No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for the 'Politics – Wisconsin' Category

November 7, 2006

The polls are now open

This is the Emergency Blogging System. It has been activated because steveegg is already at his polling place and casting his ballot. LOOK OUT BELOW!

For the next 13 hours, the polls will be open in Wisconsin. See below for steveegg’s extended recommendations. To summarize:

Governor/Lt. Governor – Mark Green/Jean Hundertmark
Secretary of State – Sandy Sullivan
State Treasurer – Jack Voight
US Senate – Dave Casper (write-in)
Defense of Marriage Amendment – Yes (that is the ONLY vote that will prevent the Wisconsin State Supreme Court from imposing homosex marriage in the next year)
Death Penalty advisory referrendum – Yes
1st Congressional – Paul Ryan
4th Congressional – Perfecto Rivera
5th Congressional – Jim Sensenbrenner
8th Congressional – John Gard
5th State Senate – Tom Reynolds
7th State Senate – Dimity Grabowski
21st State Senate – Bill McReynolds
21st State Assembly – Mark Honadel (I know, he’s running unopposed, but we don’t want a write-in surprise)
Milwaukee County Sheriff – David Clarke
Milwaukee County District Attorney – Jeff Wagner (write-in)
Oak Creek/Franklin School $28.5 million borrow-spend-tax for another shiny new building – No

November 6, 2006

Isn’t Doyle in enough trouble with the Feds?

by @ 22:31. Filed under Law and order, Politics - Wisconsin.

Owen notes that, in direct violation of the Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act, Wisconsin and the counties/stadium boards that collect sales taxes are still taxing internet access. This tax was to have been ended under this federal law on November 1, but Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) and company are too addicted to the $30 million it brings in every year.

It’s yet another reason to vote for Mark Green for governor tomorrow.

Let the shenanigans continue

by @ 22:02. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

(H/T – unspun at Free Republic)

DemocRAT bribery for votes has hit Eau Claire. According to the RPW, Kathleen Vinehout the ‘Rat candidate for the 31st Senate District (held by RepubicRAT Ron Brown) got caught giving away hot dogs in exchange for votes. Also, a UW-Eau Claire professor used her university e-mail to encourage her students to accept rides to city hall for the purposes of voting early, with those drivers handing the students completed sample ballots with every ‘Rat filled in before they reached city hall.

RPW Executive Director Rick Wiley had the line of the day in the linked release, “Cigarettes, pastries and now hotdogs for votes. No wonder Democrats want universal health care. The people they are bribing for their vote are going to need it.”

Now, where have we seen this before?

“Yes” versus “No” on the Defense of Marriage Amendment

by @ 21:31. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Revisions/extensions (8:31 pm 11/6/2006) – Because “FAIR” Wisconsin unleashed a fresh set of lies through robocalls today (details at, among other places, Boots and Sabers), this has been brought back to the top.

Borrowing from Tom McMahon’s 4-Block World (which got added to the roll, just in case you weren’t viewing it from his main blog:

DOMA approved DOMA not approved
What changes 11/8/2006
Nothing Nothing
What changes 11/8/2007
Nothing Gay marriage imposed by SCOW

Remember, vote YES on the Defense of Marriage Amendment.

Craps Tax Anti-Freeze Sublimation Year 2 – Milwaukee County Board edition

by @ 21:26. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin, Taxes.

Almost left for home without commenting on this:

Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale), as quoted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in July 2005 – ""˜The result of the freeze that I will sign will be that the average property tax on the average home will not go up at all next year, and will actually go down $5"² in December 2006."

14 of the 19 members of the Milwaukee County Board – A 3.6% property-tax levy increase is far preferable to a tax-levy freeze.

I’m proud to say that my county board supervisor, Paul Cesarz, was once again one of those that didn’t adopt the group think. Unfortunately, once again, he’s so far in the minority that this latest increase will survive the Scott Walker vetoes.

Remember to “thank” Doyle for this latest tax anti-freeze sublimation tomorrow by voting for Mark Green.

Endorsement time – Governor

by @ 10:02. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

If you don’t know who I’m going to say, you’re probably just rolling in with this being your first post read. The choice is clear – Mark Green over Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale). I’ll let Rick Esenberg’s words speak for me because he says it far better than I can.

Endorsement time – US Senate

by @ 9:56. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Like the Milwaukee County DA’s race, I cannot recommend any of the candidates running. You have a do-nothing incumbent and 3 dumb challengers, each more insane than the last. Instead, I recommend writing in Dave Casper.

Endorsement time – Lieutenant Governor

by @ 9:48. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

That’s right, kids. In Wisconsin, you don’t vote for governor and lt. governor as a package. I’m recommending Jean Hundertmark over incumbent Barbara Lawton. Hundertmark is a strong conservative, while Lawton is an unreconstructed lieberal who is both tied at the hip to Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) and would be first in line to replace him should they both be re-elected and then Doyle be convicted on possible federal corruption charges (remember, he’s still under investigation).

Revisions/extensions (2:34 pm 11/6/2006) – Matt Thomas points out below that it is a combined ticket.

Endorsement time – Secretary of State

by @ 9:38. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

This really is a meaningless office, but I’m saving my second write-in of the election because there is but one significant factor – if the governor and lieutenant governor were to both depart office, the secretary of state becomes acting governor. I have no respect for either the La Follette legacy or political dynasties, so I’m recommending Sandy Sullivan over incumbent Doug La Follette.

Endorsement time – Attorney General

by @ 9:30. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

I’m recommending JB Van Hollen over Kathleen Falk. Van Hollen is an experienced prosecutor on both the local and federal levels, even though he didn’t notice the smell from the governor’s mansion during the time his tenure as US Attorney for Western Wisconsin and Jim “Craps” Doyle’s (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) tenure as governor overlapped. Falk was chosen by the DPW because she would quash the state participation in ongoing investigations into Doyle and his administration; she also is incredibly soft on crime and unbelievably anti-business, and she lacks any prosecutorial experience whatsoever.

Endorsement time – Defense of Marriage Amendment

by @ 9:19. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

I’m recommending a YES vote on the Defense of Marriage Amendment. Society as a whole has decided that the civil institution of marriage should follow the Christian institution of marriage, which says that marriage is between one man and one woman. Though the civil institution does fall short of the institution established by God, it is the closest we can get.

Beyond that, I strongly oppose change instituted by no more than 7 Lawgivers-In-Black. Passage of this amendment would cut them and only them out of the equation of future changes, as the state Constitution can be and often is amended by majority votes of 2 consecutive Legislatures and the majority of voters in an election, and those amendments often rewrite and strike out existing portions of said Constitution. Failure of this amendment would be all the green light the Wisconsin State Supreme Court will need to use a case already in the court system to impose homosex marriage from on high.

Endorsement time – 8th Congressional District

by @ 8:40. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

The only competitive Congressional race in Wisconsin features a self-financed moonbat versus a hand-picked RINO (hand-picked over a RepublicRAT). I abhor the ideas of another moonbat from Wisconsin and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, so I’m recommending John Gard over Steve Kagen. That’s all.

Endorsement time – 5th Congressional District

by @ 8:34. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Hmmm, a conservative gadfly in the ointment of federal power or a guy who has the audacity to pay himself a salary for running for office? It’s a no-brainer – I’m recommending Jim Sensenbrenner for another 2 years against Bryan Kennedy. I disagree strongly with Sensenbrenner’s refusal to open up ANWR, but on issues from not writing blank checks to “disaster victims” to enforcing immigration laws to securing the borders to understanding the relationship between the states and the federal government, Sensenbrenner and I see eye to eye.

Endorsement time – 4th Congressional District

by @ 8:30. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

I got redistricted out of this district in time for the 2002 elections, but my other sister still is in Milwaukee, so again I have a stake in this. I’m recommending challenger Perfecto Rivera over incumbent Gwen Moore. I know it’s a hopeless task because the 4th is now all lieberal, but even lieberals deserve better representation than someone who routinely threw temper tantrums when she was in the state Senate and then disappeared when she met a true master of the temper tantrum and race-card-playing game in Washington.

Endorsement time – 1st Congressional District

by @ 8:26. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

This ought to come as no surprise – I’m recommending incumbent Paul Ryan over challenger Jeff Thomas. Thomas brings nothing to the table; Ryan brings a history of tax cuts, accountability in budgeting and the best, last hope to keep Social Security from burying the country right about the time I’m ready to retire.

Endorsement time – Milwaukee County District Attorney

by @ 8:21. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

I cannot recommend either candidate whose names are on the ballot, assistant DA John Chisholm or lawyer Lew Wasserman. Chisholm is the hand-picked successor to E. Michael McCan’t, who tried to find a way to plea-bargain every crime down to the bare minimum (and that’s if we in the public were lucky). Wasserman actually wants to make the DA’s office even less of a prosecutorial arm of government. Instead, I’m recommending writing in Jeff Wagner, the WTMJ talk show host (not Jeffrey Wagner the circuit judge).

Endorsement time – Milwaukee County Sheriff

by @ 8:15. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

For those of you who think I’m just pulling a straight-Pubbie ticket, take a gander at this. I’m recommending “Democrat” David Clarke for re-election over challenger Don Holt. Clarke is continuing to try to force the deputies to become actual law officers instead of donut-munching revenue-generators because he recognizes that the Milwaukee Police Department needs all the help it can get. Holt would rather go back to the revenue-generation-only days.

Endorsement time – 7th State Senate District

by @ 8:10. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

I’m recommending challenger Dimity Grabowski over incumbent Jeff Plale. As alderwoman in Oak Creek, Grabowski somehow got both mayor Dick Bolender and tax-and-spender alderman Al Foeckler (whose district I’m thankfully leaving Wednesday) to agree to a no-levy-increase budget (even though they’re tapping half of a $6 million reserve fund). It sure seems there are two Plales; the moderate pro-life, pro-school-choice Plale that existed before he became state Senator, and the liberal partisan hack that thinks taxes aren’t high enough. The Dems tried to kill the moderate Plale, and even though their candidate Donovan “Vote Twice Like a ‘Rat” Riley was forced to drop out of the race because of double-voting, the 25% he still got will probably be enough to kill the moderate Plale if he’s returned to the state Senate.

Endorsement time – State Senate 5th District

by @ 8:01. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

My sister recently moved to this district, so I do have a stake in this. I’m recommending Tom Reynolds for re-election over Jim Sullivan. I rather like the idea of a conservative gadfly in the ointment of the power system; without him, we would still have the gas tax going up automatically every April Fool’s Day. As for Sullivan, he’s a tax-and-spend-and-tax-some-more kind of guy who at the very least believes that he can order city clerks to change election records and assistant DAs to rule he didn’t vote in a location he was recorded as voting at with nothing more than his word.

Endorsement time – Oak Creek/Franklin borrow-and-spend-and-tax referrendum

by @ 7:53. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Since I missed the last week due to moving prep, I missed out on the week-long fluid-swapping between Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (the official southeast Wisconsin mouthpiece of the Craps For Governor campaign) idiotorial board and didn’t comment too much (or here at all) about their increasing tilt toward the left. Time to make up for all that with the start of my endorsement series with the local.

I’m recommending a NO vote on the Oak Creek/Franklin School District $28.5 million referrendum to build a new East Middle School. This is the third time in a decade that the school district is looking to jam the taxpayers of Oak Creek and eastern Franklin, and they’re using this to set up jams 4 (the replacement of Meadowview Elementary) and 5 (the building of a second high school), jams that were allegedly addressed by the previous 2 referrenda. Bear in mind that they already bought the property for all three of these pet projects, overpaying in the process. Bear in mind that they’re spending 7.5% more this year than last (“thanks” again for that “freeze”, Craps).

October 27, 2006

The dangers of an activist court and homosex “marriage”

Today’s Wall Street Journal (online version free today, October 27, 2006, only; I’m taking this from the print version) has an excellent editorial on New Jersey’s Supreme Court ruling that every benefit of marriage be extended to homosexual couples. Let’s take a look at the first paragraph:

This week’s New Jersey Supreme Court’s judicial diktat on same-sex-somethings (name to be determined later) is a remarkable arrogation of power by the judiciary. The court’s belief that it is empowered to embark on social experimentation in the field of marriage is embodied in the words — “We have decided that our State Constitution guarantees that every statutory right and benefit conferred to heterosexual couples through civil marriage must be made available to committed same-sex couples . . .” (our emphasis).

Note the phrase emphasized by the WSJ, “We have decided”. What, exactly, did the Lawgivers-In-Black decide? It decided that New Jersey’s legislature didn’t go nearly far enough in 2004 when it passed a law recognizing “domestic partnerships”. Indeed, it used the existance of that law to justify ordering the legislature to act as a further “great engine of social change”.

What else did the Lawgivers-In-Black decide? It decided that “or status as same-sex partners” be added to the interpretation of Article I, Paragraph 5 of the New Jersey Constitution, which reads, “No person shall be denied the enjoyment of any civil or military right, nor be discriminated against in the exercise of any civil or military right, nor be segregated in the militia or in the public schools, because of religious principles, race, color, ancestry or national origin.” Do note that they did NOT find a “fundamental right” to homosex “marriage” (though 3 of them did try to find just such a “right” in the “unenumerated rights” paragraph). Funny thing is, the phrases “same-sex” and “sexual orientation” (or similar language) do not appear anywhere in the New Jersey Constitution (or the United States Constitution for that matter). The other funny thing is that nowhere in that Constitution is the judiciary given a role in rewritting the Constitution.

If the Defense of Marriage Amendment fails on November 7, this ruling, or one demanding an outright mandate of “homosex marriage”, on an already-pending lawsuit to grant homosex couples “marriage” rights is in Wisconsin’s immediate future. Vote “YES” on the Defense of Marriage Amendment on November 7 (or earlier if you are voting absentee).

October 26, 2006

RDW – One Wisconsin race to effectively end tonight – UPDATE – Doyle threatened WRA

by @ 15:21. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Stay tuned to RealDebateWisconsin for the details.

It will make Kurt Vlach’s banana hammock and the union takeover of the Racine ‘Rat party look like actions at a Sunday School picnic.

Revisions/extensions (6:25 pm 10/26/2006) – Fred has the story up. Cliff Notes version:

  • Jim Doyle (yes, THAT Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale)) personally threatened the Wisconsin Realtors Association with official state retaliation during his sales pitch to the WRA’s political board if they endorsed Mark Green for governor.
  • The WRA bravely thumbed their noses at Doyle, voting 35-2 to endorse Mark Green for governor.

Told you it would make Fred’s previous scoops look like Sunday School picnics.

October 25, 2006

If you…, you might be a “moderate”.

by @ 15:50. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Once again, I apologize for the lack of blogging. This chest cold just isn’t letting go. Oh well, let’s push on and define a Jentinel “moderate” in Jeff Foxworthy terms:

  • If every action you take shows that you think taxes aren’t high enough in Wisconsin, you might be a “moderate”.
  • If you think the only form of stem cell research worth funding is both the only form that has shown zero promise and the one that destroys life in the process, you might be a “moderate”.
  • If, after a lifetime opposing expansion of gambling, you all of a sudden think the state Constitution, as expressed by both the Legislature and the public, doesn’t apply to you because you have to pay off the $1 million that Indian gambling interests gave you, you might be a “moderate”.
  • If, a few short months after claiming that “Big Oil” would simply take additional profits if you sign a (failed) bill to eliminate Wisconsin’s minimum mark-up law on gasoline, you unilaterally exempt only those stations selling corn-a-hole because you need to shore up the MIlwaukee vote, you might be a “moderate”.
  • If your idea of health care reform includes leeching off of a country that itself is leeching off the American prescription-drug consumer, you might be a “moderate”.
  • If you think that a moderately-trained armed citizenry defending itself against an armed criminal element is inherently more dangerous than a defenseless citizenry at the not-so-tender mercies of said armed criminal element, you might be a “moderate”.
  • If you oppose every effort to limit rampaging trial lawyers, you might be a “moderate”.
  • If you think forcing kids whose parents can’t afford to flee Milwaukee into a failing public schools is a good idea, you might be a “moderate”.
  • If you think that Festivus is a real holiday deserving of its own “tree”, and that “tree” is more real than a Christmas tree, you might be a “moderate”.
  • If building a new dorm for UWM is more important than delivering 800 jobs out in the Chippewa Valley, you might be a “moderate”.

October 18, 2006

When is a 4.7% levy increase and a 7.5% spending increase not enough?

by @ 21:31. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin, Taxes.

When you’re the Oak Creek-Franklin Joint School District, which, despite those increases in the proposed budget, wants to bend over the taxpayers for a third referendum increase in a decade to replace the East Middle School in preparation for replacement of Meadowview Elementary and construction of a second high school (needs that were allegedly addressed in the previous 2 referrenda).

Remember, vote NO to the Oak Creek-Franklin referrendum (and YES on the Defense of Marriage Amendment and the non-binding return of the death penalty, along with Green, Van Hollen, Ryan, Grabowski and Honadel) on November 7.

Sick-as-a-dog Wednesday quick-hitters

Just been out of it the last couple days with an ugly cold. Oh well; time to catch up:

  • The obvious one from Owen: the state Senate ‘Rats went and left some “interesting” campaign documents, including multiple pieces of evidence of coordination with 3rd-party groups that, by law must not be coordinated with, in a Capitol building copy room, itself a felony that several Legislators served time for in the past year. Need I mention that the state Senate ‘Rats are led by the Madistan branch, currently headed by Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) and formerly headed by one of those who served time Upchuck Chvala (Convict-Madistan)? Owen seems to think that the Senate ‘Rat Caucus has resurfaced under a different name, another thing that brought down Chvala, former Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen (Convict-Brookfield or Waupun) and others.
  • Koren Robinson’s 1-year suspension for a second violation of the NFL’s substance-abuse policy has been upheld. A quick review of Robinson’s history with suspensions, alcohol, the NFL substance-abuse program and the law (older material culled from The Seattle Times and KOMO-TV in Seattle):
    • Arrested in North Carolina in April 1998 on suspicion of “kidnapping a person under the age of 16 years, by unlawfully confining for the purpose of committing a felony, first-degree sex offense.” Was charged by police of attempted 1st-degree sexual assault, 1st-degree kidnapping and discharge of a firearm in the city (dunno what city), but all charges were dropped when the victim disappeared and clammed up.
    • In March 2002, was pulled over in North Carolina for doing 30 over the speed limit. Despite a BAC of .16 (from the police report), was only charged with exceeding safe speed.
    • Arrested outside a Raleigh, NC bar in February 2003 for failure to disperse. Charges later dropped.
    • Arrested in March 2003 in Raleigh, NC for carrying a concealed weapon (charges also dropped).
    • Suspended 1 game in 2003 by Seattle for missing a team meeting.
    • Suspended 2 games in 2004 by Seatlle for violating undisclosed team rules (unrelated to the NFL suspension), which sandwiched the 4-game NFL suspension for violating the league’s substance-abuse policy. Entered a rehab program after the 2004 season.
    • Arrested for DUI in Kirkland, WA March 2005 (with a BAC of .191). Received a 1-year jail term with 364 days suspended, 24 months of probation (one of the terms was that he remain sober), and a $2,000 fine July 2005. Showed up to jail with alcohol on his breath and got an extra day for his trouble. More on this item in a bit.
    • Arrested for DUI and fleeing police in St. Peter, MN August 2006 (.11 BAC). Pled not guilty to those charges October 2006.
    • Suspended by the NFL for a second violation of the league’s substance-abuse policy September 18, 2006, had been under appeal until the appeal was rejected yesterday.
    • Going back to Kirkland, picked up a 90-day jail term for violating terms of his probation in Minnesota October 2006 (was to be served after the season, but since he’s now free to serve without missing any games because of being in jail, he may as well get it out of the way).

    I honestly don’t know who’s dumber; Wile E. Thompson knowing that Robinson would be suspended for a year when he picked him up September 12, or Brett Favre for sticking up for Robinson. Earth to Favre; Robinson has been nothing but trouble since college.

  • Speaking of the Packers, their game in Miami Sunday is one of 7 that some whacko decided to threaten with a radiological bomb attack. I have to question the wisdom of hitting a Packers/Deadfins game; there won’t be many people there. Of course, there was the “lone nut” Islamokazi who blew himself up outside of an Oklahoma Sooners game last year.
  • Ian at Hot Air takes apart Sen. John McShame’s (RINO-Media) quote from Reuters that he would commit suicide if the ‘Rats take the Senate. I don’t think he was joking because that would take away all of his power and platform. He really would like it at 50-50 so he can sell his allegiance to the highest bidder, but he’d have to get in line behind Leapin’ Linc Chafee (who WILL bolt if the Pubbie majority falls to 51) and a few other RINOs.

Durn “global warming”; that 10 consecutive below-average days that it caused has me hunting for the chicken noodle soup.

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