No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for August 25th, 2008

Roll bloat and bleg – doing it Day by Day

by @ 16:11. Filed under The Blog.

Old dummy me, despite being a fan of Chris Muir’s “Day by Day”, hadn’t added the best cartoon on the ‘Net until now. Chris even added a nice little mouseover feature, which is what I’m using.

There is another reason besides that I’m adding it now; Chris needs your help. The cartoon is now his job, and he needs some cash to keep it going. He’s even throwing in some goodies for the donors. I’ve done the Sam Level; surely you can do something. The details are back on his main page.

Democratic National Convention Day 1 – open thread

by @ 15:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I don’t know how much attention I’ll be paying attention tonight because it’s going to be Bridezill…er, Michelle Obama that’s featured. I’m sure she’ll make a few gaffes (the over/under is 3.5), so consider this your open thread.

Revisions/extensions (4:15 pm 8/25/2008) – I won’t be paying attention at all; I have the annual school board meeting to attend and the local version of the tax-and-spenders to stop. I’m shocked, SHOCKED that they want a 9% increase (actually, I’m pissed off that they do).

R&E part 2 (9:04 pm 8/25/2008) – I’m bogarting the Ace of Spades HQ open thread. Also, Jim Geraghty is reporting that tear gas has been used on the Recreate ’68ers. Beautiful.

The Morning Scramble, Part 2 – 8/25/2008

by @ 9:39. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I’ve done so many of these, I don’t know if I’m starting to duplicate songs like a bad radio station. Oh well; eddiebear reminded me I missed John Lee Hooker’s birthday by a few days, so let’s roll with him…


  • Ed Morrissey highlights another outreach from Team McCain to the PUMAs.
  • Cuffy Meigs highlights 3 women who are now very much in play for John McCain’s VP, including a new player, former eBay CEO Meg Whitman.
  • The Vintage one points out Whitman is pro-life.
  • Michael Medved shills for non-starter Kay Bailey Hutchison.
  • Curt found another non-starter, Colin Powell. Looks like I’ll have to start thinking about a last-minute look at the choices for McCain.
  • Bill Quick discovered lowering taxes is still a winning issue. You folks in Madison paying attention?
  • Soren Dayton stirs the pot of the RNC chair race.
  • Lady Logician blows up the MPR/UMinn poll claiming a lead for Al Franken with the poll’s own numbers.
  • Speaking of polls, Bruce Walker found an encouraging baseline trend over the last 13 Battleground Polls. Of course, I have a salient question; if anywhere between 58% and 63% of respondents identify themselves as “conservatives” versus either “moderates” or “liberals”, with 60% in the current one, how in the <expletive deleted> did we end up with the most-liberal set of Presidential nominees since 1972?
  • Allahpundit caught Virginia Governor and Obama VP short-lister Tim Kaine (D) skipping out on geography.
  • Kate explains the ‘Rat tax plan in sports terms.
  • Carol Platt Liebau chronicles the latest episodes of Leftist moral equivalence.
  • Ed Driscoll welcomes noted porker former Senator Trent “Cave-A-“Lott (R) to the porkbuster party with the usual satire.
  • LBG is running down why John Edwards is refunding donations made from the America he is a part of (the rich America), while he isn’t refunding donations from the America he claims to be fighting for (the poor America). Guess he’s just doing his part to make sure that he wasn’t lying when he said there are Two Americas.
  • Stephen Green defends Denver from the presstitute portion of the Leftist assault.
  • JammieWearingFool Presstitute Follies, Part I – he caught Pennsylvania Governor (and Clinton superdelegate) Ed Rendell slipping an obvious truth out – PMSNBC is the official network of the Obaminaton Express.
  • JammieWearingFool Presstitute Follies, Part II – he caught the nutroots threating The News Organization That Cannot Be Named™ for not showing 110% fealty toward the Obamination. Can I root for both sides to lose here?
  • Patrick delivers last night’s dose of Gorebal “Warming” – a frost and freeze around the west end of Lake Superior. While it is not unprecedented (I’ve been there mostly this time of year the last 15 years), it is highly-unusual.
  • Aaron states the obvious (or what would be obvious to anybody who watched the “oil” episode of “Modern Marvels” the other week); there’s a lot more than just gasoline that is made from oil.
  • Continuing with the Hot Air pluggage (only partially because they have temporarily opened the door for registration) – Ed Morrissey reports that a land swap could solve the ANWR standoff…if the goal of the envirowhackos was to protect the environment and not to send us back to the 13th Century.
  • Lawhawk has the three-years-later Katrina wrap-up.
  • Randall Hoven has a point-by-point destruction of the Left’s lies about Iraq.
  • Back to lawhawk – he digs the truth behind the Red Chinese infrastructure. What is the Chinese word for Potemkin?
  • Owen reports on a solar-powered plane that’s managed to stay aloft more than 3 days. Nice, but I have a question; what happens in the winter when there’s little sunlight, and that sunlight delivers less energy?
  • Uncle Jimbo, Matt Burden, Mary Katharine Ham, and a few others went down to North Carolina to visit Blackwater. If you notice a greenish tint to my skin, it’s not because I’m sick.

The Morning Scramble, Part 1 (O’Biden Special) – 8/25/2008

by @ 8:51. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Here we go again with the multi-parters; there’s too much out there from the weekend…


  • Before we begin, I must note that the door is now open at Hot Air (at least as I type this; it should slam shut later today).
  • Ed Morrissey points out Barack Obama is retreating and defeating from his “50 states” (or is it 57, or perhaps 58?) strategy.
  • Why 58? Sean M. discovered a new Obamination State – Eau Claire. Is there something the boys at On The BorderLine aren’t telling us, or is it yet another Obamination Gaffe?
  • Speaking of gaffes, Mike caught the old hand of the ‘Rat ticket, Joe Biden getting Barack Hussein Obama’s name wrong. At least he didn’t call him Osama like The Swimmer and CNN.
  • Dad29 found an Iranian policy more-dangerous than no-conditions negotiations; no-conditions cash. No wonder Obama took Biden.
  • Slublog ran with that for another Classic SluShop.
  • Michelle Malkin goes deep into the memory vault for Biden’s own Tuzla moment.
  • James T. Harris dips into the memory vault for Biden’s views on another groundbreaking American of African descent.
  • Mary found more SCOTUS problems for Biden.
  • Shoebox lists the three reasons why we have the O’Biden ticket. No, I’ve never seen Shoebox and Allahpundit in the same room, and I also note that Ed Morrissey is from the same state as Shoe </baseball_inside>.
  • Patrick Hynes notes the disparity between the presstitute’s and the populace’s views of the O’Biden ticket.
  • Fausta found a great car dealership commercial riffing on Obama’s plan to leave us nothing but change. How fitting that the car we can afford isn’t made here.
  • Trail-Mix has a classic badge on that ¢hange.
  • Alice H found LogoGate Part Deux.
  • Serr8d dug up the first draft of the Obonga-Bidog ticket logo.
  • Michael Medved discovered that this is the first time since 1940 that either the ‘Rats or the Pubbies put up a ticket completely devoid of military experience. Unfortunately, that worked for the ‘Rats the last time they tried it.
  • PUMA Alert, Part I – Charlie Sykes discovered that John McCain’s closing in the polls is due to the PUMAs.
  • PUMA Alert, Part II – The Vintage one recounts an icy exchange between a Hillary Clinton delegate and an Obama one.
  • PUMA Alert, Part III – PJ-Comix notes the DUmmies want the PUMAs to drop dead. What national parks are near Denver?
  • PUMA Alert, Part IV – Ed Morrissey found Obama supporters throwing the race card against PUMAs of a certain natural tan level. I’m shocked, SHOCKED!
  • PUMA Alert, Part V – Slublog has another Classic SluShop on this.

The rest of the weekend will be recapped shortly.

Thank God for failed World Tours and failed ex-Senators

by @ 8:02. Filed under Politics - National.

(H/T – Allahpundit)

The American Spectator reports that Barack Obama really wanted Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius as his second. However, the disastrous World Tour and the influence of former Senate ‘Rat leader Tom Daschle led him away from the nightmare pick to one that, outside of presstitute and ‘Rat circles (I do repeat myself), is getting roundly slammed.

If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join ’em

by @ 5:38. Filed under Politics - National.

After campaigning for over eighteen months as the candidate of “Hope and Change,” Barack Obama succumbed to the sucking, black hole of Washington politics and officially became the candidate of “Same ol’, same ol'” on Saturday.   Rather than picking a VP nominee who would re-energize his claim for change in Washington, Obama chose a man who in all liklihood, will shortly have only six other Congressional members  with longer tenure and be second only to Daniel Inouye in terms of Senatorial tenure.

How the heck did  Obama end up here?   How and when did “Hope and Change” get tossed under the Obamination bus?

There were inklings  that Obama’s slogan of “Hope and Change” was never a vision but just, well, a campaign slogan.   Inklings but not absolute confirmations.   Inklings like:

  • His South Chicago political heritage where he had significant involvement with ACORN, was vetted by the likes of William Ayers and defeated political opponents who mysteriously had sealed divorce documents opened by courts with coincidental timing that doesn’t pass the smell test of Barry’s repeated “I didn’t know!”
  • His 20+ year association with Jeremiah Wright.   An association which Obama says was created from a mutual love of Christ.   However, the more we know of Wright and his teachings, an association that seems to have been more about attaining a gravitas designed to support his political aspirations.
  • Even though it was people like  Oprah  and  Nancy Pelosi who have anointed Obama with deity like status, Barack himself seemed overly comfortable in this suit provided to him.   In particular was his speech in St. Paul where in referring to the day of his election he said:
  • …This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal. This was the moment when we ended a war, and secured our nation, and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.

While we had inklings, a large group, probably a majority of Americans, were still entranced by the message of “Hope and Change.” They really wanted to believe that Barack was something different than the remainder of Washington, whose public approval ratings, regardless of position, had dropped to levels rarely ever seen. This desire for something different is what Obama harnessed and rode for seventeen months. He rode it up until three recent events.

The first event started a little over a month ago. It was Obama’s “World Tour”. The tour was taken to give Barack a chance to say he’d been to Iraq and that things were still all screwed up.   He also needed to spend time with heads of states in countries he previously couldn’t find on a map. In short, the “World Tour” was set up to directly address perceived shortcomings in Obama’s military/Iraq knowledge and foreign affairs.

Yeah, that was the plan. It’s got to suck when well laid plans don’t turn out like you want them to. Even Time Magazine recognized that, rather than reinforcing his ability to handle foreign and military affairs,  Barack’s “World Tour” left many Americans with the impression that he was ignoring domestic issues.   The “World Tour”  left people with the impression that in fact, “The One” had become presumptuous. The net result of the “World Tour” is that Barack Obama lost several points in the national polls.   A secondary but I believe more impacting  cause of the loss of “Hope,”  is that the resulting drop by Obama in national polls started questioning, particularly in the MSM, about why Barack wasn’t smoking McCain in the polls.

The second event leading to the loss of “Hope,” was the Russian invasion of Georgia.   The Russian invasion was a test of Obama’s ability to answer the 3 A.M. call.   While McCain immediately recognized and called the parties what they were, i.e. Russia = aggressor, Georgia = ally, Obama tried several times to nuance his position.   To people who were watching, it appeared that Obama needed a program to be able to tell the good guys from the bad guys.

The resulting failing grade of Obama’s 3 A.M. test reinforced concerns that he lacked foreign affairs experience.   I believe it was this experience that forced Barack Obama to abandon his personal “Hope and Change” and caused him to choose Joe Biden for his VP.

The final event in the series was the Saddleback Civil Forum.   While getting specific questions, Obama’s responses were attempts at nuance and avoided specificity.   The most talked about example was when asked whether he believed that life began at conception, he responded by saying it was “above his paygrade” to make that determination.  

Saddleback was the first time that Americans got a chance to see Obama and McCain in a (nearly) head to head debate.   No one, not even Obama apologists could say that Obama had the better evening.   The feedback from Saddleback was that when compared head to head, people believed McCain had answers.   They did not believe that Mr. “Dance and Nuance” actually had answers that let them continue to “Hope for Change.”  

I believe Team Obama came to a painful realization following Saddleback.   Team Obama recognized that nuance was not going to let them win the  three actual head to head debates coming against McCain and in turn the election.   Team Obama realized after Saddleback that to win the election, the path forward would require one of two choices; either get specific with answers or attack McCain fiercely to move the discussion off of Obama’s policy   and put McCain on the defensive.   They would need someone on the ticket who could  hit McCain and let Obama “stay above the fray.”

Enter Joe Biden.

As I said earlier, I believe Biden became the front runner in Obama’s mind following the response he received from Russian/Georgia incident.   However, I also believe that each of the three incidents lead to confirm in Obama’s mind the need to abandon “Hope” and return to South Side Chicago politics.   “Hope and Change” was a great way to get win an affirmative action  cause disguised as a popularity contest (Democrat primaries), but not all American voters were only using their emotions.   As Barack is finding out some of America’s voters, even some registered Democrats, use their brains in voting for a President and those folks want answers.

So Barack  got Joe who:

  • Is amongst the longest serving of any Congress member
  • Has staff and family members who are or are tied to Washington lobbyists
  • Voted against the first Gulf War and for the Iraq invasion
  • Voted to give babies born after botched abortions, protection
  • Has no experience acheiving success outside of politics.

and with that choice became the candidate of “Same ol’, Same ol’.”

You see in the end, the only “Hope and Change”  that Obama was or is, about is the “Hope” that he becomes President and the “Change” he wants to impose on you.   In the end, Obama has the same self focused, it’s all about me perspective that is more the rule than the exception in elected leadership.

Hey, you Obamamanicas, don’t worry, Barack will still talk about “Hope and Change.”   He’ll need to pass out additional hits to get you through the dimming of his election hopes.

A Resounding THUD!

by @ 5:33. Filed under Politics - National.

That’s the sound that has echoed back from the choice of Joe Biden as Barack Obama’s VP pick.

According to a new poll done by CNN, the first poll done completely since Biden’s announcement, Obama and McCain are now in a dead heat.   The poll shows an erasure of a seven point lead from just one month ago.

To be fair, the THUD isn’t really due to Biden. If anything, other polls  have shown Biden to be a net zero on Obama.

No, the THUD is wholly owned by “The One!”

The THUD is owned by the person who surely thought he needed no one but himself to attain the Presidency.

The THUD is owned by the candidate who’s poll numbers are dropping faster than NBC’s ratings following the Olympics

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