No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for June, 2007

June 9, 2007

Picture time – the failed premiere cover of “Edwards”

by @ 16:01. Filed under Politics - National, War on Terror.

“Borrowed” from Rob (who was so kind as to put it on Flopping Aces so I could find it)…

“Is Conservatism Out of Gas?” – the NRE national take

by @ 14:34. Filed under Politics - National.

(Cross-posted from the TownHall version of NRE)

I’ve promised this for, what, 2 1/2 weeks? Every time I had something started, I’ve run into something that caused me to drop it. Not this time; not even a glitch that rejected my attempt to publish over there yesterday morning. Heck, I’m glad that I was delayed because some things happened that caused me to rethink my answer (at least my national answer; things just got even worse in Wisconsin). Now, on with the post….

If one were to simply look at what the Republican Party has put out there lately, from the anmesty bill to the three purported front-runners for the 2008 Presidential nomination, from the focus of tax cuts as not cutting the flow of money to and thus the size of government to the massive expansion of the federal government in areas that it has no business being, one could say that conservatism was not only out of gas, but dead and in the casket waiting to be buried. Indeed, in its push for the amnesty bill, the White House attempted to bury conservatives who opposed amnesty by using tired liberal name-calling. Those few announced candidates who can accurately be described as conservative aren’t getting any traction, at least according to the opinion polls.

However, we’re not quite dead yet. Sites like TownHall, Free Republic, Hot Air, Boots and Sabers, and even my little hole in the wall are thriving. Conservative talk radio is still so successful, the Democrats are scheming ways to shut it down. We’ve just defeated amnesty despite the wors…er, best efforts of the leadership of both parties. Even if they’re flaming liberals, Republicans still at least attempt to speak our language at election time. Heck, even the Democrats are so insecure in their liberalism that they’re once again trying to run to the right (from The Wall Street Journal).

On the Presidential nomination front, the two most-liberal of those three front-runners are skipping the historically-important Iowa straw poll in August, likely because their internal polls are showing something that the public opinion polls aren’t. We have the 6’5″ gorilla of a (more-or-less) conservative forming an exploratory committee in the wake of the third less-than-inspiring debate.

So, we’re not necessarily out of gas. Rather, we’re at a crossroads trying to decide which way to go while a tornado of bad liberal ideas is almost on top of us, indeed, so close that some of those bad ideas are raining down like so much debris. We need to find conservatives to run against the bipartisan members of the liberal Party-In-Government. We need to hold everybody’s feet to the fire. Now, I am not an expert, so I can’t tell you who to run against who; you’ll have to do your homework and figure that one yourselves. However, I do know that we have to get that done now or we will get swept up and spit out.

The ORIGINAL Friday Freefly is back

by @ 6:37. Filed under Miscellaneous.

No, it’s not at Pajamas Media. It’s on Uncle Jimbo’s YouTube channel, with the comments over at BLACKFIVE

Good news – Kev’s back.

June 8, 2007

Blast-from-the-past roll bloat

by @ 18:30. Filed under The Blog.

While making sure I didn’t have any mentions of a certain hotel heiress here (I still don’t; if you want that sort of news, everybody else has it), I rediscovered a link to Eminent Domain. Unlike so many blogs that I linked to back in the early days (specifically, my BlogSpot days), he’s still around, and still making sense.

Stem cells – the dark side

by @ 17:36. Filed under Health.

(H/T – Katie) reports that researchers at the University of Florida have discovered that bone marrow stem cells attracted to an area of cancerous growth take on at least the outward appearance of the cancer cells:

The bone marrow stem cells “have the same kind of surface proteins” as cancer cells, noted study author Dr. Chris Cogle, an assistant professor of medicine at UF’s College of Medicine Program in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine.

But while the stem cells have the “same skin” as the surrounding cancer cells, the question is whether “they have the same guts,” Cogle said.

That’s the $64 trillion question, one that I don’t know how I want to see answered. If it does, it will definitely complicate the potential use of stem cell therapy in those with cancer because those stem cells will prove to be too-easily manipulated. At the same time, that ease of manipulation will give yet another lie to the claim that we need embryonic stem cells harvested from the unborn. There is another, more-immediate concern:

Cogle noted that about five percent of cancerous tissue contains marrow-derived cells that resemble surrounding cancer cells. This “developmental mimicry” could affect the results of tests of new drugs on malignant tissue grown in the laboratory.

“If there are bone marrow cells in this cancerous tissue, these (bone marrow stem) cells may actually contaminate our cancer studies and could make a difference as to whether or not investigational drugs we’re testing work or don’t work,” Cogle said.

“The significance of this is new treatments may work in the culture dish but may not translate to the clinic or the hospital room, and for many reasons. One of the reasons could be bone marrow contamination,” the expert said.

Quite interesting. On the other hand, the lack of presence of those bone marrow cells in the culture dish is more likely to result in the failure of that treatment in the real world.

Slow-mo roll bloat

by @ 17:13. Filed under The Blog.

I’ve been promising myself I would throw HamNation producer/camerawoman Katie Favazza’s blog, Elocutio, on the roll since just before I went on vacation. Time to pay up and do so.

Citizen Blogging Summit – 6/15/2007

by @ 16:58. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Sorry, Scott and Newt. A better offer came along for next Friday afternoon; a Citizen Blogging Summit at Radio City. I’m more likely to find a bar afterwards, and there’s free food. The fun starts with lunch at 12:45, business at 1:30, and “officially” ends at 4:05.

Now, if I believed in cloning, I’d send the clone to Waukesha (or would I send myself; that’s the trouble with clones, you can’t keep them straight).

Revisions/extensions (4:03 pm 6/9/2007) – For those of you who don’t know where Radio City (aka WTMJ-AM/WKTI-FM/WTMJ-TV/DT studios) is, it’s at 720 E. Capitol Dr. barely in Milwaukee. Take I-43 to Capitol, then head east (I can’t stress that enough). Just before you hit the Milwaukee River, you’ll find it on your left. If you cross the river and enter Shorewood, you went too far.

Note to those that are coming from the northwest, I recommend taking Good Hope Rd. from 41/45 to I-43 rather than taking Capitol. There’s fewer stop lights, and the speed limit is 40 almost all the way. Do watch your speed east of Brown Deer Park; the North Shore police departments do not cut you much slack, and just before you hit the freeway, the speed limit drops to 30.

Mary Katharine – HAMMER!

by @ 16:22. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Sad to see the “Soporanos” going? Going to miss the opening drive that Tony takes through the Jersey shore? Mary Katharine Ham recreates that from the Beltway perspective in today’s HamNation. Nice touch including the stogie.

“Is Conservatism Out of Gas” – the NRE national take

by @ 10:10. Filed under Politics - National.

I promised that I would put that over at TownHall, and after some hemming (on my part) and hawing (on Townhall’s part; they’ve glitched up lately), that’s up. It’s a lot more positive than my Wisconsin-specific take.

Thank you, Jim DeMint

by @ 8:20. Filed under Immigration, Politics - National.

(H/T – Ace)

John Hawkins at Right Wing News has the story of how the McShame-Swimmer-Bush Amnesty Bill got put out of our misery (I doubt it is out of its misery, however; there’s still a budget to get passed, and it’s not January 2009 yet). Short version – Harry Reid wanted unanimous consent to push through a bunch of pro-amnesty amendments to get past the 2nd failure of cloture, and DeMint refused go give it. Meanwhile, DeMint, Jeff Sessions and Tom Colbrun worked up a few “killer amendments” that the “Masters of the Universe” didn’t want to see the floor. The “Masters”, specifically Reid, didn’t want to have those amendments see the floor so badly that he pulled the plug rather than accept a vote on those amendments.

Bravo Zulo, Demint, Sessions and Colbrun.

Mea culpa maxima roll bloat

by @ 7:43. Filed under The Blog.

I could’ve swore I had Fuzz Martin on the roll; after all, I did have him on my feed reader for quite a while, and I usually do both at the same time.

Don’t be like me and forget; put him on both.

Rolling through a change

by @ 7:03. Filed under The Blog.

Kate has taken the full-fledged WordPress plunge and moved An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings to her own server. If you could correct your rolls and feeds to her new address –, we’ll all be golden.

Stormpocalypse 2007

by @ 6:58. Filed under Weather.

First things first; I’m glad that the storms missed us. As for those that are complaining about the hype; take a look at central Wisconsin this morning. These storms typically are not extremely widespread, and we in southeast Wisconsin were at the extreme east edge of the second PDS tornado watch. Dunno if we had a violent tornado in that particular watch box (there was a 50% chance of one), but we definitely had more than 2 tornadoes in central/northeast Wisconsin.

One more thing; Tim Cuprisin is both right and wrong about the drop of HD programming. Yes, the local stations don’t have the ability to put up their fancy watch/warning graphics with HD programming, and yes, the FCC does require them to broadcast the watch/warning info, but the FCC does not, repeat NOT require them to have either the constant reminder or the fancy graphics. Dunno about last night (had some cable to watch), but in the past, Channels 18 and 24 sufficed with the occassional crawl reminder, and if there were any warnings in their assigned broadcast areas, they broke in with both the crawl and the NWS radio feed. Dunno whether channel 36 (the half of the local welfare TV duo that broadcasts in HD) managed to put its simple warning graphic into the HD feed (not only do I not watch welfare TV, but their digital signal doesn’t like my location).

4/6/12/58 (and the weak-sister 41, which piggybacks onto 58’s digital signal and thus never goes into HD) have been broadcasting in HD for several years. In just over a year and a half, they won’t be broadcasting analog anymore. So, when the hell are they going to pony up for the HD version of their useless fancy-schmanzy weather graphics, or even better, dump them onto a subchannel? After all, Channel 4 (which for reasons beyond my reckoning doesn’t send out the code required to display as Channel 4/4.1 versus RF 28/28.1) carries the NBC weather channel on its subchannel. 6 and 12 don’t use their subchannels at all (though it could be because they broadcast in 720p). Even 58 has room to put weather on a second subchannel before losing the ability to broadcast in HD.

Roll bloat – the student edition

by @ 6:39. Filed under The Blog.

Rebecca, who has been hanging around Peter’s blog of late, started up her own blog – Taking a Sharp Right. ‘Tis good to see some convervatism coming out of UWM.

June 7, 2007

Taxpayer rally – 6/15/2007

by @ 15:31. Filed under Taxes.

The Wisconsin Club for Growth, the national Club for Growth, and Americans For Prosperity invite you to a taxpayer rally at the Pewaukee Country Springs Hotel from 1 pm to 3 pm on Friday, June 15, 2007. Milwaukee County Executive (and should’ve been governor) Scott Walker will be emceeing the event, and Newt Gingrich will be showing up.

It is free, but the organizers do ask you to pre-register. You can do that at the link above.

For those of you who need directions, take I-94 to Waukesha County Highway G (Exit 291), head north to Golf Road (the north frontage road), then turn right and head a bit down the road until you reach the hotel on the left side of the road.

See you there.

Damn, I guess this IS serious

by @ 15:19. Filed under Weather.

The Storm Prediction Center has issued a Particularily Dangerous Situation Tornado Watch for eastern Wisconsin (as well as the central upper peninsula of Michigan and northern Illinois) until midnight. They say there is a 90% chance of at least 2 tornadoes and a 50% chance of at least one destructive (F3 or greater) tornado.

Hold onto your hats, folks. It’s hot, humid and windy out there, and this line that’s a-coming has been dropping a lot of rotation between eastern Iowa through western Wisconsin up to the western edge of the UP.

Doyle and Legislature – “This will not stand”

by @ 12:42. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin, Taxes.

The Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance figured out that, as a percentage of personal income, the Wisconsin tax bite dropped from 12.18% in 2003-2004 (fiscal year 2004) to 12.13% in 2004-2005 (fiscal year 2005), which dropped our national rank from 6th to 8th. Shhh, don’t tell the tax-increasers in Madistan because that will cause them to redouble (again) their efforts to make us #1.

Before the rest of you break out the bubbly, there are several rather ugly caveats:

  • First, the Census Bureau, which provides the numbers that WTA looks at, is about 2 years behind. Anybody care to guess what the FY2006 and FY2007 numbers will read?
  • The WTA said in that press release, “The drop in rank was due primarily to increased taxes elsewhere, rather than reduced taxes here.” So, I’ll explore that.
  • Both corporate income taxes (up from 0.41% of personal income in 2004 to 0.44% of personal income in 2005) and property taxes (up from 4.42% to 4.43% of personal income) went up faster than total income, which went up 6.54% (combining a 0.47% increase in population and a 6.04% increase in per-capita income; numbers collated by me from from the Census Bureau). In terms of dollars, corporate income taxes went up 14.77% while property taxes went up 4.94%.
  • That rather-astonishing increase in total income masked increases in personal income taxes (4.07%) and sales taxes (3.26%).
  • With inflation between July 2004 and July 2005 at 3.17%, and population growth at 0.47%, every major category other than sales taxes went up faster than the combined effects of inflation and population growth.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford a $3 billion tax increase between now and 2009.

Revisions/extensions (11:23 am 6/8/2007) – Since Blogger seems to be having an issue sending out pingback requests, others that picked up on this from here….

Dad29, who points out that we’re also in the lower quintile of GDP growth
Headless Blogger, who asks if 0.05% is significant (it’s $25 for somebody making $50,000, so it’s not exactly significant).

Mascot contest

by @ 10:28. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Over at the WPRI blog, Christian Schneider is looking for ideas on the updated mascot for the Wisconsin Legislature. A bit of history; in 1945, they officially named a seeing-eye German shepherd as their mascot. Chime in there with your suggestions.

Guess I’m a popcorn-eating gorilla

by @ 10:07. Filed under Immigration.

If you, unlike The Wall Street Journal‘s idiotorial board, remember 9/11 and the fact that the Islamokazis that almost took them out (their NYC offices are across the street from the World Trade Center site) were illegal aliens, you do not want to miss today’s Vent.

I can just see Michelle quoting Bugs to the Gashouse Gorillas, er, the WSJ idiotorial board, “WHAM! A homer! WHAM! ANOTHER HOMER! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!”, and then backing it up like Bugs.

Race to be first to drop out, the Pubbie edition

by @ 9:39. Filed under Politics - National.

Contestant #1 is Wisconsin’s Own (embarrassment with a trunk, as opposed to multitudes of those with furless tails) Tommy “The Other” Thompson. With the news that the first two-thirds of Rudi McRomney are skipping the August 11 Iowa straw poll that TOT was hoping to use to catapult into the top tier, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting he is now “completely rethinking” the straw man poll gambit (H/T – Owen).

Contestant #2 is somebody who I didn’t have pegged as an early quitter, Tom Tancredo. Fresh off of stepping on his tongue in Tuesday’s debate, the Rocky Mountain News is reporting that once he’s done with his previously-scheduled appearances, he’ll be targeting Pubbie Congresscritters that want amnesty (H/T – Slublog).

If I could find mhking’s “Place Bets Now” graphic, I would be using it. FOUND IT!

The action is not only on who is first, but on whether one or both drop before Fred Thompson announces that his exploratory committee has been converted to a campaign committee.

Miracles never cease?

by @ 9:12. Filed under Miscellaneous.

P-Mac relays a story about a driver who actually stopped to let him complete his crossing of Kilbourn. The odd thing is that the car had Illinois plates.

Either that is the oddest sort of FIB (note to Patrick; if you want a future as a headline writer, you would’ve called the post “No FIBbing” instead of “No fibbing”), or that driver heard about the sting operation the MPD occassionally does downtown.

Why I’ve been so quiet on Wisconsin lately

by @ 9:04. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin, Taxes.

After reading the WisPolitics’ Budget Blog pinprick-by-pinprick method of the Joint Finance Committee’s expansion of the $1.74 billion $2.1 billion $2.6 billion damn-near-$3 billion-and-climbing tax hikes in the budget, I’ve run out of vendictives to toss at the asshats at Madistan.

PNN covers Normandy

by @ 8:54. Filed under War, War on Terror.

(H/T – CDR Salamander)

The Combat Report put together a little ditty on how the modern pressitutes would have covered D-Day if it happened 63 years later than it did. Thank God they weren’t around back then to destroy the war effort, because we would be speaking German east of the Rockies and Japanese west of the Rockies.

Stevens Point schools closed today

by @ 8:35. Filed under Weather.

(H/T – Jay Weber)

The broad (side note; ya think that’s the reason) that runs Stevens Point schools decided to close schools because of the threat of severe thunderstorms this afternoons. That extends the Stevens Point school year another day because she already burned through all the planned snow days.

STUPID! PATHETIC! What would she be doing in tornado alley? School year-round?

But seriously, the weather will definitely be interesting.

Open Thread Thursday – 6/7/2007

by @ 7:30. Filed under Open Thread Thursday.

Still waiting for the first comment on one of these, but with more people and commenters, one of these weeks this thing will take off.

Don’t forget about Drinking Right. The intrepid founder, Casper, may have taken a sabbatical from blogging, but that isn’t stopping the drinking because that’s what it’s all about. Be at Papa’s Social Club (7718 W Burleigh in Milwaukee) on June 12th about 7.

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