Now that it has passed the Assembly 74-23 (by a veto-proof margin) after squeaking through the Senate 20-13 (NOT a veto-proof margin), it’s time to guess when/if Jim “Craps” Doyle will veto it. Patrick and Brian Fraley (filling in for Owen over at Boots and Sabers) seem to think he’ll actually sign it, while Fred and Kevin think he’ll veto it (Fred goes so far as to call for a Friday veto, just in time for Christmas) and Peter has no idea.
As for me, I’ll even come up with the specific time that he’ll veto this; 4:53 pm Friday, December 23. The official reason will be the one pointed to by Fred and Kevin, that it would make the highways “less-safe” (as if the $1 billion that Craps looted from the fund didn’t have that kind of impact). In reality, it will be because it shuts off the automatic growth of Craps’ favorite slush fund. The end to the indexing will cost a LOT less than Craps’ raids.
Homer nods – fixed a typo (D’OH!!!!) – or two (D’OH!!!!!!) – and them typos keep on piling up (D’OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)