No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for the 'The Blog' Category

November 14, 2006

New toy in the comments section

by @ 10:17. Filed under The Blog.

Finally decided that the “live preview” much like on sites such as From Where I Sit and Spotted Horse 2 was too good to keep off the site. I’ve gone “minimalist” on my install of Softius’ Comment Live Preview, so you won’t see the “you say” line like you do over at the 2 blogs I mentioned.

October 29, 2006

And another one flees Blogger

by @ 14:02. Filed under The Blog.

Kate has moved An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings to WordPress –

Please update your feed readers and blogrolls accordingly.

October 17, 2006

TAM latest to migrate to WP software

by @ 1:17. Filed under The Blog.

Sean Hackbarth has switched The American Mind from Movable Type to WordPress. While the URL to the main page is the same, the feed URL is different. For some reason, at this moment, simply typing TAM’s main address into your favorite feed reader doesn’t work, so either mash the feed read on his page or stuff this address – into your feed reader.

October 12, 2006

Blogger blows up again

by @ 8:05. Filed under The Blog.

Some days, it’s worth it to pay for your own server. This is one of those days, as the various Blogger/BlogSpot blogs are undergoing multiple server errors (both 500 and 502).

Blogroll explosion

by @ 6:26. Filed under The Blog.

Thanks to my lazy ways, I’ve needed to explode the blogroll to add a few worthy blogs:

The FRAUDfiles
Red State
Disgruntled Truck Driver
Michelle Malkin
The Right Side of New Berlin
Hot Air

If you’re not already reading these blogs, you should be.

September 29, 2006

Carnival of the Badger, boot camp edition

by @ 12:41. Filed under Carnival of the Badger, The Blog.

The lovely Ally, the hostess of From Metro-Belle to Marine, has this week’s Carnival up. In case you haven’t gone there yet, do so.

I have no clue how I rated #1, but even if I would have been buried at the end of the pile, it would be time to correct yet another oversight in the roll.

September 25, 2006

Consolidating the Grand Theft Courts posts

by @ 18:16. Filed under The Blog.

I created a new category called Grand Theft Courts to consolidate my various posts on the attempts by Team Craps to rob the Green campaign of between $468,000 and $1.24 million (the amount depends on how successful their multi-part effort is).

September 23, 2006

He’s baaaack!

by @ 6:37. Filed under The Blog.

The Asian Badger got most of the things that caused him to put a ground stop on his blogging taken care of much quicker than the 4 months he predicted. He’ll even have a special guest blogger from time to time (no, not me; you’ll have to read the post to find out who). In my best ’70s bad sitcom singing voice – Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baaaack!

September 21, 2006

The blogroll taketh, so now it giveth

by @ 15:25. Filed under The Blog.

I whacked a few blogs on Sunday, so it’s time to add a few:

  • Like I said below, silent E speaks got added earlier today.
  • Gibbsville Unincorporated reincorporated with the react to the revalation the State Doylie Elections Board took its marching orders from Team Craps.
  • On the strength of Dan and Keith, the Early Spin Blog finally got noticed. Sorry about taking so long; you guys are up against Bob and Brian after all, and there’s a ball and chain who shall remain nameless (coughNicolecough) that had her lieberal pals rig the contest.

It’s good to wield the lupa.

Who’s running Team Craps and DEB, Riley Coyote? (and an addition to the roll)

(H/T – Mike Huckleberry)

Mike Ellis, who I have little love for, noticed a little something about the State Doylie Elections Board’s kneecapping robbery of the Green campaign; namely, it happened in Waukesha County. Last I checked, Paul “The Marauder” Bucher was still DA there. Accordingly, Ellis has asked Bucher’s office to look into whether laws were broken by the Doylies. I don’t think the Doylies will come out in much better shape than Donovan “Vote twice like a ‘Rat” Riley.

For contributing “Riley Coyote” to the lexicon, silent E speaks just found its way onto the roll. Let’s make Doyle’s name mud-spelled backwards November 7.

Sorry about the semi-busted links

by @ 13:37. Filed under The Blog.

I’ve been trying a different permalink structure in an attempt to limit cleaning out my spam trackback box. Unfortunately, that structure also appeared to have killed all the trackbacks. I’ve gone back to the WordPress standard and am trusting (once again) my anti-spam defenses. That’s broken the links to posts done under the customized permalink structure. Sorry about the inconvenience.

September 18, 2006

New sidebar feature

by @ 16:20. Filed under Sports, The Blog.

Back on Sept 1, Jeff Wagner wondered which number would be higher; the Brewers’ win total on the road for September (and presumably, October because they finish the season in St. Louis on Oct. 1) over 12 games, or the Packers’ win total for the season over 16. I took the Brewers (I said 4, which is turning out to be “slightly” optimistic). In any case, until the fat lady sings, a running total will be up in the left sidebar, even though Jeff never did get back to me on the friendly wager.

September 17, 2006

Blogrolling with the changes

by @ 17:45. Filed under The Blog.

Change #1 – Rendezvous With Destiny finally popped up on my radar screen with enough intensity to show up on the roll. Troy’s another Waukesha County Stormtrooper who, among other things, came out of his holdout at an unfortunate time.

Change #2 – The Big Pilot decided to depart the Cheddarsphere. Damn it; he will be missed. At the same time, the Asian Badger has called a hiatus. At least he didn’t pull the plug like he did last time.

I’ve also done some culling of dead links and dead blogs.

September 7, 2006

One more for the roll

by @ 17:53. Filed under The Blog.

Whether you’re a pilot or a conservative, The Big Pilot is a great read. I’m just a bit slow in updating the roll.

August 29, 2006

New home for Spotted Horse

by @ 19:52. Filed under The Blog.

Chris took the full-fledged WordPress plunge, got himself a domain of his own, and moved Spotted Horse. You’ll have to read why he kept the “2” over there, but first, update your blogrolls and RSS feeds.

August 11, 2006

Post-vacation blogroll addition and some other housekeeping

by @ 12:41. Filed under The Blog.

– Please welcome Neo-Con* Tastic to the roll.

– Because my Captcha seems to be blocking not only comments but trackbacks/pingbacks (I’m sure I had a few legitimate ones), I’m trying things without it again. Maybe I got off the radar screens of a few of the chimps trying to recreate Shakespere in the comments section.

Revisions/extensions (2:58 pm 8/11) – reinstated the captcha; the monkeys are as bad as ever.

August 3, 2006

What draws comments?

by @ 2:00. Filed under The Blog.

This is the Emergency Blogging System. It has been activated because steveegg is out fishing until 9/12. This is not a drill; drills go Black-and-Decker-Black-and-Decker-Black-and-Decker.

It never ceases to amaze me what does and does not draw comments. Let’s take a quick look at a pair of recent posts here on No Runny Eggs. First, we have a post about weather that was in the process of rolling through as it was written Sunday morning. It didn’t even have any cool pics or “here’s the rain” in it (that was still to the north and west as it was posted), but it still drew 4 comments, the last a day after.

Next, we have a semi-humorous take on the upset of the Sausage Racing season. If you’re not a regular reader (which means you probably got here from the L Badger Carnival over on RealDebateWisconsin, it’s stuff that’s usually found on Dennis York’s blog. Despite it being funnier than the average post here (that’s not saying much :-) , it hadn’t received a single comment as of Tuesday evening when this missive was sent out.

‘Tis a good thing I don’t give too much of a flying bomb about stats ;-)

August 1, 2006

The disk jockey has made an error

by @ 21:30. Filed under The Blog.

The disk jockey has made a mistake (Hey Jude!).
One moment please.
We are now recycling No Runny Eggs.
Now back to No Runny Eggs, already in progress.

Something that wasn’t supposed to see the light of day until next week Thursday accidentally made it out early. I knew I should’ve upgraded to the Emergency All-blogging System ;-)

Gone fishing

by @ 20:16. Filed under The Blog.

Back August 12. I MIGHT have an extended post or two show up on the Emergency Blogging System, but don’t hold me to that because there’s something less than 12 hours before I head out of town.

July 22, 2006

Efforts to battle comment spam

by @ 17:06. Filed under The Blog.

I have installed a captcha device. Hated to do it, but I’m tired of having to go through 200+ spam comments a day from bots that figured out how to leave comments.

July 21, 2006

Why I don’t accept ads #511

by @ 9:00. Filed under Politics - National, The Blog.

In this morning’s KOKO Puffs edition of DUmmie FUnnies, PJ-Comix chronicles the rebellion of the KOmmies over at Daily Kos over the Head KOmmie’s running of ads for a primary opponent of Gwen Moore’s rolemodel, Cynthia McKinney (No Respect-Loserville). The KOmmies are completely bonkers, and PJ attributes that to McKinney’s refusal to buy ads. However, if memory serves, if an outlet accepts paid political advertising from one source, it must accept paid political advertising from all sources.

June 23, 2006

Off to the track

by @ 8:07. Filed under Sports, The Blog.

It’s about time to head to the oldest track in the country, the Milwaukee Mile, to watch the two junior NASCAR series race. I doubt I’ll be in much of a condition to post much until Sunday.

June 20, 2006

Sorry about the lack of blogging or access

by @ 21:48. Filed under The Blog.

I’ve actually had some problems with my host, Yahoo. I THINK I have them solved now.

Revisions/extensions (6:48 am 6/21) – still having problems. Shot off an angry e-mail to Yahoo Customer Care; let’s see if that makes this place reliable again.

Revisions/extensions part 2 (8:08 am 6/21) – Manually upgraded to 2.0.3, and things seem to be running peachy…for now.

June 16, 2006

DUmmie FUnnies – the only way to read leftists while sober

by @ 11:57. Filed under The Blog.

Just make sure that, if you read while at work, your co-workers are all right with the sounds of uncontrolled laughter before mashing here or on the link in the roll.

June 15, 2006

Latest Carnival up, and another for the roll

by @ 8:02. Filed under Carnival of the Badger, The Blog.

Kathy declares it’s summertime in the Cheddarsphere. She must’ve been reading the forecast; it’s supposed to get nice and toasty starting today.

In that spirit, Stepping Right Up just found itself on my feed reader and the roll to the right.

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