No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

So Algore Goracle won the Nobel Piec…er, “Peace” Prize

by @ 11:06 on October 12, 2007. Filed under Global "Warming".

He joins miserable failures at peace such as Frank B. Kellogg (boy, that Kellogg-Briand Pact sure stopped WWII from happening), Nicholas Murray Butler (ditto), Arthur Henderson (was nobody paying attention to Nazi Germany’s and Japan’s rearmament in 1934?), Nansen International Office for Refugees (6 million Jews beg to differ with this 1938 pick), Ralph Bunche (how many wars have there been between the Israelis and the Arabs since 1950?), Henry Kissinger (ask the South Vietnamese how the Vietnam Peace Accords kept them around…oops, can’t ask them), the UN Peace-Keeping Forces (I never would have guessed rape is “peaceful”), Mikhail Gorbachev (this was before the Soviet Union entered the dustheap of history, and before Gorby decided to forment revolution in New Orleans), Yasser Arafat (self-explanatory), Kim Dae Jung (oops, the North Koreans now have nukes), Jimmy Carter (appeasing Islamokazis since 1977), and the IAEA and Mohammed elBaradei (Islamokazi Nukes-R-Us). Meanwhile, we’re struggling to get to the mid-50s in the land of Cheese and Beer. Algore’s timing just keeps on getting worse.

Tom McMahon sums up my thoughts with today’s 4-Block World.

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