Jumpin’ Jim Cantore, he of the 30-foot storm surge, is in town. The snow is a bit late (just started flurrying here in Oak Creek), but we’re still in for 6-12 inches depending on where you are.
Ah heck, it worked when we had Mike Seidel here – let’s give Jim a warm welcome.
Revisions/extensions (10:00 am 4/11/2007) – The white death is starting to stick to the ground here in Oak Creek, but the pavement (even the untreated pavement) is still just wet (or perhaps frozen; my thermometer says it’s 31.3 degrees, though I trust that about a quarter as far as I could chuck it left-handed).
Revisions/extensions part 2 (12:50 pm 4/11/2007) – Demon Snow continues, as I can no longer tell the difference between asphalt and grass. I can, however, still see the tops of the tallest stalks of grass (I didn’t get a chance to mow before things got wet and white), and still tell the difference between concrete and grass.
Revisons/extensions part 3 (4:52 pm 4/11/2007) – Hey Newt; I’ve got 6 or so inches of Global “Warming” for you to shovel. Just jump out of the plane on its final approach to Runway 1L…oops, that Global “Warming” pretty much shut down Mitchell Field.