No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for May, 2008

May 6, 2008

I Don’t Remember the Golden Calf Working out Well the First Time

by @ 5:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

PETA pushes for tribute to honor cows killed at stockyards

An animal rights group wants a memorial to slaughtered cows erected at the site of South St. Paul’s stockyards.

In a Monday letter to Greg Miller, president of the company that is developing 27 acres of land vacated by Central Livestock last month, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals urges that he “recognize this site’s historical significance and honor the millions of cows auctioned off for slaughter.”

This is one place where I’m happy to jump in with the Darwinians…we evolved further therefore we get to make the rules, we win.  

Do these look in need of subsidies?

by @ 5:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

The following charts so the price activity for the three largest US grain products.

In the face of these commodities having increases of at least 60% in the last year, Congress is looking to dramatically increase farm subsidies.

Congress is debating a farm subsidy bill  that would be $300 billion dollars over the next 5 years.   For those of you keeping score, that amounts to $2,678 for every American family.   In Barack Obama’s world, this amounts to nothing as it’s only $45 per month per family (He thinks $30 savings each month from the elimination of the gas tax is “nothing”).

While the Democrats and sympathetic Repulicans cry that these subsidies are for “the family farm,”  Citizens Against Government Waste did the legwork for the 2007 farm bill and not only dispelled that myth but give other  the reasons why a continuation of farm subsidies is wrong for America. Here are a few of their findings:


  • The largest 10 percent of grain farmers, with an average net worth of $2.4 million, receive 50 percent of all grain subsidies.
  • First, 60 percent of farmers don’t even produce crops that are eligible for subsidies. More than 90 percent of farmers either receive no subsidies or receive less than $2,000 annually.
  • 80% of farms GROSS $50,000 or less making it unlikely that they are farming as sole source of income.
  • 60 percent of sugar program benefits go to the wealthiest one percent of sugar farmers.


If at a time when many agricultural products are at record prices we need to not only continue but increase subsidies, is there ever a time when we don’t need them?  

It’s time for Republicans to show some backbone and tell Americans why this is bad for the country, bad policy and that they won’t vote for it.  








Another “Elite” Inserts Foot Sideways

by @ 5:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Here’s a video of Stephen King, who I used to think had a pretty good brain, slandering our military personnel:

Sounds very familiar to another “Elite” John Kerry who in 2006 said that if you don’t get a good education “you get stuck in Iraq.”

From now on, those of us that can read can buy books from author’s whose name isn’t Stephen King.


May 5, 2008

Latest doses of stupid from the GOP

by @ 18:00. Filed under Politics - National.

That’s right, doses. Guess almost everybody that voted so far in the latest NRE poll is going to be disappointed if the GOP finds this post, but I can’t NOT comment on this trifecta.

– Item #1 (H/T – Brad V of Try 2 Focus, not to be confused with the Brad V at Letters in Bottles) – John McCain is already tacking heavily to the left to the mutual exclusion of healing the rifts with conservatives. Now, which exhibit is this in the assumption that conservatives won’t bolt (or is this exhibit D in the final betrayal of conservatives by the GOP)?

– Item #2 – Michelle Malkin notes McCain will be going to the convention of a group whose ultimate goal is to separate the Soutwest from the United States. Guess the majority that successfully blocked Shamnesty last year despite the support of McCain and the rest of the bipartisan Party-In-Government doesn’t matter. Bonus mandatory reading – doubleplusundead’s take.

– Item #3 (H/T – Slublog) – House Pubbies are rolling again and again and again on Nancy Pelosi’s attempts to lard up the pork barrel. Scratch one of the two differences between McCain and the ‘Rats. Guess being the permanent-minority half of the ever-bloating bipartisan Party-In-Government is more important.

Stuff this ballot box – America’s Favorite Mom

by @ 17:25. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Despite a whole heap of reminders, I almost forgot that today is an election. NBC is running a contest for America’s Favorite Mom, and today is the vote for the finalist from the Military Mom bracket.

I wholeheartedly endorse Patti Patton-Bader, the head angel of Soldiers’ Angels.

Did I mention that NBC is letting you stuff the ballot box up to 10 times, or that voting ends at 8 pm? So, what are you still doing here? GO VOTE PATTI PATTON-BADER FOR AMERICA’S FAVORITE MILITARY MOM.

Revisiting Boomgaard

by @ 16:37. Filed under Politics - Oak Creek.

A commenter over on Greg Kowalski’s post on the alternatives to Boomgaard went and did some research on “Boomgaard”. Somehow, I doubt that this name would have flown had either the steering committee or either Common Council had known what Unfettered Candor found out:

It’s too bad I did not get an email reply from my Dutch friend from

Amsterdam before the public comment site for the Boomgaard District expired.

Several days ago I mentioned the crazy Boomgaard controversy and how there was such a public outcry in opposition to this title.

Today I learned that there is a district in Amsterdam that has been dubbed the "Boomgaard District" as well. It is a homosexual red light district. He said the title "Boomgaard" [fruit orchard] was a lampoon of that area….

Given that the stretch is pretty much bracketed by a sex toy shop and a strip club with a few not-exactly-4-star motels in between (necessitating special attention from both the Oak Creek and Franlkin police departments), I guess that puts another spin on the name.

Do go read Fred Keller’s further comments.

The Morning Scramble – 5/5/2008

by @ 10:02. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

We need voltage after the usual weekend enjoyment of one of the three good weekends of the year, and since I don’t know if a word in “Jailbreak” would fly over at TownHall, I’ll simply have to salute you…


John McAdams has another reason to not shop at American (besides the high prices, low quality and poor customer service); they’re bringing anit-Christian Bill Maher to town. Oh, and off goes WKLH (96.5 FM) from the presets.
Ace found the Gorebal Warming acolytes are blaming shark attacks on Gorebal Warming. Is there nothing Gorebal Warming doesn’t do?
Ed Morrissey prepares to hold services for the Minneapolis Red Star Tribune. I better find “Taps”.
– Sister Toldjah took two for the team as she went to see both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Bonus coverage – she caught the return of the Obamessiah Faint®.
Jim Lynch breaks out the Shakespeare for Michelle Obama’s latest bout with foot-in-mouth disease.
Flip notes Barack wants to deregulate…wait for it…wait for it…the Teamsters. He’s locked up the Mob vote.
SteveF asks, “Why choose the lesser evil?” Yes, it is a tough call between Ktulu (sp) and Clinton.
A.J. Sparxx asks if amnesty is back in McCain’s plan. Has it ever left the playbook?
Owen has another thing besides voting that’s about to require a photo ID. I wonder if the Coast Guard wants that to apply to canoes as well.
Caledonia Unplugged has the double-rainbow pic of the day.
JammieWearingFool has the PBR me ASAP story of the day. Make mine a Sprecher.
Vivian Lee answers some of where Pubbies are going wrong. Guess the permanent-minority disease has infected the House.
Dad29 notes the Conservative sweep in Britain is a backlash against the nannism of the sort sponsored by both halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government.
Charlie Sykes bursts the corn-a-hole bubble. I wonder what is keeping my Congresscritter, Paul Ryan, from co-sponsoring the end of government involvement in the corn-a-hole market, especially since he broke bad on it in a newsletter that popped into my mailbox this morning.

BDS, FDS and now GWDS

by @ 6:00. Filed under Global "Warming".

I wrote last weekabout a new phenomenon, FED Derangement Syndrome (FDS) and how it had many of the same symptoms as Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS). It now appears that there is a new variant of the strain, Global Warming Derangement Syndrome (GWDS).

I know, GWDS seems nearly redundant because to be an adherent of man made global warming you pretty much have to believe that every breath you take is killing the planet due to the release of carbon dioxide. However, there are situations where even a belief in man made global warming tips over to the derangement column.

Last week an unfortunate swimmer was killed by a shark off the coast of California. It was an extremely rare attack. Subsequently, there have been the usual increase in articles written about shark attacks, why they happen, how to avoid one, where the most dangers are, what to do if attacked etc.

Today I see this article  where Dr George Burgess of Florida University, a shark expert, explains along with other possibilities, that an increases in shark attacks could be Global Warming.

Some experts suggest that an abundance of seals has attracted high numbers of sharks, while others believe that overfishing has hit their food chain. ‘I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it’s a convenient excuse,’ Burgess said. Another contributory factor to the location of shark attacks could be global warming and rising sea temperatures. ‘You’ll find that some species will begin to appear in places they didn’t in the past with some regularity,’ he said.

So our shark expert says that an abundance of seals or overfishing are merely “convenient excuses” of why there are shark attacks but quickly adds that global warming could be a cause? That’s not a convenient excuse? Trying not to read too far into Dr. Burgess’ mind (it appears pretty murky in there), I’m guessing he doesn’t believe global warming to be a convenient excuse. Rather, he would see it as an Inconvenient Truth!

So how can you tell if your loved once has GWDS and not just a simple case of GWS (global warming stupidity?) The difference is when they can ignore or lie about factual information they should know, only for the purpose of blaming something on global warming. In the case of Dr. Burgess, we can see that he indeed has GWDS because as a shark expert, he would have knowledge of the oceans. He conveniently avoided the point that in fact, the oceans are cooling, especially in the area of the California coast line.

Extra seal meals or lack of other natural foods i.e. natural phenomena aren’t news worthy reasons. A reason driven by GWDS, now that’s news worth reporting!

May 3, 2008

The usual weekend crickets

by @ 18:54. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Cue them here as usual, but in case you haven’t noticed, Barack Obama has gone back to the fainting routine. Sister Toldjah, in part one of her taking two for the team, caught it. Do also read the full recap of the Obama rally, and head back there tomorrow for the recap of the Clinton rally.

If I had more energy, I’d really deliver the snark at the Journal Sentinel for making their whine fest over food-service cuts in jails the lead item in Friday’s paper. Once again, the Fifth Column at Fourth and State prove their lack of touch with reality.

May 2, 2008

Re: We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident

by @ 15:44. Filed under Politics - National.

In case you missed Shoebox’s discussion of a piece that identifies Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as essentially left-of-the-Democratic-center (which is well left of the actual center) clones, do read it. It does illustrate the divide that has happened in the last 20 years, and also identifies McCain as left-of-the-Republican-center.

There is an assumption made by Kevin Poole and company that I do take exception to, however. Take another look at one of the graphics Shoebox borrowed from them, specifically the one comparing the 90th, 100th and 110th Congresses.

It would appear at first glance that the Left hardly moved further left over the last 40 years, while the Right moved quite a bit further right over the same time. However, that assumes that the middle didn’t move either direction. I beg to differ.

Just as a singular example, let’s take a look at Medicare. Back in 1965, roughly half of the Republicans were opposed to its creation (do ignore the error in the House Dems’ “no” vote total; it is a government operation I’m linking to). Of course, since they were in an extreme minority, it passed rather handily.

Fast forward to 2003. In the face of a decade of projections declaring that Medicare was facing a financial time bomb, President Bush (R) proposed a massive expansion of Medicare in the form of prescription drug benefits. Nearly all of the House Republicans and Senate Republicans agreed.

I know, it’s not perfect (neither Congress in the chart was the one that voted on Medicare), and McCain did vote against the drug bill, but it is rather illustrative of the leftward tilt of the Republican Party. I could also mention pork, the shift of the rhetoric of tax-rate cuts from actually reducing the amount of taxes taken in by government to raising the amount of taxes taken in by government, and the utter abandomnent of the idea of getting rid of government agencies.

Before the Lefties start streaming in to say that proves they’ve moved to the right, I’ll briefly touch on why so few Democrats agreed to that expansion of government-run health care. It was not because they didn’t want to also expand Medicare; it was because they wanted to go even farther. Indeed, their Presidential candidates and the last Democratic President wanted to create a “full-coverage” government-run health care system, and saw this as too small a step.

We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident

by @ 11:34. Filed under Miscellaneous.

“There’s no difference between Hillary and Obama!”
“McCain’s no conservative, he’s Democrat Lite!”
“Bush sold himself as a Conservative but has turned out to be just another RINO”

In the most thorough review of the topic that I’ve seen, Keith Poole and associates at the University of California, San Diego have compiled a review of all member of Congress, House and Senate, and analyzed who’s who in the political zoo.

In this first graph we see the confirmation and correction, to several of our “Truths.”

  1. Hillary and Barack are “Change you can Xerox.” Contrary to what Hillary’s campaign is trying to tell people, this study shows that Hillary’s record is to the left of the Democratic party and is imperceptibly different from Obama.
  2. McCain is clearly from the left side of the Republican Party. As I posted in my first post on this site, McCain touts his lifetime Conservative voting record. However, if you look over the past few years, and especially the most recent, McCain’s voting record has moved to the left. The study has a great animated graph that shows how McCain’s voting record began squarely in the middle of Republicans but over time has become an outsider of the Republican members.
  3. Contrary to the feeling of many Conservatives, Bush lines up to the right. The question that this raises for me is “To the right of what?”

Side note for MN and WI readers, Wellstone and Feingold were nearly identical and (dramatic pause for the launch of a surprise statement) they are WAAAAAY to the left of the spectrum.


The Morning Scramble – 5/2/2008

by @ 7:14. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Where else do you go from Elmore James to Iron Maiden? :-)


Teresa lists just some of the bigger ironies of the 2008 election.
– Sticking with the bi-partisan, Shoebox declares stupidity is party-agnostic. Yes, there is a new reason why I call it the bipartisan Party-In-Government.
Professor Stephen Bainbridge confirms something Shoebox noted a couple months ago; there’s a new Lost Generation coming.
Jim Geraghty thinks over what John McCain should and should not be looking for in a candidate, using Dan McLaughlin’s 19 Do’s and Don’ts.
Sean Hackbarth asks, “Why not Paul Ryan?” Do click through to John Gizzi’s case for Ryan. If I thought we had anybody waiting in the wings here in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional, why not indeed.
Ed Morrissey has a new sponsor for his radio show – LIAGRA. Hillary-tested, Barack-approved.
Matt Lewis has the RNC smackdown on Barack Obama’s hypocrisy on gas-tax holidays. I wonder when McCain will come out against that </sarcasm?>.
– Speaking of Obama and gas taxes, PrivatePigg lays the economic smackdown.
Jim Lynch grabs the ReWrite™ Machine and corrects Obama.
Dan McLaughlin notes the rank hypocrisy of the Kyoto crowd. Guess speaking while being holier-than-thou is conducive to producing copious amounts of carbon dioxide.
Sgt. Relic asks when Congress will dump the Greenies. “Never” rings a bell.
– Since we’re asking questions, Bull Dog Pundit asks why the presstitutes insist on saying that keeping the current tax rates will cost money. Simple; they and their fellow travelers on the Left believe that since government prints all the money, they own all the money.
Rick Moran says we will survive even an Obama Presidency. I’m not so sure; the clock is so close to midnight.
Justin Higgins reminds us why we’re more than just a nation.
John Hawkins says, “Stand up, be proud.”
Patrick McIlheran goes into the history vault to answer what happens when America abandons our allies. A free piece of advice to the Dems; those who don’t remember history are doomed to repeat it.
– Speaking of history, Zip remembers women had more rights in the Middle East before the Islamists took over.
Lance Burri catches one of the no-ID crowd admitting that it truly is by hook and by crook.
See-Dubya plays Name That Presstitute Outlet.
Moron Pundit has the 411 on this month’s Stupid Criminal of the Month.
Curt has today’s story of government waste. I wonder if the Census Bureau borrowed Wisconsin’s IT department.
Little Miss Sunshine delivers a literal pick-me-up.
Chris says no to hybrids.
Anwyn bemoans the latest example of the decline and fall of Disney. When Walt was alive, they never would have used the language I’ve been known to use from time to time.

Stupidity is Party Agnostic

by @ 7:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

John McCain opened his mouth and inserted his foot, sideways, trying to tie his favorite cause, wasteful spending, to the 35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis.   On Wednesday, McCain said:

“The bridge in Minneapolis didn’t collapse because there wasn’t enough money. The bridge in Minneapolis collapsed because so much money was spent on wasteful, unnecessary pork-barrel projects.”

He tried to clarify that statement on Thursday by saying:

“No, I said it would have received a higher priority, which it deserved.”

Somebody wake McCain up and tell him that the bridge was scheduled to be replaced in 2020, not because there was a lack of funding but because that was believed to be the useful life of the bridge.   While surveys of the bridge identified “deficiencies,” the bridge was never identified as unable to carry its designed traffic load.   The current evidence is suggesting that the bridge collapsed due to a design flaw that  had gusset plates undersized by a factor of half.

I agree with McCain’s desire to shrink government and end wasteful spending.   However, just because you have a hammer, not every problem is a nail.  

As I said, stupidity is party agnostic.   Regarding his opposition to the federal gas tax holiday, Barack Obama said:

“Remember that bridge in Minneapolis?   We’re already short on money in terms of investing.”

Same response to Barack with this addition…Barack, since when have you been concerned about spending money?   You seem to have money for anything you can possibly imagine.   The last look at the ol’ “Spend-o-meter” is that you’ve committed to spending an additional $850B. You don’t think you could find a mere $350M to send our way?

May 1, 2008

Drinking opportunities – May edition

by @ 21:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Attention. Attention bloggers. Attention Wisconsin bloggers. With the successful launch of the Blog n Grog, there are now two opportunities to drink with your favorite bloggers (and most of the time, me) each month:

Drinking Right – The second Tuesday of each month (this month, it’s the 13th), 7 pm, Papa’s Social Club, 7718 W Burleigh in Milwaukee
Blog n Grog – The last Tuesday of each month (this month, it’s the 27th), 7 pm, Neighbors Social Club, 260 W Main in Waukesha

Because I’ll be out of town the country the last week of May, I’ll unfortunately miss the Blog n Grog. Don’t let that stop you from attending one or both of these events, though.

Roll bloat – working on May Day edition

by @ 20:53. Filed under The Blog.

The Latinos, unions and Communists (I repeat myself) took the day off to pay homage to their hero Che, but I worked hard (or is it hardly worked; what’s the difference?). Guess it’s time to add once again to that overloaded roll:

Moron Pundit
Not So Friendly Fire

NRE Poll – Should I try to get blogger creds for the GOP convention?

by @ 18:19. Filed under NRE Polls, Politics - National, The Blog.

While the state GOP still hasn’t reached out to the blogosphere for the state convention (at least nobody has mentioned any outreach), the national GOP is looking for a few good bloggers. I know I’m a very long shot for various reasons (excessive expletives, a general dislike of McCain, a lack of knowledge of the difference between morons and Morons™ that would cause confusion about a large portion of my readership, not-nearly-Hot Air readership numbers), but it would be an excuse to head up to the Twin Cities.

Here’s where I ask for your help. I won’t promise to listen, but I will definitely take it under advisement.

Should I try to get blogger creds for the GOP convention?

Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed

  • Yes (85%, 11 Vote(s))
  • No (15%, 2 Vote(s))

Total Voters: 13

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We paid the Zizzo Group how much? UPDATE – $329,633?

by @ 17:53. Filed under Politics - Oak Creek.

Greg Kowalski not only recaps the list of other finalists for what’s now the Boomgaard District (DUCK!), but the other names the Zizzo Group came up with.

Citygate – Yeah, that worked real well in DC </sarcasm>
Twin Corridor – There is no trace of the old 41 Twin drive-in anymore. Other than that, and an otherwise-complete lack of originality, it actually isn’t too bad.
Metro South – Yeah, that’s going to go over real well with those that think the metro area ends at the Menomomee River valley or Oklahoma Ave.
27 South – Welcome to the jungle, fellow gangbangers.
Root River Junction – Honestly, I like it. However, do you really want a harsh focus on what most of those on either side of the Root River consider an impenetrable barrier?
Orchard Station – Station? STATION?
Orchard Six – Juuuuust a bit too cute by half (literally).
SouthCorr – Real attractive name…NOT!
SoCol – See Root River Junction and Metro South, and add in a dash of Orchard Six.
27 Stretch – I’m sure the On the Border guys love it. I’m not so sure about anything else.
Lower Six – There’s exactly one “Lower” that’s been successful, and we’re not in Manhattan.

I may not be creative, but I know butt-ugly names when I see them. The ad hoc committee and ultimately the Common Councils should’ve gone back to the drawing board.

Revisions/extensions (6:30 pm 5/1/2008) – $329,633 for this load?

Summarizing the Rats in 7 minutes

by @ 17:30. Filed under Politics - National.

(H/T – Mary Katharine Ham)

I’m as jaded as the next guy, but Slate has a killer video distilling the ‘Rat campaign to 7 wicked minutes…

If it’s May Day,….

by @ 16:14. Filed under War on Terror.

there’s a lot of Che Guevara sightings. Do notice where Jim Hoft got his first batch of pics from – I’m shocked, SHOCKED that the Islamokazis look up to a Communist murderer.

Preview of what’s to come with a closing of Club Gitmo

by @ 15:57. Filed under War on Terror.

(H/T – JammieWearingFool, though Allahpundit has a lengthier comments thread as usual)

Who here didn’t see this headline coming – Ex-Guantanamo inmate in Iraq suicide bombing? Abdullah Saleh al-Ajmi, late of Club Gitmo and released in 2005, recently blew himself up in a suicide bombing in Mosul. His cousin, Salem al-Ajmi, is missing only a single “shocked” in his reaction – “We were shocked by the painful news we received this afternoon … through a call from one of the friend’s of martyr Abdullah in Iraq.”

Allahpundit has a bit more of the story. Once again, I am left to surmise that “peace” is really “pieces”.

Hats off to the Wildcats!

by @ 13:58. Filed under Education.

Here’s an act that goes against the grain:

Northwestern rescinds honorary degree offer to Rev. Wright
It’s not often that you see one of the country’s institutes of higher learning turning their back on a CAH (Certified American Hater). Usually they reward them.

On a related note, I hear that the University of Colorado has indicated a desire to hire Jeremiah Wright as they are still one CAH short of a cabal since they terminated Ward Churchill.

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 5/1/2008

If it’s Thursday,….


Fausta remembers today is Holocaust Rememberance Day.
S. Weasel delivers yet another stunning WeaselShop. Nice hat, Barack.
Rick Esenberg, among others, asks whether Obama’s grandmother is next to go under the disowning bus. I do believe she was already run over once this campaign season.
Allahpundit has Hillary Clinton’s GHWB Memorial Clueless About Technology Moment. Remember, while the current target is Obama, we do have to keep an eye on Clinton lest she slip into our six.
– Following up on something from yesterday’s Scramble, Dad29 cheers a rather unequivocable counterattack on corn-a-hole Jim Sensenbrenner is co-sponsoring. I’ll have to double-check the co-sponsors of that bill to see if my Congresscritter is on board; the list wasn’t updated beyond the 4 sponsors that signed on Tuesday as of Wednesday afternoon.
Beth puts the hate on Google drive-by trolls. Hopefully this will bring her some higher-quality traffic (of course, in terms of steering power, I’m like a feather put behind the Queen Elizabeth II).
Silent E delivers an eulogy for common sense.

Random blog numbers

by @ 7:50. Filed under The Blog.

I usually don’t navel-gaze, and there isn’t any special occasion, but a couple of numbers really popped out at me while I was looking over the stats. Please permit me this indulgence…

– In the year and almost a month since I’ve been tracking how many of you come in here, StatCounter says I’ve had 42,975 of you (at least when I started this). I know that’s high because of how “unique visitors” are counted, but it’s the best numbers I have (and better than what your average mass-transit authority claims for ridership). I do thank each and every one of you who’ve come in here (except for the two yokels I had to throw out).
– Related to that, somehow I’m up to somewhere around 190 of you subscribing to the feed. You guys and gals are the real hard-core.
– Shoebox, Leslie, Fred, Aaron, Patrick, the Emergency Blogging System, and I have combined to put up 2,025 rants high-quality posts (well, everybody else’s material qualifies as high-quality posts; mine go into the rant category) since I started the Blogspot version in October 2005.
– To go with that, I’ve had 1,955 comments, trackbacks, and pingbacks that haven’t been eaten by my anti-spam suite going into the start of this post.
– Akismet tells me that it ate almost 107,000 pieces of spam since I jumped to WordPress, and I know there’s been a few I’ve knocked out of here.
– I’ve often joked that the blogroll is quite bloated. When I throw in the Blogs4Bauer and the Moronosphere rolls, I’m somewhere over 300.
– I wish I knew how many vulgarities I threw up, but that counter broke a long time ago.

They Still Don’t Get It

by @ 6:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

A coal based electric plant was approved yesterday  for Marshalltown IA.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that in order to satisfy their rabid global warming sycophants, the board required the power company to also increase their wind generation power 250% by the plant’s opening, use 10% biomass within 7 years of opening and pay for any costs that may be added through implementation of nonsense cap and trade regulations.

I’m guessing each of the commission members drove to the meeting. I’ll bet each of them paid close to $3.50/gallon for their gas when they last filled. I’ll be each of them have complained in the last couple of weeks about the increase in gas prices. Even with all of that knowledge, one of the commission mental midgets was thinking:

Darrell Hanson of Manchester, who cast the lone dissenting vote, said he favored setting aside the plant proposal for three or four years to see what carbon limits Congress passes and to analyze other market forces. "The safest and most reasonable course would be to delay for three or four years.

Yup, let’s wait.   Gee, that’s working so well for gas prices.   Gee, if we could magically say it was OK to start drilling or refining additional oil today, it would be 3-8 years before that effort would have any impact on gas availability.   Yeah, let’s not make a decision today.   It’s too hard and there are people sitting in the room who might not like me.


It’s people like this Commissioner who bitch about “Big oil’s profits” but won’t do a thing to change the equation.   They sit and hide, afraid of the Sierra club and militant “ecological” groups whose real purpose is to make sure that man curls up in a fetal position in some corner of the globe and leaves the animals to rule creation.

If the increase in energy prices of the last year don’t wake people up to the fact that we need to increase capacity and that the cost of dawdling is nearly crippling, I don’t know what will.   I do know it’s time for some folks to “grow a pair” because anything short of “ABSOLUTELY NOT” is going to be met by wails from the “ecological” groups.   Even with the ridiculous additional requirements put on this project the “ecology” groups weren’t satisfied:

Carrie La Seur, a lawyer for Plains Justice, which opposes the plant, said it is "most likely" the group will eventually sue to block construction of the plant. First, the group will join the Sierra Club, the Iowa Environmental Council and the Iowa Consumer Advocate’s office in fighting an air permit with the state and opposing the plant during before the utilities board this fall.

In the words of Thomas Paine it’s time to “Lead, follow or get out of the way.” Doing nothing is no longer acceptable. Doing nothing or cowering in the corner sniveling about “Global Warming” will only ensure that we leave a country for our children that is unable to meet the demands of the future; and we’d be the first generation in America to do that. That’s not a history book footnote that I’m interested in being a part of.

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