its turn. The last Green Papers estimate of delegates, back in June, gave Clinton a 29-delegate lead (with 6 uncommitted) there, and Obama had a significant lead before California’s turn came up.
Now the yield game is going on. New Mexico to Illinois to New York.
R&E part 2 (5:49 pm 8/27/2008) – One last knife-twist into the heart of the PUMAs delivered by the cackling Clinton, as she calls for “One Vision, One Purpose” and Obama by acclimation as only Anton Slavik can. No dissent allowed.