This is my last one until late next week, so I have to “thank” Prince Fielder and Manny Parra for providing the inspiration for this song…
Before we begin, I have to direct your attention to Badger Blogger – Bruce caught a Wisconsin DNR employee dumping goose crap and an anti-bacterial foaming chemical into a storm sewer multiple times. Do read the whole thing.
- Okay; on with the show – Paul Socha runs through the list of other things (besides Barack Obama’s birthday gift) the Obamination Express will lose.
- Josh Schroeder explains the official logo of the Obamalympics.
- Shoebox found a set of expired words that got the presstitutes in an uproar – Obama’s previous support of not tapping into the Strategic Oil Reserve.
- Jim Geraghty asks, “Does a poll drop count as an emergency?” It most certainly does, especially since…
- …Carol Platt Liebau found PUMAs continuing to lurk about, and…
- …Geraghty notes the core of the Obamination, including one of his delegates, is questioning his head-fake to the middle (they want nothing but a hard tack to Communism), and…
- PJ-Comix laughs at the virtual disappearance of poll from DUmmie- and KOmmie-land.
- James T. Harris found the change the liberals are hoping for. Yes, that is an empty seat.
- Charlie Sykes explains the Obamination Oil Plan. Say, where’s that $200/person the gubmint wants to steal from “Big Oil” that isn’t slated to go back to consumers going?
- Matt Wolking sticks his neck out on the prediction for Obama’s running mate – Evan Bayh. I double-dog-dare Obama to do it.
- DrewM found the racist (per the New York Times) who first linked Obama and Paris Hilton – Barack Hussein Obama.
- Michael J. O’Shea compares Obama to JaMarcus Russell. I’m thinking more along the lines of Ryan Leif.
- Mark McNally spotted Obama in fantasy land. I’m thinking his call to “(end) the age of oil in our time” is more like Neville Chamberlain’s “peace in our time”.
- JammieWearingFool found the latest ex-friend of McCain to dump on him; someone who supposedly spent Christmas in Cambodia and who wanted McCain to be his running mate 4 short years ago.
- Gabriel Malor answers whether President Bush could call the House back into session. He could, but he won’t.
- Mark Tapscott and Allahpundit provide the point-counterpoint of the wisdom of that refusal. It’s the old “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” schtick. Considering a lot of the problems the Pubbies have is they didn’t do anything, I’m more inclined to go with Tapscott’s take.
- Michelle Bachmann delivered an open letter to SanFranNan.
- Flip reports the Texas Tea Party will continue until at least Friday. I would so much like to hear news that Congress is back in session to take up widespread drilling when I get back from vacation, but that’s a pipe dream.
- Dr. Melissa Clouthier mourns the death of Michigan. Somehow, I have a feeling I’ll be doing the same for Wisconsin in a few years.
- Michelle Malkin proudly presents Jason Mattera versus William “The Freezer” Jefferson. The reason I went with Michelle’s link instead of Hot Air’s is I want you to catch the FlipShop.
- John Hawkins explains the election in 300 words. I could go shorter, but then I’d be using a lot of expletives.
- Kevin Fischer found a politically-correct candy manufacturer threatening our Reeses over Gorebal “Warming”. Somehow, I don’t think the crowd behind Gorebal “Warming” will leave Reeses alone when they shift fire to “Big Candy”.
- Sister Toldjah reports Sarah Palin is suing the EPA over the designation of polar bears as “threatened”, despite a lack of scientific or numerical basis. She definitely has some big brass ones.
- Owen found the local NWS office asking, “Where’s the heat?” That’s right, Milwaukee hasn’t had this few 90-degree days over the first 7+ years of a decade since the 1900s (the same in Madison goes back to the 1920s), and that there has been a downward trend in 90-degree days since the 1980s (culminating with zero so far this year). Once again, how are we winning the scientific battles and losing the political war on Gorebal “Warming”?
- Ed Morrissey found cap-and-
tradetax failing in Europe. Paging Sen. McCain. Paging John McCain. Please pick up the blue clue-phone. - Lance Burri proves that, once again, it’s all about transfering the money raised from high gas prices from “Big Oil” to Hugh Gubmint for the lieberal envirowhackos.
- Kat explains the real-world costs of high-priced gas.
- Deebow reveals just how worthless Britainistan has been in Basra. No, I’m not talking about the lack of good food regular chatizen at The Ed Morrissey Show JetBlast-Iraq complains about regularily, though the Brits were also responsible for that.