That’s the question Chris the head barkeep asks. Me? Oh, hell yeah. I’ve owned 7 cars; 4 of them, including the last 3, have had that third pedal. It is great knowing that, when I do my poor rally driver imitation in the snow, I can judge just how much throttle I can give to hang the tail of the car out as far as I want and no further without the transmission grabbing another gear and messing that up.
Guess that calls for another NRE poll… :-)
Can you drive a stick?
Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed
- Yes. (50%, 56 Vote(s))
- Like a race car driver. (38%, 42 Vote(s))
- No. (9%, 10 Vote(s))
- What did you just say? (4%, 4 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 112
Revisions/extensions (8:24 pm 1/2/2008) – I’ll figure out how to test those of you who say “like a race car driver”.
I took my driving test on a stick shift.
Good; you can help me test the out-of-staters then.
As long as the stick has wheels.
I’ve driven left-handed and right-handed up to school bus. I had an automatic for a couple of months, but other than that didn’t own an automatic until I was 31.
See, Dean has the correcet question. “Can you drive a stick like a school bus driver?”
No clutch. No synchros. Just good old-fashioned speed matching.
Last one over the hill on 33 at Ontario loses.
Grumps, you just volunteered to be another judge in the competition (if I can ever get this thing together, that is).
The left-handed came from my years in the Commonwealth of Nations