No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for June 12th, 2006

Time to re-enact the Federalist/Anti-Federalist papers, part 1

by @ 18:14. Filed under Miscellaneous.

(H/T – Nick)

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board takes on a new plan to neuter the Electoral College from an outfit called the National Popular Vote by having a number of states join in a compact to have their electors cast their ballots for whoever wins the national popular vote instead of whoever wins that particular state’s popular vote. Unlike editorial boards across the country, which have unfailingly endorsed this idea, the Journal Sentinel would like to serve the roles of both the Independent Journal and The Kentucky Gazette, which, respectively, published the pro-EC Federalist #68 by Alexander Hamilton/”Publius” and the anti-EC Anti-Federalist #72 by “Republicus”.

Nick points out that the method being pushed by National Popular Vote is both not the method necessary to amend the Constitution and explicitly un-Constitutional by having those states that agree to this plan enter a compact. However, let’s look past those Constitutional deficiencies at the underlying goal; neutering the Electoral College. While I read the relevant Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers (linked above) in order to get the arguments back when the Constitution was in the ratification process, those specific arguments have been rendered moot by the rise of nationwide instant communication, universal adoption by the states of a Presidential popular vote with the party winning that vote choosing the electors and the widespread adoption of anti-“faithless-elector” laws.

Breaking news – Georgia Thompson GUILTY in Wisconsin’s TravelGate

by @ 18:02. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Just broken on Mark Belling’s show – a federal jury has convicted Georgia Thompson on 2 federal felonies for steering a travel contract to a company run by Doyle campaign contributors because the officers of that company donated to Doyle.

Nice knowing you, Craps.

Revisions/extensions (10:40 pm 6/12) – Part of the instant local presstitute spin is that “(t)he indictment does not allege a pay-to-play scheme in which the contract was awarded in exchange for the donations.” However, Steve Schultze explodes his own spin by pointing out that the indictment stated that “Thompson steered the contract to Adelman ‘to cause political advantage for her supervisors’ and to bolster her job security.” With the jury returning guilty verdicts on all counts in that indictment, that is now a matter of fact. There are but 2 people above Thompson in her organizational chart that stood to gain a “political advantage” – Marc Marotta (now Doyle’s campaign chair) and Jim Doyle himself.

A question for the Doylies out there; just why did Georgia Thompson feel it necessary to illegally inflate Adelman Travel’s scores to cause a political advantage for her supervisors to keep her job? She didn’t feel it necessary to conduct illegal acts for either political advantage for her supervisors or job security when Scott McCallum was governor.

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