Nick (The World According to Nick host/creator of the Carnival of the Badger) brings the not-so-good news that anonymous annoying Web messages are now punishable by 2 years in Club Fed. Stupid, stupid, stupid, even though I haven’t had to break out the boomstick on any trolls.
That reminds me; how in the heck did I forget to put Nick on the blogroll? I can’t even claim RSS reader failure. Sorry about that, Nick.
Revisions/extensions – Nick points us back to the Volokh Conspiracy and Football Fans for Truth, which make a rather convincing case, pending legal challenges, that this rewrite of existing telephone anti-harrassment law was targeting only VOIP. Of course, I seem to recall a greasy assurance that the McShame-Slimeroad Lieberal Protection Act would be found un-Constitutional by the courts, only to find out that a majority on SCOTUS saw a previously-undiscovered exemption to the First Amendment for mentioning office-holders’ and -seekers’ names around election time without being a member of the LeftStream Media.