No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for the 'The Morning Scramble' Category

March 25, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 3/25/2008

by @ 6:47. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I have to thank B4B for the inspiration for today’s song…


Blogs4Bauer has nuked Detroit.
– Staying in Detroit, Lawhawk (a B4B contributor), William Teach, Ed Morrissey, JammieWearingFool, Jon Ham, and Jim Hoft all play “Name That Politician’s Affiliation”.
Mesablue cooks. Mmmmmm, lamb.
– Crank up that CO2 machine; Ace says the ChiComs are the first to go in the event of out-of-control Gorebal Warming.
The Emperor answers a registered sex offender’s attempt to become mayor (I must put a content warning on this one).
Allahpundit notes DC is trying to grab all the guns it can before they’re slapped down by SCOTUS.
Fausta puts the hate on Skype phish.
Chris delivers an economics lesson.
James T. Harris compares a pair of preachers and finds a lot of changes in 13 years’ age difference.
Michelle Malkin is running a photo caption/PhotoShop contest.

March 24, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 3/24/2008

by @ 7:51. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

There really is only one song that sums up my bracket…


Nobody reads this place on the weekends, but some people do weekend blogging. Let’s roll:

– A “nervous” Mary Katharine reads the Sermon on the Mount. MKH, nervous? Surely she can’t be serious.
Elliot questions the removal of a secular Easter display on the grounds that it would offend non-Christians in Saint Paul, Minnesota (emphasis in the original commentary). Yes, it has come to this, folks; the secularization of a religious holiday isn’t secular enough for the everybody-but-Christians (and sometimes Jews) crowd.
Peeps, Peeps, Peeps, Peeps everywhere, but not a Week in Peeps in sight yet (in order of the links, Michelle, E.M., Keith, Phelony Jones and Kevin, who would rather have a chocolate egg).
Tom McMahon sums up the Winter That Won’t Die™.
Ruthless is hunting RINOs out in northwest Wisconsin. Good hunting.
– I’m surprised Jib didn’t get the frying pan for his observation on Hollywood’s obsession with stick figures. Of course, since Mrs. Jib agrees, that reduces the risk a lot.
JammieWearingFool discovered what happened to the folks behind the video version of M-m-m-m-max bin Laden. Guess they became victims of coicumstance and American-made ordnance, but mostly American-made ordnance.
– Since this is the post-weekend edition, and it’s my rules, I can double-dip on my sources. JWF discovered what donors to freshly-minted New York governor David Paterson’s campaign bought for Paterson.
– I’m not much of a jazz person (my dad failed to pass that along), but Headless Blogger is.
Trail-Mix, the Disgruntled Truck Driver, goes YouTubin’. ‘Tis a good first effort, IMHO.
– Speaking of YouTubin’, Uncle Jimbo discovers Google doesn’t like dead jihadi body parts flying around the screen, but mixes some buildings holding jihadis getting blowed up real good with lefty music (always a great “tweaking” combo).
Tom asks, “Snowpocalypse or Stormageddon?”

March 21, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 3/21/2008

by @ 6:56. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I guess I should celebrate going better than .500 yesterday considering my 2008 record, but since I know that’s the high point of my tournament this year, I feel the need for some more blues.


– Speaking of songs, James Wigderson breaks out into song.
Lawhawk discovers who is behind the scandals in New York and New Jersey’s governor’s offices.
– I bet that Elliot Spitzer is wishing he hung onto power right about now; Brian notes that his replacement is suspected of billing his campaign for some of the costs of his affair. Next in line for the governorship is a Pubbie (or at least what passes for one in New York).
Plebian goes back into the memory vault to pull yet another wrong prediction or two from the Gorebal “Warming” crowd back from the memory hole.
Jo Egelhoff put together a list of programs the state could cut to get rid of the deficit. I’ll bet you didn’t know that the state of Wisconsin subsidizes ethanol at the rate of 20 cents per gallon (which is on top of the federal 51-cent-per-gallon subsidy).
Justin Higgins notes the ‘Rats believe a yearly salary of $31,850 makes one “rich”.
Doubleplusundead is shocked, SHOCKED the ‘Rats selectively enforce election laws they routinely break.
Stan bemoans the fact that President Bush will still be going to Red China for the 1936 Muni…er, 2008 Beijing Olympics.
Curt asks Obama, “Was the Iraq front for oil or not?”
Stable Hand finds a pastor not afraid of the big bad Obama wolf.
John Hawkins answers a heap of questions.

March 20, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 3/20/2008

I really need to thank Mary Katharine Ham for putting music in her linkage posts. Mea culpa maxima for not tipping my hat yesterday.

It’s spring, so it’s flood season (at least if you’re not in Wisconsin, where we’re getting more snow starting tonight). That means it’s time for some blues while you pop through the abbreviated linkage here and hopefully provide some things I miss on a regular basis in the comments.


– I’ll be on this one in more detail in a bit, but Jon Ham points out why the Kelo decision was so bad.
Eric doesn’t care about CAIR.
Todd Lohenry talks change.
The Emperor has the Smackdown of the Day™.
Jim Lynch reports there is some sanity left in Philadelphia. Hey AB, next time you and the Big Pilot decide to do a $100 lunch at Geno’s, let me know.
Rusty says the latest M-m-m-m-m-max bin Laden audiotape is more evidence Osama is dead. Since M-m-m-m-max bitched about the Mohammed cartoons, it’s time to put them back up…

There’s a lot more out there, but it’s time to do some bracketology. That mozzarella doesn’t bounce by itself, you know.

March 19, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 3/19/2008

by @ 8:00. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Once again, I stress that this is not yet a regular feature, but methinks we need some music to get me…er, you in the mood. Maestro,….


Whilest you’re listening to one of the best metal songs of all time, go ahead and start reading.

Michelle Malkin points to a full rise out of Chris Matthew’s Leg.
Tom McMahon works his Photoshop magic once again on the Obama/Wright fiasco.
John Hawkins nails what Barack Obama really is.
Flashy has some more questions for Obama.
– One of those was also asked by Jim Geraghty.
– I guess the NYT should have listened to Tom; Allahpundit has the sordid details of their faceplant into the tank.
PJ-Comix has been invited to the 2008 Media Research Center Gala Awards.
Lawhawk cheers the pending release of much of Hillary Clinton’s daily schedule from her time as first lady/co-President.
Kevin Fischer says, “Teach your children well about taxes.”
Mary Lazich points out half the country, including Wisconsin, have corporate income taxes that make doing business in the US the most-taxing in the industrialized world.
– The NRSC isn’t the only Senatorial entity dealing with retirements; the odds of the Pubbies retaking the state Senate just dropped with the announcement of Carol Roessler’s retirement (via JSOnline’s AllPolitics). Of course, it could also be a golden opportunity to replace a RINO with a conservative.
Gateway Pundit reminds us the gulags in Cuba are not at Club Gitmo.
USCitizen has links to the transcripts of the Heller oral arguments. Stan has a link to the audio.
Bill Quick uses the Heller case to highlight why I’m a conservative, not a card-carrying Republican (though because I paid my $29 for the Milwaukee County Lincoln Day dinner, I’m in the party).
Pete wants to be a Knight at White Castle without going to the far side of the Root River Divide (side note; I miss Ed Zeppelin).
– From the Religion of Pieces file, Wolking’s World finds 84% of Palestinians support the deadly attack on a Jerusalem seminary earlier this month.
– Continuing with the Pieces theme, Weasel Zippers found out that our friends the Saudis (® James Taranto) once again refuse to recognize religions other than Islam.
– The Winter That Won’t Die™ will be dumping some more snow on us Friday, or so says the National Weather Service now (the link will update with the latest forecast).
Charlie Sykes says, “Ahhhh, the power of Wisconsin cheese.”
CDR Salamander exposes the boondoggle that is the VH-71, which is slated to be Marine One when/if it enters service. Maybe it’s just me, but the combo behind the VH-71 sounds just a wee bit like the one behind the KC-45.
Swint answers Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe’s question, “Who is better than Zimbabwe?”
Uncle Jimbo is touring the country on the Heroes Tour, and he has a damn good interview with Mark Finelli.
Jo Egelhoff asks what brand of police station Appleton is getting for its over-budget money.
Mary wants the fidelity-challenged governors to “speak now or forever hold their peace”.
Youssef Ibrahim says it’s time to push the Saudis on oil prices.

Blogging will be a bit light on my end. Between a trip to Madison and final (or is that first?) prep for the first fantasy baseball draft, I won’t be around a computer much the rest of the day.

March 18, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 3/18/2008

by @ 8:49. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I don’t know if this is going to be a regular feature, but why not take some mandatory linkage out for a test spin? After all, what good is a feed reader with 150 or so blogs in it if I don’t share the love?

James Wigderson hates yard signs with a passion.
– Why? Uncle Fred found a yard sign without the “paid for by” text.
Weasel Zippers found some sanity in Jolly Old England as female Islamic doctors no longer can use their religion to hide behind their veils
Kevin Fischer points out the inanity of Jim “Craps” Doyle’s (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) position that in order to fix potholes, we have to raid the transportation fund that is designated to, among other things, fix potholes.
Tom McMahon shows off the best Pez dispenser evah (at least if you’re a guy).
Ragnar Danneskjold, R.I.N.O. Hunter, finds out John McCain still doesn’t get it on illegal immigration.
Jim Geraghty catches Hillary Clinton in a fish story.
Mark McNally breaks out in song on the Obama/Wright mess.
Mike points us to a great piece by Shelby Steele on the Obama/Wright mess.
– Continuing on the Obama theme, Bruce has a few questions.
Erick at RedState has the phrase of the day – Demasochist Party.
The American Pundit and Gabriel Malor both report on a 85-year-old story of melting Arctic ice. Yep, Gorebal Warming’s been around that long.
– Speaking of Gorebal Warming, Dean points out that bacteria pump out more carbon than we do.
Warner Todd Huston at Stop the ACLU has some good news on the “Fairness” Doctrine, at least for the next 10 months.
Alan Steinberg has the headline of the day – “Prices Going Up… Confidence in Government Going Down”.
Silent E is bucking for a fill-in gig for WSJ’s Best of the Web with his exposing of the Dumb Headline of the Day.
See-Dubya has some not-so-breaking news on the lack of conservatives in the LeftStreamMedia.
– There’s so many places to choose from for news on freshly-minted New York Governor David Paterson’s admission that he cheated on his wife (and that she cheated on him), but I’ll go with Slublog’s fingering of the water supply in Albany. Also, don’t miss the comments that flashy dug up.
– Speaking of New York, JammieWearingFool relays a report that the former governor was headed toward Swimmer territory in the alcohol department.
Skinbad does the math on Elliot Spitzer and Paul McCartney, and finds that it pays to pay by the day.
Rick Esenberg catches up on the flurry of ads in the Supreme Court race.
Rick Moran asks whether capitalism and hence conservatism is dead.
William Teach brings news that the UN doesn’t know what’s in its own “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.
Jib questions the wisdom of touting plans to be number two when by the time the structure in question is built, it will be no better than number four.
– You know sports doping is bad when Janet Evans catches a story on doping in German billiards.
– Since the idiots at Fox won’t have a new season of “24” until next January, the folks at Blogs4Bauer continue their strike replacement episodes with Episode 11.

Revisions/extensions (9:00 am 3/18/2008) – And one more I was going to add before the hamsters in the server briefly went on strike (let me put it this way; the dogs are happy now):
Gateway Pundit is offering a special on Wright’s Greatest Hits.

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