No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

October 13, 2009

How much per Porkulus job – Wisconsin edition

by @ 16:33. Filed under Economy, Politics - Wisconsin.

WisPolitics carried a press release from the Doyle administration claiming that just short of $680 million in 1st-reporting-quarter Porkulus spending “created” or “saved” 8,284 full-time jobs, including over 6,100 “essential” government jobs “saved” (e.g. firefighters, police offers and teachers). Doc over at The Autopsy hammers for effect on the “essential saved” jobs:

And let’s be honest, this is a little bit of legerdemain. Do you think Wisconsin would really lay off 6100 firefighters, policemen and teachers? Of course not. That would be political suicide for Democrats as each is unionized. (I’m a teacher in a public school, and I’ve lost 5% of my income.) So did the stimulus really “save” those jobs? No. What it did was allow the state to say they would have cut those jobs had there been no stimulus.

As an analogy, suppose I get $100,000 from a benefactor, then say, “Thank goodness I got the money, or I would have had to sell my kids for medical experiments!” Would I really sell my kids? Of course not. But that’s the impression I’m giving by saying they were “saved” by the $100,000 donation.

Not to be outdone, Republican Party of Wisconsin chair Reince Priebus said:

The Doyle Administration’s announcement that its use of stimulus dollars has lead to saving or creating 8,284 state jobs is an embarrassment to our state. Not only did these ‘jobs’ come at a cost of over $82,000 each, policies like combined reporting and higher taxes have cost Wisconsin over 130,000 jobs in the past year alone. Doyle and the Democrats are out of touch and out of ideas, and, sadly, Wisconsin is out of jobs because of their failed policies.

I’ll point back to something the Fond du Lac Reporter noted when the Fond du Lac County Board rammed home a massive tax increase for the benefit of Mercury Marine – for a tax subsidy to an employer to make economic sense, it should be somewhere on the order of $20,000 per job. Last I checked, $82,000 is well above $20,000.

The biggest laugh is White House-mandated math that allows the state to claim those over-6,100 jobs “saved” and less-than-2,100 jobs “created” (assuming that any were actually “created” as opposed to “saved”) as a direct result of Porkulus “created or saved” 22,100 jobs over 6 months and will “create or save” 70,000 jobs over the 2 years of Porkulus. There is no way that a government job creates almost 3 private-sector jobs over 6 months or 9 private-sector jobs over 2 years.

Even if that were the case, note how many jobs Wisconsin has lost over the last year with the various new taxes and the cratering of the economy – 130,000. That is what is called an EPIC FAIL.

Watching The Doctors, Q&A edition

by @ 16:04. Filed under Health Care Reform.

Once again, the Senate’s Doctors, Dr. Tom Coburn, M.D. and Dr. John Barrasso, M.D., are answering questions about PlaceboCare. Assuming I’ve got the right embed code, here it is…

Live Video streaming by Ustream

Kohl’s to close Menomonee Falls distribution center

by @ 10:52. Filed under Business, Politics - Wisconsin.

That is the word that just came in from

The Kohl’s Corp. announced Tuesday that it would close its huge distribution center in Menomonee Falls on Jan. 29, 2010.

The decision affects approximately 250 workers, according to Vicki Shamion, a Kohl’s spokeswoman.

However, the workers will be offered their identical jobs at the company’s network of 10 other distribution centers around the country if they stay at the company through Jan. 29, when the center is scheduled to shut down….

Shamion said the decision to close the center was based “on the overall effectiveness of the distribution network.” She said that, after study, the company concluded that the Menomonee Falls center could not be reconfigured to “allow for expanded capacity.”

“It was a difficult decision,” she said.

The inventory at the Menomonee Falls site will be moved to the Kohl’s distribution center in Ottawa, Ill.

Left unmentioned in the article or by the PR flack are a couple of key items:

– The deteriorating tax climate in Wisconsin, specifically several mandated increases in the unemployment tax due to both the insolvency of the fund and actions of the Legislature.

– The weight limits in the not-soon-to-be-rebuilt Zoo Interchange, specifically the 30-ton limit on the northbound I-894-to-northbound US-45 ramp. Since almost all of the inbound truck traffic would use that ramp, that puts a crimp in the flow of goods into the distribution center.

I have to wonder how long until the corporate headquarters follows the distribution center to the land of the toll booths. After all, even though it is a Wisconsin company, it is called “Kohl’s Illinois, Inc.”

October 12, 2009

Unprecedented Consensus

by @ 20:18. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

“Unprecedented consensus” from Republicans is what President Obama is calling the support of several RINOs and other Republicans who are not, and haven’t been in leadership roles for a number of years.

I don’t have much time to totally fisk his comments as I’m traveling and have little/weak wifi. Suffice to say it this way:

Drugs attached to the Presidency began with Bill Clinton claiming “he didn’t inhale.” They were elevated in stature when Barack Obama admitted he had tried cocaine. It now appears that drug use is regular fare at the White House. It’s the only way one could hallucinate any kind of “consensus” in support of placebocare amongst Republicans.

October Drinking Right – your 24-hour warning

by @ 19:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

This is the Emergency Blogging System. It has been activated because Steve is trying to maintain two blogs at the moment.

No Runny Eggs has issued a Drinking Right Warning for souteast Wisconsin, to be in effect at Papa’s Social Club, 7718 W Burleigh in Milwaukee, from 7 pm CDT Tuesday, October 13, 2009 until such time we finish drinking. You are advised to be there to give the soon-to-be-birthday boy Nick Schweitzer a shot.

Repeating, No Runny Eggs has issued a Drinking Right Warning in effect for tomorrow night.

This has been your 24-hour warning. Do not say that you weren’t invited.

New NRE Poll – Why does the entirety of government need to take the same furlough day?

by @ 18:35. Filed under NRE Polls, Politics - Wisconsin.

Since silent E asked the question, and because I need to generate some content here, it’s time to put up a new poll.

Why does the entirety of government need to take the same furlough day?

Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed

  • To maximize the inconvenience so that the people will willingly tax themselves more to avoid the next disruption. (89%, 25 Vote(s))
  • Something I missed (do comment in the thread) (7%, 2 Vote(s))
  • To show the people that they're doing "something" about responsibility. (4%, 1 Vote(s))

Total Voters: 28

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October 11, 2009

Why the Taliban cannot be separated from Al Qaeda

by @ 20:06. Filed under War on Terror.

(H/T – Allahpundit, who asks the $64,000 question on why the “moderate” Taliban won’t give up Osama bin Laden)

Bill Roggio and Thomas Joscelyn explain why we must defeat the Taliban, as well as the other affiliated Afghani insurgencies. In a nutshell:

  • All three of the main Afghani insurgent groups, the Quetta Shura Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and the Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin, have extensive personal leadership-to-leadership ties to Al Qaeda, established over decades of cultivation by Al Qaeda.
  • The relationship between Al Qaeda and the Taliban is so enduring that they still fight side-by-side in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, and still offer mutual-praise eulogies for each other.
  • Al Qaeda still enjoys working relationships with both elements of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Agency and the Iranian leadership.

There is much more that deserves to be read. I will, however, leave you with the conclusion:

In conclusion, the war in Afghanistan is part of a multi-dimensional contest for power between, on the one hand, al Qaeda and its allies and, on the other, America and her allies. The idea that al Qaeda is a discrete organization that can be neatly separated from the Afghan insurgency is a fantasy. All three of the major branches of the insurgency, as well as their sponsors, are closely allied with al Qaeda and have been for years.

Air strikes using drones are a valuable tool for disrupting al Qaeda’s external network, thereby hampering the terror network’s capacity to strike the West. But such strikes are a tactic, not a strategy. And, it should be noted, these strikes have frequently killed senior Taliban commanders as well. This only emphasizes the degree of cooperation between the Taliban and al Qaeda.

A more robust game plan for Afghanistan, and the region, is required. We understand that there is no immediate discussion of entirely drawing down America’s or NATO’s forces. But a more comprehensive commitment than that which is presently being employed is needed.

Should the insurgents conquer Afghanistan once again, there is no doubt that al Qaeda would return to its former safe haven. But that is, in some ways, the least of our concerns. Their return to power would be a victory for all of those forces that spawned al Qaeda in the first place.

Cross-posted at Sister Toldjah, where I’m helping to fill in for an ailing Sister Toldjah.

Odd NFL fact of the day

by @ 8:58. Filed under Sports.

Despite the presence of five 4-0 teams (four of which are playing today), there are only 3 games where both teams are above .500:

– Cincinnati (3-1) at Baltimore (3-1)
– Atlanta (2-1) at San Francisco (3-1)
– New England (3-1) at Denver (4-0)

There is also only one game where both teams are under .500 – Cleveland (0-4) at Buffalo (1-3), despite all six teams that are winless (Cleveland, Tennessee, Kansas City, Tampa Bay, St. Louis, and Carolina, which already had its bye) playing this weekend.

BTW, take the Packers over the Bye because they are getting 3.

October 10, 2009

Weekend Hot Read – Anita MonCrief’s “How This Ex-Liberal Found Fortitude and Her Way Home”

by @ 19:28. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I cannot say enough how honored I am to have met Anita MonCrief, first at RightOnline in Pittsburgh in August, then again at the Defending the American Dream Summit last weekend. She is as down-to-earth as can be even after she became a main target of the Left for abandoning them and blowing one of the first whistles on ACORN.

She wrote down a brief history of her journey from being a liberal to a self-thinking person. The close:

Putting political ideology aside for a moment, I will tell anyone that there has been a certain amount of inner peace that I have never had before and I have noticed more harmony in my family. For the first time in my adult life I can honestly say that I am not at war with myself or the world. I never knew that by changing my political beliefs that I would find my faith, change the course of my life and end a self destructive pattern of victimhood.

October 9, 2009

Guest-blogging over at Sister Toldjah

by @ 15:25. Filed under The Blog.

Since Sister Toldjah has gone down with a nasty bug, she hung out the guest-blogger sign, and invited Phineas and me to cover for her while she gets healthy again.

Get well soon, ST, and the rest of you stop on in over there. Once again, I’ll try to do some exclusive content for her and hopefully remember to repost it here when the comments time out, while doing some other stuff here. In fact, I’ve just put up a look at the media poll question from the WPRI/UW poll from the weekend.

The appropriate award for the Norwegian Nobel Committee

Charlie Sykes of 620 WTMJ here in Milwaukee named the Norwegian Nobel Committee the winner of this week’s Almost-Somewhat-Not-Quite-Deep-Enough Tunnel Award.

For those of you not familiar with the Deep Tunnel Award, it’s named after Milwaukee’s not-quite-deep enough Deep Tunnel, which was sold as a couple-million-dollar solution preventing sewage overflows into Lake Michigan and the local rivers during all except the 100-year rainfall while allowing portions of Milwaukee and Shorewood to keep combined sewers, and which turned out to be a $1 billion+ boondoggle that doesn’t even stop overflows from a twice-yearly rainfall and which is causing parts of downtown Milwaukee to sink into the ground. As Charlie says every Friday about 11:40 am when he awards it, it’s awarded to “the person, politician or institution who…is the most full of it”.

The Nobel Committee did beat out some stiff competition from:
– Wisconsin State Senator Jim Sullivan (D-Wauwatosa), who is using a toughening of the drunk-driving laws to raise taxes.
– Congressman Steve Kagen (D-WI), who doesn’t want you or his fellow Congressmen to be able to view bills before they’re voted upon.
– Milwaukee County Board Chair Lee Holloway, who doesn’t let little things such as Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker explicitly telling David Duke to his face that he has no place in the Republican Party get in the way of comparing Walker to Duke.

Roll change – the main street man is back

by @ 12:07. Filed under The Blog.

I haven’t been able to keep up with all the moves Alexander/Rabbit has been doing, but at least this time he only changed the name. Of course, since I didn’t keep up with the previous move, I had to do both in the bloated roll. In any case, a Little off Main is back in business.

In related news, the ultimate expiration date

by @ 11:06. Filed under Politics - National, War on Terror.

I’ll simply let Jim Geraghty deliver the kicker (note; I somehow missed this yesterday, as did the rest of you given the lack of notes in Open Thread Thursday, so “today” is actually “yesterday”)…

The New York Times, today:

President Obama’s national security team is moving to reframe its war strategy by emphasizing the campaign against Al Qaeda in Pakistan while arguing that the Taliban in Afghanistan do not pose a direct threat to the United States, officials said Wednesday.

That’s right; Obama is preparing to hand Afghanistan back to the people goat-fuckers whose wholescale destruction of non-Islamic religious symbols, use of soccer fields as mass public execution venues, and subjugation of women that would make even Iran’s Mad Mullahs blush made Afghanistan the number one place for Al Qaeda to relocate after they got kicked out of Somalia.

Your 2009 Nobel Piec…er, Peace Prize Winner is…

(H/T – Allahpundit)

Barack Hussein Obama II

No Runny Eggs has obtained the first draft of the award resolution:

Whereas Barack Hussein Obama II took the office of United States President on January 20, 2009 on the promise of Hope and Change, and…

Whereas Barack Hussein Obama II promised surrender to the Islamokazis, and…

Whereas Barack Hussein Obama II gave new hope to Communists worldwide, and…

Whereas Barack Hussein Obama II has encouraged Iran to pursue nuclear weapons with which it will wipe out the biggest threat to the Religion of Pieces, Israel, and…

Whereas Barack Hussein Obama II has ended American Exceptionalism,…

Therefore, we the idiots of the Nobel Piece Committee award Barack Hussein Obama II the Nobel Piece Prize.

I wish I were kidding about either the award or the reasoning, but the only thing that is semi-tongue-in-cheek is that first-draft resolution.

Revisions/extensions (7:19 am 10/9/2009) – Hot Air commenter reaganaut answers the inevitable baseball question – “Well, now we know Obama will win the AL Cy Young for throwing out that pitch.” What other undeserving awards will Obama get?

R&E part 2 (8:56 am 10/9/2009) – (H/T – Doug Mataconis) Daniel W. Drezner did one better by getting into the final deliberations of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. It is a must-read.

R&E part 3 (9:07 am 10/9/2009) – Read about just some of the nominees that lost out to President Present. What didn’t they do that Teh Won did? They didn’t support Communism and Radical Islam. In fact, several of those who didn’t make the final cut oppose Communists and Islamokazis.

R&E part 4 (9:26 am 10/9/2009) – Dr. Dave lists the new qualifications for the Nobel Piec…er, Peace Prize.

R&E part 5 (10:50 am 10/9/2009) – Steve Padilla over at the Los Angeles Times’ Top of the Ticket blog came through with the full text of the Nobel announcement:

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama’s initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population.

For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world’s leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama’s appeal that “Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.”

Oslo, October 9, 2009

Damn if that isn’t close to my exclusive first-draft resolution.

R&E part 6 (12:46 pm 10/9/2009) – A couple more for the linkage:
Phineas put up a few more of Obama’s “accomplishments”, as well as the “qualifications” of a few recent Piec…er, Peace Prize winners.
Slublog broke out the Slushop. I’ll give you just one of them; you’re going to have to go to Ace’s place for the rest.

R&E part 7 (12:57 pm 10/9/2009) – I bow to the master of Teh Funny, Iowahawk, who got a copy of Obama’s invitation to the Nobel Peace Player’s Club.

R&E part 8 (7:20 pm 10/9/2009) – I called this one even before I posted it here (see my first comment at the Hot Air thread) – The Wall Street Journal agrees with my assessment that it was an award for the end of American exceptionalism:

The Norwegians are on to something. In a mere nine months, the President has promulgated a vision for the U.S. role in the world that breaks with both Republican and Democratic predecessors. Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State, called America the “indispensable nation” a decade ago. Ronald Reagan called it a “city on the Hill,” an example to the world.

Mr. Obama sees the U.S. differently, as weaker than it was and the rest of the planet as stronger, and so he calls for a humbler America, at best a first among equals, working primarily through the U.N. The world’s challenges, he emphasized yesterday, “can’t be met by any one leader or any one nation.” What this suggests to us—and to the Norwegians—is the end of what has been called “American exceptionalism.” This is the view that U.S. values have universal application and should be promoted without apology, and defended with military force when necessary.

October 8, 2009

The doctors who don’t need to play dress-up

by @ 14:54. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

Once again, the two doctors of the Senate, Sen. Tom Coburn, M.D. and Sen. John Barrasso, M.D, will be taking to the Ustream airwaves at 4 pm Central (5 pm Eastern, 3 pm Mountain, check your watches on the Left Coast). They’ll likely be talking about the Baucus non-bill and the CBO’s scoring of said non-bill.

If you missed it; here’s the show courtesy YouTube…


Revisions/extensions (6:13 pm 10/8/2009) – Replaced the Ustream video of the previous show with the YouTube video of the current show.

Why does the world hate Robert Stacy McCain?

by @ 13:20. Filed under Miscellaneous.

The short version of why they hate Robert Stacy McCain is – “They’ve gone mad”. Slightly-longer version:

– He’s figured out how to make the transition from the oldest of media (specifically, the still-good Washington Times to the newest of media, the blogosphere.
He’s still doing actual shoe-leather journalism.
He throws out links better than anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, I’ve seen (especially in the mirror).

Despite that, or probably, because of that, Rachel Maddow brought back an old and false charge of racism (funny how that always seems to be the prefered card of the Left), which a West Virginia paper repeated like any good parrot (never mind said paper has gone to the mat time and time again to defend their former-Klansman Senator).

I had the privilege to run into R. S. a couple months ago. He is simply a great person.

Open Thread Thursday – winter is coming edition

by @ 12:51. Filed under Open Thread Thursday.

Well, Shoebox is likely going to get an inch of snow between Friday night and Saturday, and a wintry mix is slated to fall on top of the bunker Sunday night, so it’s a winter song…


Have at it.


by @ 3:47. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Michelle Obama was a slave.  Who knew? Damn, she’s done well for herself.

In First Lady’s Roots, a Complex Path From Slavery

October 7, 2009

I Don’t Even Have The Words……

by @ 20:41. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Just watch:

Treatment of Illegal Aliens to Blame for Olympic Loss

Now that the dust has settled on the selection of the 2016 Olympics, some of the delegates are providing some insight on why the Chicago bid failed.  According to this article, a Pakistani IOC member said that one of the reasons Chicago lost out was that entering the United States could be:

“a rather harrowing experience.”

President Obama was quick to point out that as President, things will change:

“One of the legacies I want to see is a reminder that America at its best is open to the world.”

Even the President of the US Travel association took the feedback seriously:

“When IOC members are commenting to our President that foreign visitors find traveling to the United States a ‘pretty harrowing experience,’ we need to take seriously the challenge of reforming our entry process to ensure there is a welcome mat to our friends around the world, even as we ensure a secure system.”

I’ve traveled to a few countries and have had the opportunity to experience how non residents are treated by their entry port agents.  I’ve also watched how our entry agents treat non residents entering the US.  I’m hard pressed to say that in comparison to other countries, entering the US is difficult.  Based on my observations, describing the US entry process as “harrowing” could only be done by someone who felt that a hangnail was a “harrowing” medical malady.

The only people who would generally find entrance to the US as “harrowing” are those who are attempting to do so illegally.  The irony is that Chicago is a sanctuary city and doesn’t care what the legal or illegal status of some one’s entry to the US was so even that shouldn’t have been an issue.  Maybe, in all the focus on themselves, the Obama’s forgot to mention that as a selling point to the IOC?

It’s For The Children!

by @ 5:43. Filed under Politics - National.

Hardly an issue goes by that the left doesn’t invoke “the children” as a reason to see things their way.

Healthcare Placebocare – It’s the Children

Stimulus plan – It’s the Children

Cap and Trade – It’s for the Children

Has the left ever seen anything that was bad “for the children?”  Apparently so.

In this audio posted by Breitbart, President Obama’s Safe School Czar, the same guy who seems to be generally OK with Man/boy relationships doesn’t know rape when he sees it, knows that heterosexuality is bad for the children.  At a 2000 GLSEN event, Kevin Jennings made the accusation that:

“Kids are being aggressively recruited to become heterosexual in this country.”

What?  No!  How dare they!!!

Oh….wait.  That’s a good thing isn’t it?  Not according to Kevin Jennings.  Listen to the whole clip below.

H/t Breitbart

October 6, 2009

Your 2009 American League Central Champs!

by @ 20:54. Filed under Miscellaneous.


Slight change in the look

by @ 19:10. Filed under The Blog.

Since Shoebox has finally started Twittering (do follow him at @Shoeboxnre), I needed to shoehorn a second Twitter badge on the right sidebar. It’s not a perfect solution because, except at the largest resolutions, you’ll need to scroll to get to the bloated roll, but it works for now.

More Talk About Placebocare

by @ 17:09. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

Don’t miss the latest addition of the Senate Doctors show.  Unlike what’s contained in the various iterations of Placebocare, these guys actually know something about health care and how to provide reform that would actually be beneficial to Americans.  You can watch the latest episode below.

Free video chat by Ustream

Welcome to the party ‘Lanche arrivals

by @ 15:07. Filed under The Blog.

I have to thank a few high-profile people for linking here the last couple days:

Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air for the video I shot of him at the Defending the American Dream Summit.

Robert Stacy McCain for me trying to steer you to Part 1 of his reporting from Clay County, Kentucky.

John Hawkins for naming me the Blog of the Day over at Linkiest. For those of you who don’t know what Linkiest (formerly known as Conservative Grapevine) is, it is an aggregator of who’s who in the conservative blogosphere.

Thanks for stopping in, and do stick around and enjoy the posts from Shoebox and me (and the occassional guest-blogger).

A housekeeping note; I hadn’t realized that John had changed the name of Conservative Grapevine. I’ve updated the bloated roll to the right.

[No Runny Eggs is proudly powered by WordPress.]