No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for January 8th, 2006


by @ 17:47. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I noticed that I started missing comments over here at NRE. After doing some testing, it seems that RoadRunner isn’t accepting the notification e-mails from Blogger anymore. Anyhow, I went and set up a(nother) throwaway e-mail on a mostly-dormant domain I have, tied it back into my main e-mail client, and am good to go again.

Tips for preventing sun-related injuries

by @ 15:26. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Considering we haven’t had sun for the last 15 days (BTW, that set a record for doom and gloom here in the land of cheese and beer), you might be confused by that bright yellow ball in the sky. Here are some helpful hints to prevent a host of sun-related injuries:

  • Don’t look directly into the sun.
  • Use sunglasses that block ultraviolet light.
  • If outside for extended periods of time (it’s too warm to ice fish, there’s no snow so you can’t snowmobile or ski, and it’s too cold to do anything else), wear sunscreen on your face.

Revisions/extensions – Hope you didn’t blink; the clouds are back, and a wintry mix is headed in. Oh well; the NWS says it will be mostly sunny Tuesday and partly cloudy Wednesday, while TWC puts Wednesday as mostly cloudy. Oh, and the cold returns after next weekend and another round of wintry mix.

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