No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for June 26th, 2007

Senate Stupidity part 2 – the Dhimms, especially Kohl, want blood for oil

by @ 16:33. Filed under Politics - National, War.

No, I am not making this one up. Nobody’s Senator introduced an amendment to the “CLEAN Energy Act” to make OPEC “illegal” (scroll down for the text). The money line – A foreign state engaged in conduct in violation of subsection (a) shall not be immune under the doctrine of sovereign immunity from the jurisdiction or judgments of the courts of the United States in any action brought to enforce this section.

It flew through the Senate 70-23, and it’s part of the bill pending the conference committee. A question for Nobody’s Senator, Russ el-Slimeroad, Hitlery Rotten Von Der Schlikmeister, Osama Hussein Obama, and the other 66 who voted for this; what happens if this is found Constitutional, we seize the assets of OPEC’s members, and they shut off the spigot in retaliation? Or better yet, those international forums you’re so fond of says we can’t seize those assets because it violates “international law”? Are you going to accept $20/gallon gas, are you going to open up drilling to replace the 50% of oil we won’t get anymore, or are you going to send the military on a blood-for-oil quest?

Senate Stupidity, part 1 – the state Senate and double-plus taxes

by @ 16:15. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin, Taxes.

Or, if you prefer, “The state Senate wants to raise your taxes $1.74 billion $2.1 billion $2.6 billion more than $34 billion over the next 2 years”. By comparison, Doyle’s budget, which included that (not-quite-acknowledged) $2.6 billion 2-year increase, anticipated taking in $26.5 billion in taxes.

Item #1 – THE BIG ONE, the “universal health care” item (thanks to WisPolitics for the link to the document). This $30+ billion (over the 2 years) boondoggle is to be funded by a massive payroll/self-employment/income tax (depending on a person’s source of income):

– From employees who have Social Security taxes withheld and are under 65, 4% of the amount subject to the Social Security tax (the document says between 2% and 4%, published reports say 4%) unless they’re close to the poverty line (those earning under 150% of the poverty line pay nothing, those without dependents earning between 150% and 200% and those with dependents earning between 150% and 300% a sliding scale between 0% and 4%).
– From the self-employed, between 9% and 10% of the amount subject to the Social Security tax.
– From those who don’t pay Social Security taxes and are eligible for the boondoggle, 10% of their adjusted gross income up to the maximum amount that would be subject to the Social Security tax.
– From employers (which means, from employees), 10.5% of the portion of their payrolls subject to the Social Security tax.

Rick Esenberg has an excellent analysis of what this will do to the labor market. I’ll be back later to add to that.

Item #2 – A reinstituted “combined reporting” requirement that would raise business taxes $180 million over the next 2 years by making Wisconsin subsidiaries pay taxes on what their parent company makes outside of Wisconsin. The excuse from Judy Robson is that everybody else does it. Hey Judy, if everybody else was jumping off the bluff at the end of Oakwood Rd., would you be jumping too?

Item #3 – Remove the property tax exemption for ATM machines. Oh goody; now the fees at the ATMs will go up even more.

Item #4 – Increase heavy truck registration 10%, bring in an additional $53.4 million to the Craps Slus…er, Transportation Fund over the next 2 years, just because those taxes haven’t been jacked up in a decade.

Item #5 – Reward the Regional Transit Authority’s wasting of all but $50,000 of its $2 rental car fee on lobbyists by increasing that to $15.

The ‘Rats are well on their way to ensuring there is zero after-tax disposable income.

Been working on something

by @ 14:52. Filed under The Blog.

Sorry about the lack of posts, but I’ve been trying to widgetize my theme, Journalized. Since Mike Little, the author, has made this theme so powerful through some pre-WP 2.1 tricks (a big example is I can select having 0, 1 or 2 columns through a dialogue box), it’s not exactly easy.

Time to take a break from that and highlight Senate stupidity.

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