This little “side” dish is always, and I mean ALWAYS, the first thing gone at the Egg Thanksgiving dinner (even though my dad won’t eat it because of the mushrooms and onions). I haven’t made this myself in a while, but since my younger sister won’t have time to make it this year, it’s falling back to me. Let’s start with the all-important ingredients list:
- 2 boxes Uncle Ben’s Long Grain and Wild Rice
- 1 lb. ground pork sausage
- 12. oz mushrooms
- 2 cloves garlic
- 3 stalks celery
- 1 small onion (an equivalent amount of green onion should also work)
- 1 pinch nutmeg
- 2 tsp. garlic powder
- 2 tsp. onion powder
- 2 tsp. cumin
- 2 tsp paprika
- 2 tsp. seasoning salt
- 2 eggs
What to do with all this:
- Chop mushrooms, celery and onion (finely), and crush garlic. Sautee until onions become translucent and the celery becomes at least somewhat soft.
- Make rice according to package directions.
- Fry up sausage until cooked, keeping the meat separated.
- Combine cooked vegetables, rice and sausage, and add remaining seasonings.
- After it is cool, add beaten eggs (if you add them while the mixture is warm, you’ll start cooking the eggs prematurely).
- Bake at 350 degrees about 45 minutes.
Bon appetit!
Revisions/extensions (9:14 pm 11/24/2010) – In case you were wondering what two of those look like (click for the full-sized pic)…

That was taken before I mixed the right casserole dish. In case you’re wondering just how much is in each, there’s 5 cups of rice, 2 cups of meat, and 2 cups of vegetables.
Also, I “clarified” a couple of steps.