No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for August 5th, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 8/5/2008

by @ 9:18. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

This is my last one until late next week, so I have to “thank” Prince Fielder and Manny Parra for providing the inspiration for this song…


Before we begin, I have to direct your attention to Badger Blogger – Bruce caught a Wisconsin DNR employee dumping goose crap and an anti-bacterial foaming chemical into a storm sewer multiple times. Do read the whole thing.

  • Okay; on with the show – Paul Socha runs through the list of other things (besides Barack Obama’s birthday gift) the Obamination Express will lose.
  • Josh Schroeder explains the official logo of the Obamalympics.
  • Shoebox found a set of expired words that got the presstitutes in an uproar – Obama’s previous support of not tapping into the Strategic Oil Reserve.
  • Jim Geraghty asks, “Does a poll drop count as an emergency?” It most certainly does, especially since…
  • Carol Platt Liebau found PUMAs continuing to lurk about, and…
  • Geraghty notes the core of the Obamination, including one of his delegates, is questioning his head-fake to the middle (they want nothing but a hard tack to Communism), and…
  • PJ-Comix laughs at the virtual disappearance of poll from DUmmie- and KOmmie-land.
  • James T. Harris found the change the liberals are hoping for. Yes, that is an empty seat.
  • Charlie Sykes explains the Obamination Oil Plan. Say, where’s that $200/person the gubmint wants to steal from “Big Oil” that isn’t slated to go back to consumers going?
  • Matt Wolking sticks his neck out on the prediction for Obama’s running mate – Evan Bayh. I double-dog-dare Obama to do it.
  • DrewM found the racist (per the New York Times) who first linked Obama and Paris Hilton – Barack Hussein Obama.
  • Michael J. O’Shea compares Obama to JaMarcus Russell. I’m thinking more along the lines of Ryan Leif.
  • Mark McNally spotted Obama in fantasy land. I’m thinking his call to “(end) the age of oil in our time” is more like Neville Chamberlain’s “peace in our time”.
  • JammieWearingFool found the latest ex-friend of McCain to dump on him; someone who supposedly spent Christmas in Cambodia and who wanted McCain to be his running mate 4 short years ago.
  • Gabriel Malor answers whether President Bush could call the House back into session. He could, but he won’t.
  • Mark Tapscott and Allahpundit provide the point-counterpoint of the wisdom of that refusal. It’s the old “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” schtick. Considering a lot of the problems the Pubbies have is they didn’t do anything, I’m more inclined to go with Tapscott’s take.
  • Michelle Bachmann delivered an open letter to SanFranNan.
  • Flip reports the Texas Tea Party will continue until at least Friday. I would so much like to hear news that Congress is back in session to take up widespread drilling when I get back from vacation, but that’s a pipe dream.
  • Dr. Melissa Clouthier mourns the death of Michigan. Somehow, I have a feeling I’ll be doing the same for Wisconsin in a few years.
  • Michelle Malkin proudly presents Jason Mattera versus William “The Freezer” Jefferson. The reason I went with Michelle’s link instead of Hot Air’s is I want you to catch the FlipShop.
  • John Hawkins explains the election in 300 words. I could go shorter, but then I’d be using a lot of expletives.
  • Kevin Fischer found a politically-correct candy manufacturer threatening our Reeses over Gorebal “Warming”. Somehow, I don’t think the crowd behind Gorebal “Warming” will leave Reeses alone when they shift fire to “Big Candy”.
  • Sister Toldjah reports Sarah Palin is suing the EPA over the designation of polar bears as “threatened”, despite a lack of scientific or numerical basis. She definitely has some big brass ones.
  • Owen found the local NWS office asking, “Where’s the heat?” That’s right, Milwaukee hasn’t had this few 90-degree days over the first 7+ years of a decade since the 1900s (the same in Madison goes back to the 1920s), and that there has been a downward trend in 90-degree days since the 1980s (culminating with zero so far this year). Once again, how are we winning the scientific battles and losing the political war on Gorebal “Warming”?
  • Ed Morrissey found cap-and-trade tax failing in Europe. Paging Sen. McCain. Paging John McCain. Please pick up the blue clue-phone.
  • Lance Burri proves that, once again, it’s all about transfering the money raised from high gas prices from “Big Oil” to Hugh Gubmint for the lieberal envirowhackos.
  • Kat explains the real-world costs of high-priced gas.
  • Deebow reveals just how worthless Britainistan has been in Basra. No, I’m not talking about the lack of good food regular chatizen at The Ed Morrissey Show JetBlast-Iraq complains about regularily, though the Brits were also responsible for that.

Drill Here, Drill Now Tuesday – 8/5/2008

by @ 6:56. Filed under Energy.

This idea was started by Jessi at Wake Up America. It will appear here every Tuesday (whether I’m here or not; the only difference is I won’t be able to update the current gas price while on vacation) until Congress wakes up and allows a lot more domestic drilling (I’m not talking about just ANWR, or just off the Florida coast where Cuba, Red China and Brazil are preparing to drink our milkshake, or just the shale fields in the Rockies).

My Gas Price (south suburban Milwaukee County, Wisconsin): $3.849/gallon cash // $3.909/gallon credit for regular unleaded

America needs to drill here drill now. America is having a energy crisis, and we need to do something now!

Urge Congress to pass a bill to drill in America, where the United States has vast oil and gas resources onshore and offshore that are currently illegal to develop and therefore inaccessible.

U.S. law prohibits the development of approximately 38 billion barrels of undeveloped oil resources (19 billion barrels onshore and 18.92 billion offshore).

U.S. law prohibits the development of approximately 180 trillion cubic feet of undeveloped natural gas resources (94.5 trillion cubic feet onshore and 85.7 trillion cubic feet offshore).



With oil prices at an all-time high, Americans are facing escalating gas, diesel, and aircraft fuel increases. Oil prices are projected to increase further.

Congress, however, has made it illegal to develop vast domestic oil resources in large parts of the United States.

The most startling Congressional prohibition on domestic oil production concerns the recently enacted ban on the development of oil shale resources in parts of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming in the Green River Formation. According to a Rand Study estimate, this reserve contains over one trillion barrels of oil, with 800 billion barrels fully recoverable, or three times the current oil reserves as Saudi Arabia.

If you haven’t already done so, first sign the petition to call for more drilling, then sign the one to get Congress back to DC so they can allow more drilling faster.

Ouch! This is Going to Leave a Mark!

by @ 5:35. Filed under Politics - National.

You know it has to be bad when the two major press agencies note your rapidly changing position:

From The Agency Who Will Not Be Quoted:

Well, I can’t quote them so let’s just say that they recognized that he now wants to tap the SPRO something he didn’t want to do just a couple of weeks back.

From Reuters:

Barack Obama proposed tapping the strategic oil reserves to help lower gas prices, a reversal of a stance he made just weeks ago.

Even the All Barack Company (ABC) noted his flip:

Last month Obama affirmed his original position to reporters, “I do not believe that we should use this strategic oil reserves at this point,”

If he really is the Messiah, shouldn’t he have seen this change coming?

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