No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

NFL Week 6

by @ 9:40 on October 14, 2007. Filed under Sports.

I’m 14 games under .500 (28-42-6) and further from break-even against the spread, but since I’m 9-0-1 against the over/unders, and I found the new home of Bodog (degenerates, bookmark it), let’s roll on through Wea…er, Week 6.

Washington (+3) @ Green Bay – Bad news; it’s raining. Worse news; it’s not snow.
Minnesota @ Chicago (-5.5) – The rookie wall hits early and often. Go under the 37.
Cincinnati (-3) @ Kansas City – Resistable force, meet movable object.
Houston @ Jacksonville (-7) – I’m oh-so-tempted to jump on the over/under, but 37 is a wee bit low.
Miami @ Cleveland (-4.5) – Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead, and so are the Deadfins.
Philadelphia (-4) @ NY Jets – Stat of the week for the game of the weak – the Eaglets are 8-0 after a bye under Andy Reid.
St. Louis @ Baltimore (-9) – The last time Duh Lambs started 0-6, Kennedy was still President.
Tennessee (+3) @ Tampa Bay – You may want the points, but thanks to a MASH unit giving them, you won’t need them.
Carolina @ Arizona (-6) – Warner ain’t done yet (that’s next week), while I have a rational hatred of Vinnie Testaverte.
New England @ Dallas (+6.5) – This is your preview to the 42nd edition of the Game That Cannot Be Named Because Of The No Fun League. As such, take the over-53.
Oakland @ San Diego (-10) – The band is back together, and even NOOOO!!!!! Turner can’t fuck it up.
New Orleans @ Seattle (-6.5) – Odds of Reggie Bush making it out of Seattle healthy – 2-3. Go against it.
NY Giants (-3.5) @ Atlanta – Over/under on G-men sacks – 7.5. Go over.

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