No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for the 'Health Care Reform' Category

August 10, 2009

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

During the Bush leadership of the Iraq war there was a constant debate about whether someone could disagree with the war but still support the troops.  Invariably, those who thought they were able to separate these issues, when challenged, would fall back on some version of wrapping themselves in the flag and claiming that they were being called Un-American for protesting. 

Of course we all remember how the Democrat’s responded to any notion that the Iraq protesters were Un-American.  Perhaps the most publicized response was from Hillary Clinton herself, who told us that in fact is was patriotic to protest and American President.

In today’s USAToday oped, Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer call those who are protesting the health reform bill “Un-American!”

In their oped, the two Democrat herders (they aren’t leaders by any sense of the definition) go on to say:

However, it is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue.

Interesting, it looks more to me like members of Congress who are not knowledgeable or are knowingly lying about the bill and members of Congress who are not willing to hear a dissenting voice from their constituents.

Next, Pelosi and Hoyer pick up the new meme of the left:

These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades.

They then attempt to set the record straight on the “facts:”

The first fact is that health insurance reform will mean more patient choice. It will allow every American who likes his or her current plan to keep it. And it will free doctors and patients to make the health decisions that make the most sense, not the most profits for insurance companies.

Well, no it won’t.  As has been documented by numerous sources, your ability to “keep your plan” will end at the time that you change your job, lose your job or if any change occurs to your existing plan. 

Reform will mean stability and peace of mind for the middle class. Never again will medical bills drive Americans into bankruptcy; (it will just drive the entire country into bankruptcy) never again will Americans be in danger of losing coverage if they lose their jobs or if they become sick (at least until you get to a point where your future value to society isn’t greater than the cost of your treatment); never again will insurance companies be allowed to deny patients coverage because of pre-existing conditions (Yes, the all knowing government will now take that role.  Just try to appeal one of their decisions.).

Italics mine


Our plan’s cost-lowering measures include a public health insurance option to bring competitive pressure to bear on rapidly consolidating private insurers.

Um, nope.  The CBO says it won’t lower costs.  The state plan in Massachusetts, which is the most comparable existing government run plan to the one being proposed, has in fact increased costs at a rate higher than the national average.

Aside from their “let them eat cake” attitude, it’s hard to understand how Pelosi and Stoyer think their oped helps their cause.  With Obama’s poll numbers continuing to slide, Congress’ numbers hitting new lows, Pelosi polled as having the highest unfavorable rating of any Congressional leader and Rasmussen showing that a plurality of Americans support the protester’s efforts, the trend is clearly not their friend. 

Calling common, everyday people “Un-American” seems to be a hail Mary pass in an attempt to stop the public relations slide.  Given the credibility, or rather the lack of credibility that Pelosi and Hoyer have, I doubt it will help.  In fact, I suspect it may have the opposite effect as common sense Americans will view it in the words of the Bard:

The lady doth protest too much!

Oh, one more thing, you may want to consider reporting the oped piece to as fishy, misinformation about the health reform act.  We want to make sure and keep the President informed!

August 8, 2009

Yes Actually, We Would Like a Meeting!

Another town hall, another Democrat melt down. Watch as Georgia Congressman David Scott goes on a rant because one of his constituents happened to ask him a question about health care:

Apparently, only people who agree with Congressman Scott can be counted as his constituents!

In this extended version you can see Congressman Scott lean to his aide to ask whether the plan asked about is the one being considered by Congress…he’s told yes. Apparently Congressman Scott hasn’t read the legislation either.

August 6, 2009

If the job is too tough, then quit

Now we have another congressman whining about actually having to read bills before voting on them. First it was Representative John “You gotta be kidding” Conyers, and now it’s New Hampshire Democrat Paul Hodes telling the editorial board of the Nashua Telegraph to get real:

Democratic Rep. Paul Hodes (NH-02) believes reading every bill in Congress “would slow down the business of Congress to a crawl and it would be hard to get done what needs to be done.”

Members of Congress who don’t read the bills they are voting on “is not necessarily the major problem with the way Congress functions,” he said.

Hodes, who is the sole Democratic candidate in the race to replace the retiring New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg, made the remarks during a recent editorial board meeting with the Nashua Telegraph.

“Hodes said it’s not realistic to expect members of Congress to read every bill word-for-word, as Congress took more than 2,000 votes in the session that ended in December,” the paper reports.

This year, Hodes voted in support of President Barack Obama’s stimulus package and for so-called cap-and-trade legislation. Both measures were finalized late in the legislative process and rushed to a vote before any individual member could read the bills.

I don’t know. Maybe I’ve got this whole representative democracy thing wrong. Am I silly to think someone I choose to run the government for me should actually understand the choices he makes, rather than push the voting buttons at random? By Mr. Hodes’ logic, why even show up at committee hearings to ask questions and hear witnesses? That’s got to be awfully hard, too, on the poor, overworked congresscritters.

Look, I don’t expect them to read every single bill that comes before the chamber, but on matters as consequential as a $787 billion “emergency” stimulus bill, or health-care reforms and cap-and-trade measures that aim to establish federal control over vast swathes of the economy… You’re damn right I expect Hodes & Co. to read and understand the bills, or recuse themselves from voting on it!

And maybe they should resign, too, if that’s too much to ask of them. Waiting

(via Hot Air)

On a related note, Iowahawk again turns over his blog to a guest-editorial, this time from Health and Human Services Secretary Secretary Kathleen Sibelius and Democratic Republican Democratic Senator Arlen Specter on a growing crisis in America – that America’s Government Losing Faith in Out-of-Touch Constituents:

Nowhere has this disturbing trend been more evident than in the recent debate over health care reform. Like hundreds of our fellow legislators and government officials, we recently traveled to a town hall meeting to distribute a grassroots press release explaining why this critical legislation is a done deal. Our advance staffs said that should anticipate a respectful, positive hearing from local media and bused-in union members. Instead we were greeted by a rude howling mob of idiot “voters” who refused to listen to reason, and ruined what should have been a killer photo op for our re-election ad campaign.

Have these arrogant ivory tower armchair quarterbacks ever had to live with the pressures of being a working stiff Senator or Cabinet Secretary in Washington DC? Have they ever had to juggle markup language on a supplemental appropriations bill, or deal with an incompetent Chief of Staff who constantly double-books fund raising dinners? Apparently not, if their whiny obnoxious chants are any indication. “Read the Bill! Read the Bill!” blah, blah, blah, as if we weren’t already exhausted from writing and voting for the damned thing.

Mockery. It’s what makes American politics great. Hee hee

(Cross-posted from Public Secrets, my usual home.)

August 4, 2009

Listen to What I Say, Not What I Said!

I pointed out yesterday the video in which President Obama states that he fully believes private insurance will be eliminated, in time, by the public insurance he is advocating.  Apparently this video caught the White House’s attention.

Later yesterday, the White House released a video intended to counteract the earlier video.  In this video, Linda Douglass tells us that the previous video was put together by people who are “trying to scare us” about health care reform.  She also tells us that because President Obama talks to sooooooo many people about health care it is easy to take a snippet here or a snippet there and present them “out of context.”

Hmmmm, “out of context.”

Would that be “out of context” like the President who told us that he didn’t agree with the positions of Jeremiah Wright’s black theology but when presented with a case in which he knew none of the facts he said that the white Cambridge police sergeant acted “stupidly?”

Or, would that be “out of context” like the President who told us that all important legislation would be posted on the Internet for several days before his signature so that everyone could read it.  Except that none of the important legislation has been posted before signature because everything in this administration is an emergency.

Or, would that be “out of context” like the President who told us he would not have any lobbyists in his administration and now the fastest growing segment of job growth seems to be back filling positions for lobbyists that have been hired into his administration?

Or, would that be “out of context” like Summers and Geithner increasing taxes even though Obama says no one under $250K will get an increase?  Oh, wait, that one hasn’t happened……YET

Or, would that be “out of context” like members of Congress and the President himself, telling us that many of the things that we read in the health care reform bill aren’t really in there but when those items are specifically addressed with amendments they are wholly rejected.

Folks, we went through an entire campaign with Obama telling us that what he said in his past is not who he was today.  Many people bought into that theory.  Some bought into it to the point of deluding themselves to believe that Obama would govern as a centrist rather than the far left ideologue he had always been.

If the video was really cherry picked and out of context, wouldn’t it be pretty easy for the White House to get the original video and release.  America has tired of Obama’s takeover attempt but still remains a country that understands a set up when it sees one.  Don’t hold your breath, the video won’t be coming.

I guess when it comes to what Obama really believes about private health insurance in comes down to that old saying:

Who are you going to believe, Linda Douglass or your lying eyes?

Update:  8/4 2:10 PM by ShoeboxSo, out of context huh?  They can make him say anything they want if they just take snippets huh?  How about a full uncut version?

H/T Drudge

Hide and Seek with Obama Care

As the protests heat up a new tact has been taken by several of the offending electing officials.  When confronted with specifics about the bill circulating in the House some members of Congress and President Obama himself, attempt to claim that because the bill is final the interpretations that people are making of the language are invalid because they aren’t based on “final language.”  “Things could change” seems to be the line that these Congressional folks want to hold to.

Not hardly.

Heritage.Org goes through the recent mark up by the House Ways and Means Committee.  As a part of their review they look at several amendments that were proposed, their potential impact on the legislation and the result of the vote on the amendment.  Each of the amendments were intended to specifically address one of the issues that the offending Congressional folks are trying to tell us “isn’t in there.”  Let’s have a look at a few.

  • An amendment was offered that would eliminate Obama care if people on the public plan had average wait times for medical procedures that were longer than for people on private plans.  The amendment was defeated by the Democrats on a straight party-line vote.
  • An amendment was offered that would ensure that illegal immigrants would not gain access to Obama care.  The ammendment was defeated by the Democrats on a straight party-line vote
  • An amendment was offered that would require members of Congress to forfeit their coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.  This amendment was defeated by the Democrats.
  • An amendment was offered that would guarantee that HSA plans would be private plans that would be eligible for future enrollment.  The amendment was defeated by the Democrats
  • An amendment was offered that would keep abortions from being mandated as required coverage in Obama care.  A separate amendment was offered that would prevent tax money from being used to provide abortions.  Both amendments were defeated by the Democrats.

There were several other amendments offered, all defeated by the Democrats.

Funny, when challenged with their own language the Congressional cowards hide behind the notion that the language “could change.”  When challenged in committee to clarify the language and say specifically what they mean, they just hide.

What Else to Learn From CARS

I posted last week and Steve followed up here with things we could learn from “The Keystone Cops sells autos,” also known as CARS.  Today, another painful lesson is being learned in the CARS fiasco that can be directly applied to the health care take over.

CARS started July 25th, by last Friday it had been essentially halted.  The CARS program ran an entire 7 days.  Since last Friday government bureaucrats have been pontificating, arguing, pointing fingers, chest puffing and all the other things that bureaucrats do.  Bureaucrats have been doing everything except fixing the program.  The bureaucrats have now spent 50% as much time as the program actually ran debating whether the program should continue, in what form, how to fund it etc.  In the meantime, automobile dealers and potential purchasers are wondering when, if and how they may be able to get their deal done.

Roll forward five years.  Obama national health has been passed and we are in the second full year of its implementation.  Eighteen months into the full implementation of Obama care it becomes apparent that the budget Congress has allotted for Obama care is inadequate.  Let’s say that the amount needed to fund the program is double the original estimate (like what happened to Massachusetts Care) which means Congress needs to debate additional funding.   

Because the “solution” to the funding problem is not obvious on the horizon hospitals, doctors and other health care providers don’t know what will happen to their payments and reimbursements.  Because they don’t know how they will be paid they start slowing work or delaying admissions, a perfectly logical response and one which Medicaid patients have lots of experiences with to say that it does happen.

Finally, imagine you have a surgery scheduled.  Oh, it’s not life threatening.  You don’t have cancer, your heart isn’t about to stop.  No, it’s not life threatening, it’s just a kidney stone that needs to be removed.  How many days will you be willing to wait while Congress debates how they will pay your doctor to do your removal?

None?  Yeah, me neither.  That’s one more reason I like to have say in my health care.

August 3, 2009

Schizophrenic or Flat Out Liar?

President Obama continues to campaign for the health care reform bill.  He continues to tell people that he won’t get in between them and their doctor.  He tells people that this isn’t a government take over of health care. 

Just as the left can’t look at a simple document like the Constitution and understand the implication of plain language, The Kool-aid drinkers continue to argue about what the definition of is is rather than understanding the implications of the plain language of the health care bill.  Note the comment exchange on this post as evidence of the blindfolded obedience the Obamabots have given The Won in support of owning health care.

So, is The Won looking to take over health care or not?  The Bots say no, we say yes.  How about we let The Won himself tell us:

Huh, at one time he said definitely yes, today he says no. In my view that leaves him either as a schizophrenic or just your common, every day, garden variety liar. The sad part is that just like all of the numerous issues raised during last year’s campaign, the media will yawn and say “nothing to see here. Move along!”

Health Care Reform – Arguing Inconsistently

A day hasn’t gone by in the past two weeks, and likely won’t for several weeks to come, where the President or some other proponent of “health care reform” speaks to constituents about their plan.  While the specific arguments for reform that are highlighted may vary from group to group, an argument included in each presentation that by implementing health care reform, health care costs will be reduced.

In economic terms a “cost” is:

Valuation in terms of money of (1) effort, (2) material, (3) resources, (4) time and utilities consumed, (5) risks incurred, and (6) opportunity forgone in production and delivery of a good or service.

in other words, a “cost” is something that goes into making a product or service.  By definition, because a “cost” is a component of a product or service, the only entity that can make a determination as to what “costs” to include in a particular product or service is an entity that has control over the production of that product or service.

If you think about it for just a minute, the fact that you can only control costs if you control the production of the particular product or service is common sense.  If I want to buy a boat I can negotiate with the seller about the price I will pay for the boat.  However, no matter how hard I negotiate, I can’t impact the amount that it cost to produce that boat.  If I want to hire an accountant I can negotiate the price I am willing to pay for their service but I can’t impact what that person paid for their education or the opportunity value of their specialized knowledge.

Just as it is true that you must have control over the production of a product or service in order to impact its cost, it is also generally true that the greater control you have over an item the greater ability you have to control the final cost of that item.  If you make a component for the boat we discussed earlier you have an ability to impact the cost of the boat by making your component less expensive.  However, no matter how large or small the component you make you will never have as much control over the cost of the boat as the company who does the final assembly of the boat. 

Again, if we think for a moment, the reason the final assembler of the boat has the greatest amount of control over the cost of the boat is common sense.  If one of the component makers adjusts the price of their component to a point where the boat assembler believes the price to be uneconomic, the boat assembler can choose from several options including finding another component maker, developing the ability to make the component themselves or even eliminate the component from the boat.  Each of these options has the ability to change the cost of the boat and in each case the assembler has final veto power over which of the options will be chose and its impact on the final cost of the boat.

Along with reducing costs, there is another argument that gets made in an effort to sell the health care reform program; the government won’t get between you and your doctor.

Let’s think about that for a minute.

Earlier we determined that you can’t impact or reduce the price of something unless you have some control over it.  We also know that the ability to control the cost of something is relational to the amount of control you have over that something.  How is it then that the government will reduce health care costs but not have control over health care?

It’s not possible.

The only way for the government to “bend the curve” on health care costs is to exert control over health care.  There is no way for the “reformers” to reduce costs without control.  Oh, they may not employ doctors and nurses directly but they don’t have to.  The government can control health care by controlling how, how much and for what, health care providers get paid.  Worse, with an additional 10% – 15% being added to total expenditures, “bending the curve” will not get the job done.  In order to have a meaningful change there will have to be significant reductions in costs.  The only way to make significant changes on costs is to have significant control.

Two arguments; reduce costs and not control.  The two can’t happen together.  Whether it’s specified in the current bill or not, which of the two do you think will give?  I have my choice!

July 31, 2009

The LA Police Acting “Stupidly”?

Or the natives are even more restlesser?

Police called on retirees at senator’s LA office

What can we Learn From CARS?

I learned a lot working on the cars of my youth.  Through experiences, some coached by my Dad, I became a pretty fair diagnoser and mechanic  parts replacer.  I worked on them through the 80’s model years as things started getting more complicated.  By model years of the mid 90’s there was hardly anything I could get at without highly specialized tools, arms that had no less than 4 joints or an MBA in autos.  I realized that the job had gotten more complicated than what I could focus on or had time for so I turned it over to the professionals.

This morning it’s being reported that CARS, Car Allowance Rebate System or the “Cash for clunkers program” has likely run out of money and will be shut down. 

Didn’t the CARS program just get launched?  Yes it did!

The program launched July 25th and was expected to last until November 1st.  It appears that the money has been used so fast that what was supposed to last 90+ days, won’t last 9 days!  In typical government response, rather than saying “oops, we screwed up” they say:

“assess the situation facing what is obviously an incredibly popular program. Auto dealers and consumers should have confidence that all valid CARS transactions that have taken place to date will be honored.”

In other words, “we screwed up and are looking for a way to put lipstick on this pig!”

So what can we learn from CARS?

First, the government has no ability to guage, estimate and appropriately fund, even a simple program like CARS.  They had $1 billion slated for this program to support the sale of 250,000 cars.  There are 23,000 auto dealers.  That means that each car dealership was alloted the average of 11 cars to be sold under this program.  With $4,500 going out for each vehicle does it even pass the smell test that it would take longer than 3 months for the average dealer to sell 11 vehicles under this program?  Actually, I’m surprised the program has lasted 6 days with all of the advertising and pre notice their was on this program.

Second, the government really doesn’t know if they are out of money or not.  They know that about 25,000 cars have been sold under this program, they are estimating the remainder.  The estimation is required because there are:

large backlogs in the processing of the deals in the government system.

This is incredible!  how difficult is it to track these sales?  Beyond name, address, vin of the vehicle you traded in and the one you bought and verification of the qualifying vehicles (another story to be told as the list changed daily), how much is required? 

Finally, the solution, as with all government programs is not to say “we screwed up.”  The solution being proposed is to throw even more money at the government screw up:

Lawmakers said they would try to find additional funding for the program, which under the legislation could grow to $4 billion for the funding of up to 1 million new car sales.

The government can’t successfully administer a program like CARS but continue to insist that they can run the entire medical industry. 

The government can’t manage a budget of $1 billion but claim to be able to manage a budget that is at least 16% of our entire economy.

Finally, the government can’t develop a demand curve for a few vehicles, missing it by a factor of multiple X, but assuredly tell us that they know that they will only spend $1.6 Trillion extra to take over all of health care…Yeah right!

I learned through my experiences, that there is a time for amatures to step aside and let the professionals handle the job.  During this recess we need to be telling our Congressional amatures to step aside and medical professionals handle their job!


When even the New York Slimes can ‘t jury rig a poll to get the results close to favorable you know your plan is in trouble….BIG trouble!

The New York Times/CBS poll shows:

  • Sixty-nine percent of respondents believe Obama’s plan will hurt the quality of their own healthcare. 
  • Seventy-three percent believe it would limit their access to tests and treatment. 
  • Sixty-two percent believe Democrats’ proposals would require them to change doctors. 
  • Seventy-six believe healthcare reform will lead to them paying higher taxes. 
  • A whopping 77 percent expect their healthcare costs to rise.

Not only is this not close, this is a landslide against The Won’s policy.  This explains why Barry has been a bit off his game and testier than normal as of late.

July 26, 2009

Pragmatist or True Ideologue?

We’ll find out this week whether President Obama has a pragmatic side or whether he is the true ideologue that all actions to date, suggest he is.

Today’s Rasmussen Reports poll shows Obama with his most negative rating yet, -11. Because Rasmussen uses a 3 day rolling average, today is the first day that the poll is made up entirely of polls made post Obama’s attempt to explain that he wasn’t planning to do what he is planning to do. This would also suggest that tomorrow’s poll, based on a 3 day average, will be even lower than today’s unless today’s polling results are dramatically improved.

The question now is whether the sudden drop in the poll is a recognition that Obama is either lying or clueless as to what is in the health care bill or whether Obama’s remarkable prime time embracing of Reverend Wright’s “The Man is keeping us down” philosophy is the cause for the sudden and dramatic decline.  I suspect it’s a bit of both.  However, with Obama’s polls sliding even before the presser, it’s likely the health care issue that is leading the charge.

If Obama is the pragmatist that those who bought into his campaign schtick believe, we should see a recognition this week that the health care reform bill needs not tweaking, but a reform of its own.  If however, Obama is the egotist and idealogue that most of us believe he is we should see a week where Nancy Pelosi and Denny Hoyer may even go so far as to bypass House committees to force a floor vote.  Either way, this should be a fun week to watch Washington!

Time to start popping some popcorn!

July 25, 2009

Move Over Adam Smith

In his weekly radio address, President Obama shocked the American public with the results of a study that will dramatically change not only the health care discussion but in fact, will likely change the foundation of all economic theory more than anything since Adam Smith identified “The invisible hand”:

Obama released a study today by the White House Council of Economic Advisers that concluded that many of the nation’s 27 million small businesses don’t have the bargaining power of corporations and as a result pay as much as 18 percent more for employee health insurance plans.

Oh my goodness!  Say it ain’t so!

Someone, or a company that buys a few of something is paying more for each of those items than someone who buys many of those same items? 

With this new information I have to wonder whether the local burger joint we frequent might be paying more for their hamburger than McDonalds? 

Is it possible that I pay more for raw chicken wings than the folks at Buffalo Wild Wings?  Is it true even if I buy my wings at Sam’s Club?  If so, I’m clearly being gouged!

Warning, extreme sarcasm alert.

I have to say that I am a bit skeptical of the report that President Obama references.  After all, the White House Council of Economic Advisers is led by Christina Romer who we all know from my previous posts, has research that says that tax cuts are more effective than government spending in stimulating the economy and that stimulus programs always fail for a host of reasons.  Clearly, with President Obama declaring “Mission accomplished” on the economy just this week, Ms. Romer’s research is highly suspect!

We now return you to our normal level of sarcasm.

I’d like to say that I’m somehow shocked or just surprised at the lack of economic understanding that Obama has.  I’d like to say that, but clearly when Obama oversees a  government that thinks paying twice the going rate of the local grocery store for ham purchases is OK, I’m not.

July 24, 2009

Bring It On!

by @ 13:51. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

Feeling his oats from the passage of Cap and Tax, Henry Waxman is now threatening to bypass the Blue Dogs on his committee and go straight to a house floor vote for “The Final Solution”:

However, Waxman has threatened to force a floor vote to break the impasse within Democratic ranks on President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.

With all of the negatives on “The Final Solution” and now on Obama’s handling of nearly every issue, I say “Bring it on baby!”

If “The Final Solution”, in it’s current form goes to the House floor one of two things will happen.  Either the Blue Dogs will revolt and Pelosi along with The Won will be dealt a serious jot of mortality or the Democrats will pass this bill without any Republican support.  In either event if this bill gets a vote before the recess, anyone who votes for it will want to avoid any of those troublesome town hall type of meetings.  Congressional folks who vote for this bill will wish they had gotten as nice a reception as some of those I documented earlier this week.

Come on Nancy, what are you waiting for?  Make our day!

Franking censorship

by @ 13:24. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

(H/T – Jazz Shaw)

Propagandists the world over have learned that controlling the language of the debate is essential to controlling the outcome of the debate. Traditionally, members of Congress have been allowed to use whatever verbiage they choose in official communications with their consitutents. However, a pair of decisions from the Franking Commission, which oversees said communications, has sent a chilling effect into the debate:

  • First, they prevented Republican members from including the following chart produced by the Republicans on the Joint Economic Committee that shows the 31 new federal programs, agencies, commissions and mandates that are part of the House health care “reform” plan:

    (Click for the full-sized version)

  • Now, they told Rep. John Carter (R-TX) that the phrases “government-run health care” and “House Democrats” can no longer be used in official mailings or recordings for telephone town-halls, with the only allowable description of the plan being “public option health care plan” and the only allowable description of the House Democrats “House majority”.

Jazz points out that, while Republicans ran the House, he received official mailings from his Congressman that used the phrase, “The Invasion and Occupation of Iraq,” with no attempt by the Republicans to stop the use of that. I can imagine the outrage had the Republicans decided that the only allowable verbiage was the official “Operation Iraqi Freedom”.

What’s next? The Franking Commission, or another entity, telling candidates what they can and cannot say?

Red-on-red health care opposition

by @ 12:58. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

My friends at the American Issues Project are spotlighting the House Democrats who have come out against ObamaCare. So far, they’ve got:

  • Rep. Jason Altmire (D-PA), who realizes that tax increases on small businesses won’t help those small businesses to offer health care they can’t afford to offer now.
  • Rep. Mike Arcuri (D-NY), who wants more time to get his constituents involved.
  • Rep. John Boccieri (D-OH) who recognizes that his constituents don’t like a government-run plan, especially one that includes a tax increase.

They’ll continue to feature Democrats who see that light of ObamaCare as an onrushing train rather than the end of the tunnel.

Oh Noooooooo!

siren_animatedThe clay-mation President has some problems.  Drudge is reporting that today’s Rasmussen approval rating will show President Obama under 50% approval.  Notably, this is the first poll taken since Obama had his prime time presser trying to sell his health plan.

I think we have a problem Houston!

Revisions/extensions (8:39 am 7/24/2009 – steveegg) – And the news is all negative for The Won. 51% of those in the three-day rolling-average Presidential Tracking Poll disapprove of Obama’s job performance, with 49% approving. The Presidential Approval Index (those strongly approving less those strongly disapproving) is at -8. Independents only give Obama a 37% approval.

Rasmussen further notes that 2/3rds of the results are from before the Epic FAIL of a press conference on Wednesday. I can’t wait until Sunday, when we get a fully-post-presser view.

First Star on the Right, Straight on ’til Morning!

by @ 5:23. Filed under Health Care Reform.

Yesterday, President Obama, the boy who wouldn’t grow up, told reporters that the “stars are aligned” for passing health care reform.  Of course, that was before the President had yet another presser where he blamed everyone but himself for a growing list of failures.

Obama’s confidence seemed to into reality today as Harry Reid said that the Senate would have no vote before the August recess.  Additionally, Nancy Pelosi’s assertion that she has the votes seems to have some real question.  Pelosi had what was described as “the most contentious whip meeting” yet as she tried to find a way to get a bill to the floor for a vote.

On the public front Obama is also losing steam.  First, Obama’s fourth prime time presser had the lowest public participation yet. Last night’s presser didn’t manage to gain even 1/2 of the folks who watched the Obama’s first presser. Second, Rasmussen Reports now says that 53% of Americans are against health care reform.  More importantly, as more information is coming out on the various proposals, that number is rising quickly as it rose 8% in less than a month.  Also, the number of people strongly opposed to the plans out numbers those who strongly favor the plan by more than 50%! If that isn’t bad enough, the veneer is now off Obama as 53% of Americans now believe that he is governing as a partisan!

All of these things leave me asking; if this is Obama’s view of the “stars aligning”, will he end up looking like Nostradamus or the Prince of Neverland?

Obama pan

Revisions/extensions (5:23 am 7/24/2009, or at least that’s the time stamp I’m giving it – steveegg) – Sammy found some rather interesting numbers in the current Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll that show the same thing:

  • A plurality of independents (41%) and majority of Republicans (60%) think Congress is moving too quickly on health care.
  • An effective majority of independents (50%) and a supermajority of Republicans (78%) would rather see Congress do nothing on health care than pass major reforms this year.
  • A plurality of independents (43%; skewed by the fact that 24% didn’t know what they thought) and a supermajority of Republicans (80%) oppose the plans before Congress.
  • The reason why I say that the mere plurality of opposition to the plan under consideration is skewed by ignorance is 51% of independents oppose creation of a government-run insurance option that competes with private insurance, an effective majority of 50% of independents say that it is not the role of federal government to provide universal health care, and 59% of independents would rather be in the current privately-run health care system rather than a government-run one.

I guess the only star that The Won is looking at is the clock, and it’s looking like that’s running out.

July 22, 2009

“You’re Going To Destroy My Presidency”

(H/T – JammieWearingFool, from whom I shamelessly stole the headline)

An article in’s CongressDaily perfectly illustrates why Shoebox put up “Obama worship” as one of the categories:

“Let’s just lay everything on the table,” (Sen. Chuck) Grassley (R-IA) said. “A Democrat congressman last week told me after a conversation with the president that the president had trouble in the House of Representatives, and it wasn’t going to pass if there weren’t some changes made … and the president says, ‘You’re going to destroy my presidency.’ “

There’s several different ways to take this one. JWF wonders if waaaahmbulances are covered under ObamaCare. Given they’re the prefered mode of transportation for the perpetually-aggrieved, I’m sure there’s a full subsidy.

Regarding the inevitable “Two Minutes Hate” that is about to be ordered, I have to wonder who is going to be in bigger trouble for proving that it is all about Emperor Obama I – Grassley for letting that slip into the press, or the unnamed Dem Congressman who leaked it to Grassley.

As for the destruction of Obama’s Presidency, I wouldn’t be particularily bothered if health care was, as Sen. Jim DeMint said, his “Waterloo”, though the stall at the gates of Moscow is a more-accurate historical description. After all, while Waterloo was the end of Napoleon, his failure to take Moscow before General Winter and General Mud took hold was what made Waterloo possible.

Finally, we just learned which of the government-takeover plans Obama wants to happen – the Heavy plan in the House.

Impress the Press

President Obama will once again face the preprogrammed withering onslaught of questions from the compliant skeptical press this evening.  We’re being told that amongst other things, President Obama will be telling us that six months into his term, he has saved the economy.

Originally, tonight’s press conference was to be held at the White House.  However, I’ve been told that due to the importance of tonight’s message, the President has decided to change venues.  The new venue for tonight’s presser is shown here:

Mission Accomplished

July 21, 2009

His Arnold Schwarzenegger Moment

There’s lots of bad news today for President Obama.  Gallup’s recent polls show that by any measure, President Obama’s policies  are now being considered a failure by the American people:

  • By 49%-47%, those surveyed disapprove of how he is handling the economy, a turnaround from his 55%-42% approval in May. The steepest drop came from conservative and moderate Democrats.
  • By 50%-44%, they disapprove of how he is handling healthcare policy.
  • A 59% majority say his proposals call for too much government spending, and 52% say they call for too much expansion of government power.
  • Expectations of the economy’s turnaround are souring a bit. In February, the average prediction for a recovery was 4.1 years; now it’s 5.5 years.

Some are referring to this sudden drop and his chips all in approach to passing health care reform, as being the President’s Waterloo, the moment at which he wins no more.  I’m betting however, that with his enormous ego and narcissism, if asked, President Obama would refer to this as his Arnold Schwarzenegger moment.  If questioned about whether he might need to change his position on some of these issues I have no doubt the President would answer, “I’ll be Barack!”

Can’t or Won’t?

One of my roles with a previous employer was to develop compensation plans for various sales groups.  As I would work with the sales management it seemed that invariably they would tell me that if we paid more for a particular aspect of the plan, they would be able to get the sales team to achieve that goal.  Just as invariably, when I would hear their line, I would respond with a question, “Is the problem that you can’t do it unless you get paid more or is the problem that you won’t do it unless you get paid more?”  I think you can see the dilemma this left the sales management folks in.

As he cranks up his rhetoric in an attempt to save his health care reform initiative, President Obama told us today that we need to pass health care because it’s the only way to reduce costs.  His exact quote was:

We all know there are more efficient ways of doing it..

implying that only with the passage of health care reform would costs be reduced.  Ironically, he said this on the same day that it was found that the Agriculture department had paid nearly double the going rate for plain old ham.

It’s interesting that when President Obama refers to cost savings in health care he is referring to cost savings in Medicare and Medicaid.  As the health care debate got started, President Obama identified three areas where money could be saved: blackmailing drug companies via FDA approvals, to reduce drug prices, ration treatment to patients by forcing “increased productivity” of physicians and not paying for run of the mill issues that are treated in emergency rooms.   By doing just these three things, President Obama claims that $313 billion could be saved!

Medicare and Medicaid are programs that are completely administered by the government.  Rates for physicians are dictated by the government, procedures and drugs covered are dictated by the government.  With complete control over these programs wouldn’t it seem to be simple for President Obama to save his $313 billion simply by saying “make it so?”  In fact, the exact changes that President Obama proposes are changes that these programs have implemented to varying degrees in the past.

Continuing to cry that only the nationalization of our health care is the only way to reduce costs leaves me asking just one question of President Obama; are you telling me that without taking more of my money you can’t or won’t save money in health care?

July 20, 2009

Senate Doctors

by @ 19:22. Filed under Health Care Reform.

No, this isn’t a new ABC prime time show!

The only two trained physicians in the Senate have been holding video conferences for the past few weeks.  Senator Coburn of Oklahoma and Senator Barrasso of Wyoming have been discussing the various “health care reform” proposals and answering questions sent in by people via email, youtube and other means.

You can see past episodes of the Senate Doctors here.

You can watch tomorrow’s edition live at 3 PM Central here:

Streaming live video by Ustream

President Obama is feeling the heat on this issue. Make sure and stay atop of the issue and the facts by watching the Senate Doctors!

If We Fail to Learn From History….

by @ 14:01. Filed under Health Care Reform.

Folks, here are a couple of the original “Harry and Louise” ads that ran showing the problems with the original “health care reform” proposed by the Clintons.  If you watch the ads, you’ll note that the issues haven’t changed.  What was common sense then still holds true today:

July 18, 2009


by @ 17:49. Filed under Health Care Reform.

What do the Health Care Reform Act, the world’s oldest profession and this picture have in common?


A: In each case, someone is slipping someone the wiener!

H/T Olbroad

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