There really is only one song that sums up my bracket…
Nobody reads this place on the weekends, but some people do weekend blogging. Let’s roll:
– A “nervous” Mary Katharine reads the Sermon on the Mount. MKH, nervous? Surely she can’t be serious.
– Elliot questions the removal of a secular Easter display on the grounds that it would offend non-Christians in Saint Paul, Minnesota (emphasis in the original commentary). Yes, it has come to this, folks; the secularization of a religious holiday isn’t secular enough for the everybody-but-Christians (and sometimes Jews) crowd.
– Peeps, Peeps, Peeps, Peeps everywhere, but not a Week in Peeps in sight yet (in order of the links, Michelle, E.M., Keith, Phelony Jones and Kevin, who would rather have a chocolate egg).
– Tom McMahon sums up the Winter That Won’t Die™.
– Ruthless is hunting RINOs out in northwest Wisconsin. Good hunting.
– I’m surprised Jib didn’t get the frying pan for his observation on Hollywood’s obsession with stick figures. Of course, since Mrs. Jib agrees, that reduces the risk a lot.
– JammieWearingFool discovered what happened to the folks behind the video version of M-m-m-m-max bin Laden. Guess they became victims of coicumstance and American-made ordnance, but mostly American-made ordnance.
– Since this is the post-weekend edition, and it’s my rules, I can double-dip on my sources. JWF discovered what donors to freshly-minted New York governor David Paterson’s campaign bought for Paterson.
– I’m not much of a jazz person (my dad failed to pass that along), but Headless Blogger is.
– Trail-Mix, the Disgruntled Truck Driver, goes YouTubin’. ‘Tis a good first effort, IMHO.
– Speaking of YouTubin’, Uncle Jimbo discovers Google doesn’t like dead jihadi body parts flying around the screen, but mixes some buildings holding jihadis getting blowed up real good with lefty music (always a great “tweaking” combo).
– Tom asks, “Snowpocalypse or Stormageddon?”