No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for posts by Shoebox.

January 13, 2010

Who Knew, I’m A False Positive!

by @ 5:36. Filed under Law and order, Transportation.

ACLU Official Says It Is Not Realistic to Screen Air Passengers Against the Full Terrorist Watchlist

Get this:

Former FBI agent Mike German, now a terrorism expert with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), said that using the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) of 400,000-plus names to screen airline passengers was not realistic, and added that it was “fundamentally ridiculous” to think the list was not flawed.

Oh, yeah!  It’s particularly HIGHlarious for those us caught in its hilarity!

“One of the most disappointing things about the whole review of this situation was this idea that the terrorist watch-listing system is not, itself, broken, which is fundamentally ridiculous,” said German.

Ah yup!  Big 10-4 there!

German said on Monday that the terrorist watchlist system has been broken “for years,” pointing out that names were added to the list incorrectly while others were kept on the list after investigators had cleared them of any involvement with terrorists.

Well, I guess I should be thankful that my portion of the list has only been broken for 11 days!

“There were people who were put on the list appropriately because they were under investigation, but when the investigation cleared them, they weren’t taken off the list,” said German.  “There were people who were known terrorists, there were people who he [the IG] identified as known terrorists who were not on the list.”

Oh, don’t forget about the people who were put on the list inappropriately and whose paper work you “just can’t find!”

“The whole listing process is broken and needs a fundamental overhaul,” said German. “We’re creating a system of tremendous false positives. We’ve created a system that creates hundreds, and probably hundreds of thousands, of false positives every day.”

Hey, hey, over here.  I’m false positive number 1!

January 12, 2010

Remember You Heard it Here First

by @ 14:30. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Harry Reid will resign before the election.

Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh!

by @ 7:58. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Today is Rush’s 59th birthday.

Entertaining and educational. I think it is safe to say there is no other like him and will never be again.

Stay out of the hospital, Rush! Here’s to another 59 years!

Trust Us!

by @ 5:20. Filed under Politics - National, Transportation.

That seems to be what the TSA is asking us to do as they look to deploy the full body scanners.

This article at outlines a battle between a civil rights group and the TSA over the capabilities and the implications of those capabilities, that the scanners have.  The civil rights group raises concerns about the storage and security of body images that are scanned.  The TSA claims that the scanners have no ability to store or transmit the images.  “Not so,” says the civil rights group who points to the design specs of the machines which required an ability to store and transmit an image.  “Relax,” says the TSA.  The store and transmit functionality is only there for testing of the machine.  The TSA further claims that no one at the airport can put the machine into “test mode” and that the machine itself has no storage capability.

You’re kidding right?  Why is it that bureaucrats continually think that the public is so naive and gullible?

First, technologies have advanced to the point where the scanning or processing device has no storage capacity on it.  Even so, is it really so difficult to have storage devices somewhere else on the network?  What?  they claim no network?  Well, that doesn’t pass the smell test.  The TSA tells us repeatedly that the people who review the scans are sitting somewhere completely removed from the scanners themselves.  Is the TSA suggesting that the images are being sent to these people via carrier pigeon? Or, do they want us to believe that the scanner and the viewing device are hardwired across the airport?  Are there cables running across the runways to some building on the other side of the airport?

Second, does anyone really believe that the scanned images are not being stored?  No images are being stored for training purposes?  No images are being stored to review in the event of a later identified security breach? The TSA is so confident about its legal position that it will save no images to combat the ACLU lawsuits?  Like hell.

Listen, I’m not saying not to do the body scanners.  Personally if I thought they would make us safer, I, like most men, don’t care.  Hell, I’ll walk through naked and not bat an eye although there may be a few TSA folks who would scream like someone just shot them in the retina with a laser!  On the other hand, most women I know react in abject horror to the notion of their under things (and I don’t mean clothing) being seen on a scanner. 

I’ve chronicled my own travails with the TSA.  You’ll have to take my word for it (unless you were at the Christmas DR where you could have personally verified it), I’m no threat to anyone.  But, under the guise of “doing something,” the TSA has made it significantly more inconvenient for me to fly.  I’ll guarantee you that if I got on board a plane, told everyone I was on the TSA list and asked if they felt safer as a result, not a person (assuming Mrs. Shoe wasn’t on the plane) would raise their hand to say, “Yes! 

The fact is that until the TSA is willing to start doing some level of profiling, be it identity or behavior, these scanners will not make us any safer than the scanners and processes being used today.  The only thing these scanners would do is allow the Obama administration to point to them and claim that they had done something in response to the Christmas bombing attempt. In short, this looks like yet one more “solution” brought to you by the people in housed in the Alfred E. Neuman federal building. Their only request is to trust them!

January 11, 2010

Socialism Is So Passe!

President Obama and Kathleen Sebelius were out touting a new study on the benefits of placebocare this weekend.  The study purports to show that industries with higher health care costs grow at a slower rate than those with lower health care costs. In an effort to somehow draw an “OMG” from the reader, the Center for American Progress cites:

Over the period 1987 to 2005, for example, the workforce in the amusement
and recreation industry—where about 29 percent of workers have insurance through
their jobs—grew by about 2.1 percent. In contrast, in the hotel industry—where 54 percent
of workers have employer-provided insurance—the workforce grew about 1 percent.
And in the paper industry—where about 85 percent of workers have insurance—the
workforce shrank by 1.9 percent.

While this is not the point of this post, I can’t pass by without saying “no shit Sherlock!”  The study claims to normalize the results for a whole host of factors but isn’t this one of those times where all the economic mumbo jumbo isn’t really necessary?  Isn’t this handled with a good ol’ fashioned smell test?

Is it really so hard to understand that between 1985 and 2005, the amount of discretionary income increased significantly thus increasing money spent for “entertainment” and “hospitality?”  Is it also so hard to figure out that those two industries are fairly labor intensive and that there doesn’t appear to be any immediate automation solutions for the ride operators at Disneyworld or housemaids at your favorite Motel 6.  On the other hand, automation in nearly every manufacturing process has been replacing the need for DNA based humans at a rate multiple times faster than evolution can generate a human who never tires or needs sustenance.  Is it really so hard to figure this stuff out?

Anyway, back to the point of the post.

Obama and Sebelius are touting that the Senate version of placebocare will dramatically slow the rise in costs for healthcare.  They further claim that while lowering costs, it will dramatically increase “benefits” for all us schlubs.  Their specific list of benefits are:

_People with illnesses or medical conditions will be able to buy affordable health insurance.

_Children with such conditions will no longer be denied coverage.

_Small-business owners who can’t afford to cover their employees will get tax credits to help them do so.

_Insurance companies will be required to offer free preventive care to their customers and will be prohibited from dropping coverage when someone becomes ill.

“In short, once I sign health insurance reform into law, doctors and patients will have more control over their health care decisions and insurance company bureaucrats will have less,” Obama said.

I’m not the PHD that the earlier study researchers are but I have a couple of questions:

  1. How are you going to slow the growth of “costs” when you will need to add 100s, 1,000s, probably 10,000s of new federal employees to manage the monstrosity that will be placebocare?
  2. How are you going to slow the gowth of “costs” when you will be providing below cost health care for:  People with illnesses or medical conditions who are not currently able to buy affordable health insurance and Children with such conditions who will no longer be denied coverage, Small-business owners who can’t afford to cover their employees tax and finally Insurance companies will be required to offer free preventive care to their customers and will be prohibited from dropping coverage when someone becomes ill?

Folks, while there has been plenty of happy talk about “hope and change” for reducing the cost structure of health care, I have not yet seen even one concrete example of where placebocare will enable that to happen.  I have seen numerous examples, as the ones I just listed, where placebocare will force insurance companies to take on dramatic increases in costs.  Somehow, the folks in Washington believe that they can force companies to accept new costs and prevent them from passing those costs on to their customers.

There has been considerable discussion about whether Barack Obama’s policies are leading us towards Socialism.  Big government, all controlling, massive public programs all sound like the economies we see in Europe.  In fact, I believe Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would like us to look like Europe.  However, we’re not headed towards Europe of the 21st century, they are past that.  we’re headed directly towards Europe, specifically, Italy of the first half of the 20th century.  If you take a look at what is happening to industry after industry under the Obama administration, you will find something that looks surprisingly like Mussolini’s approach in Italy.  Folks, with what has happened to banking, car production, healthcare and soon energy under the EPA’s threats, we have zoomed right past Socialism and are implementing on a full scale the economics of Fascism.

Damn, Obama Was Right!

by @ 5:13. Filed under Economy, Politics - National.

Throughout the campaign and regularly since his inauguration, now President Obama, has been telling us how “Green Jobs” will lead the way to prosperity in our economy.  High pay, sustainability, friendly to the earth have all been arguments he’s made for the creation of “green jobs”.  It appears he got at least a part of his promise right.

On Friday (how come they always announce these things when they think people are paying the least attention?) the White house announced $2.3 billion in tax credits to create ‘green jobs.”   The plan is to create 17,000 green jobs.  If they’re successful, those jobs will be worth over $135K each!

The median family income is around $50K/year.  at $135K per job, the families that get this federal handout will earn better than 2X the average national income! 

While I certainly favor tax credits as a means of market stimulation over direct government purchases, I don’t like credits that apply to specific industries or jobs.  That folks, is thinking you know better than the market, where the money works best.  As a second thought, at this level, one that is certainly not sustainable and highly subsidized, what will happen to these jobs in the second year when the tax credits cease?  Who thinks these jobs are “sustainable” without lots of additional government help to sustain them?

I worked for a guy once who operated in a way that if he believed it to be true, it was.  It didn’t matter what laws of physics or economics his “beliefs’ violated.  He was not a well liked person and eventually failed as a result of his caustic, “nobody is as smart as me,” attitude.  The only difference between he and President Obama is that President Obama can cause money to be generated to create the illusion that he’s right.  In the end, he will be just as big a failure!

January 8, 2010

Shoebox held hostage by the TSA – Day 5 update

by @ 12:11. Filed under Miscellaneous.

As I continue my wandering through the TSA labyrinth, I have learned a few things.

First, when you file your “redress” you are given a “redress control number.” From what I’m reading, it appears that this number, if all things go well, will become my magical key to regain my flying rights. It appears that if they agree I am who I am, I won’t actually come off of their ineffectual list. Rather, I will provide my RCN to airlines when I book a ticket. They will then cross reference this RCN with the “this guys is a bastard” list and because I have a RCN, they’ll know I’m not a bastard.

In short, it looks like I have hope. The problem is that the only hope I have is placing my confidence in a federal bureaucracy!

January 7, 2010

Well Duh!

by @ 11:42. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I’m scanning the various websites that I regularly peruse and am beginning to wonder if I have had some kind of a Rip VanWinkle episode and have just awoken on April 1st.  The other option might be that the MSM has finally collapsed and The Onion is now writing all “news” stories.  Can any of this stuff be real?

Nelson: We should have waited on health care:Senator Nelson is in full CYA mode as he sees the public outcry increase over his support of placebocare.  Following the selling of his vote, he tried the “no, I didn’t get anything special.  Everyone will get the Medicaid support,” approach.  That didn’t stem the pitch forks and torches streaming towards his office.  Now, he’s trying a twist on the Obama approach claiming “this isn’t the health care bill you thought you knew!”  Along with, “I wish we could have focused on other things!”

Um, Senator Nelson, your vote is what caused the legislation to move forward.  If you had really thought that other things should have been focused on, the withholding of your vote could have caused that to happen.

Or, how about this:

National security adviser: Airline bomber report to ‘shock’– A simple response, “Ah, NO!”  The only thing “shocking” about what we will read in this report is that several bus loads of inept, uber politically correct politicos still have their jobs and haven’t been shipped to some Arctic outpost!  The only person in America who will be “shocked” by this report will be Janet Napolitano whose eyes will be opened for the first time, to the fact that they system DID NOT work as planned!

And finally:

TSA Agent Arrested at LAX – What’s not in the headline is that he was arrested after acting erratically and shouting:

“I am god, I’m in charge.” 

The article goes on to imply that his shouts were drug induced.  Drug induced?  Like hell!  If every TSA employee who had a god complex was arrested and fired we’d have a far smaller TSA with absolutely no decrease in air safety!

Shoebox held hostage by the TSA – Day 4

by @ 10:35. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I got a copy of my passport, a copy of my driver’s license and a signed copy of some useless form bundled up and sent to the TSA today. I asked Mrs. Shoe whether on the envelope, I should address it to:

Moron – TSA

I thought it would get my envelope to the top of the stack. She didn’t think being at the top of the stack would be a good thing.

When they find their inner Denny Green and realize that “I was who I thought I was,” or something like that, will they actually send me a note and say “just kidding!” Or, will I just magically be able to use the kiosks again just like I magically ceased to have the ability to use the kiosks on Monday?


I hate to say “I told you so!” But, “I told you so!”

A week ago I told youabout the debate that Birdman and I were having about placebocare.  In a nutshell, Birdman believes that eventually, self preservation will rule and some portion of the Democrats will jump from the placebocare express.  My argument has been that this train was not going to stop.  Democrats who got in the way would be rolled over and those who voted for it and got nailed by their constituents, would have cushy administration jobs promised to them.

I told you so!

You’ve heard the news, Byron Dorgan of ND and Chris Dodds of CT have both announced they will not run next year.  The reasons for not running are obvious.

For Dorgan, he represents one of the most conservative states in the nation.  He has ignored polling that made Ben Nelson look wise in his placebocare vote and flipped his constituents the bird by voting for placebocare.  Numerous polls are out showing that if the current Republican Governor of ND ran, Dorgan would pine for the level of support that Walter Mondale received in his race against Ronald Reagan.

Dodd’s the same but different.  Placebocare isn’t his undoing, the financial debacle of last year was.  Turns out Chris was getting some special favors from the folks he was supposed to be policing.  Even the normally reliable Democrat voters of Connecticut couldn’t stand the level of corruption and hypocrisy that Dodd portrayed.  All recent polls showed Dodd losing to everyone and anyone in a Senate rebid.

There have been several Democrat Representatives that have announced their retirement.  However, none of those have the visibility of either of the two Senators who recently announced their retirement.  Rumors and most prognostication, say that we are no where near the end of the announced retirements.  I expect we may well hear similar announcements from Blanche Lincoln, Arlen Specter and (get ready, here’s my big bet) Harry Reid.

The latest generic Congressional ballot poll by Rasmussen shows the Republicans now leading by 9 points.  The most notable part of this astounding lead is that it is not so much that the Republicans are getting more support as it is that the Democrats are losing support on each and every front.

As they do every time they get power, the Democrats have over reached and tried to foist their vision of remaking the country not in the mold of Europe, but Eastern, Soviet Bloc, Europe, upon all of us.  Fortunately, they are being resisted on all sides and will surely lose their stranglehold on both Houses this year if not their leadership altogether.

While I’m obviously happy about what is happening to the Democrats I am disappointed by one thing.  The people who think Marxism is such a great thing that they are voting to have it implemented against the people’s will should have to stand for another election and get the final verdict of their constituents.  If they did, I have no doubt they would hear, loudly, clearly and in a snarky British accent:

YOU are the weakest link.  Goodbye!”

January 6, 2010

Shoebox held hostage – Day 3

by @ 11:09. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I’ll start chronicling my adventure through the TSA.

Monday, after I was notified that I was a suspected terrorist, I asked the gate agent, “Is this going to happen again?” I was told nonchalantly as if this happens all the time, “Yes, probably.” She took a luggage tag and wrote on the back, “TSA.Gov,” and said, “It takes a while to get off but start here.”

I went off, found my gate and got connected to the Internet. I looked up and found a site with this title: The Traveler Redress Inquiry Program. Apparently, after the TSA unilaterally puts you on their list, you have the ability to plead with them to take you off. You do this by sending them copies of your passport, drivers license and other government issued IDs. Hey, don’t you think they may already have access to all of those? Don’t you think they could have figured out I am who I am BEFORE they put me on their damn list?

If I was a terrorist, I would be called “alleged” even though I had been witnessed as actually having done something. If I was a terrorist, I would be innocent until proven guilty! However, because my name somehow is an alliteration of someone elses, I’m guilty until I can prove my innocence!

Is it just me or does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?

January 5, 2010

Is it Just Me? Update

by @ 10:55. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I just tried getting my boarding pass for my flight back to MSP.

Guess what!?

I have to go see the gate agent again!


Getting through airports is bad enough.  When you’re a consultant who travels for a living on the damn aluminum birds, this is more than a mere inconvenience.  Standing in line for extra HOURS for someone to look at my drivers license and call a disembodied voice somewhere in the ether, to get an “approval code” to issue me a boarding pass is absolute nonsense!

Write your Congressperson!  Have them tell the TSA to release Shoebox!

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Shoebox should be free to go!

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Shoebox should be free to go!

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Shoebox should be free to go!

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Shoebox should be free to go!

January 4, 2010

Is it Just me?

by @ 9:47. Filed under Miscellaneous.

My flight to MKE was unremarkable in everyway. I checked in on line, went through security without a hitch, had the same crabby flight attendants and voila, landed safely in MKE. This morning is a different issue.

So I leave DR last night and head to Chicago. I’ve got meetings in Louisville today and tomorrow and thought that was the best way to make the trip.  I stayed at a hotel and headed to ORD early this AM.

I get to ORD 2.5 hours before my flight. I go to the kiosk to get my ticket and get a message that I must see an agent! Well, at Ohare, seeing an agent is not an easy task. They are always understaffed and never seem to figure out what their big flying days are to get additional people lined up.

After an HOUR, I got to an agent. She promptly informed me that I had been place on the flight security watch list!


Folks, many of you met me yesterday. For those who haven’t, I’m male, middle age, as caucasian as they come. My last name is of the most serious German heritage one could want. Either this is a big screw up by UAL or something has seriously changed in the past 24 hours.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, although I did see a black helicopter at the airport this AM, but do you think the Obama administration is again finding ways to overreact so that “The One” isn’t made to look stupid again?

Stay tuned!

Update:  Saw this article in the USAtoday while on my flight….I wonder if this had anything to do with my new status?  I read another article that said the new rules went into effect at midnight…would at least explain why I was able to fly yesterday unmolested! USATODAY

December 31, 2009

An Obama Carol

by @ 17:05. Filed under Economy, Politics - National.

Listen my children and hear the drama of the one, the only Barack Obama.

Our story starts as President Obama leaves the golf course and returns to his family.  As he approaches his house he is met by the Hawaiian god Pelee.  Pelee tells Obama that he will has not been a good steward for America.  He says that Obama has made a mockery of the term “fiscal restraint.”  Pelee goes on to tell Obama that he must change his ways.  He tells him that Obama will be visited by three spirits during the evening.

Obama, as all good scrooges including George C. Scott, refused to believe that what he had just seen was real.  That said, he was unsettled from the experience.  He entered his house, bypassed the reports authored by Janet Napolitano which attempt to show she has any competency, kisses the woman who is recently, just proud of her country and heads to bed.

At about 11 PM the first spirit arrives.  As Obama peers out from under his blankets and four poster bed with all the trimmings, he can’t believe his eye.  There stands the spirit of economy past; Ronald Reagan!

Reagan tells Obama that he’s mucked up the economy something terrible.  He tells him that increasing the deficit and attempting to buy jobs via “stimulus” is the wrong way to go.  As Obama begins a retort that included, “I inherited,” Reagan stops him with “There you go again!”

Reagan tells Obama that he too inherited a recession.  One that had not been seen since the days of the great depression.  On top of that, there was a malaise in the country that had seriously hindered the ability to harness any hope and optimism from the American people.  Reagan told Obama that the only way to deal with a serious recession is through taxes.  Reagan told Obama how through his tax reductions, the country was able to pull itself up by its bootstraps and right its economic self.  Reagan pointed out to Obama that regardless of what you do, tax receipts will always hover between 8% to 8.5% of GDP.  If you cant to spend more you have to grow the economy.  There is no way to tax or spend your way out of a recession.  To enforce his point, Reagan put the following graph up for Obama to study.

With the presentation of the graph, Reagan was gone. Obama was unconvinced and went back to sleep.

Barely an hour went by and once again, Obama was awaken. This time he was awakened be the spirit of economy present. This spirit greatly resembled Sarah Palin, although it couldn’t be, she hadn’t be done in by the left, was still alive.

Sarah, ah, the spirit, told Obama that despite his protestations, he and he alone has put the federal budget on a path where in just a few short years the budget will require the public portion of debt to be over 80% of the GDP.  Of course, this doesn’t count the unfunded debts like social security, medicare etc.  Sarah departed after leaving Obama the next graph and warning him that without changes, dire consequences will come.

Obama remained unmoved by the pleadings of Sarah and once again, went back to bed.

Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Obama was awoken once again. This time, as he looked out from his bed linens he saw not one but many, many spirits. These were the spirits of the future economy.

Theses spirits were the faces, if not the bodies of all of our children, grand children, great grand children etc. They moaned and wailed as their leader approached Obama. This time Obama was taken aback. As he peered beyond his blankets, he looked into the face and eyes of his own daughter, Sasha.

Sasha began to explain that the reason for all the moaning and wailing was that these generations had become enslaved. Enslaved to the debt that Obama and others had left for future generations to deal with. These future generations have no hope, and expect no change as unlike her father and his administration, these future generations don’t get the ability to ignore and avoid realities. By the time Sasha is an adult, the annual taxes collected will no longer be enough to cover even the obligations of the entitlement programs that exist. This is a fact even before the enactment of placebocare which is sure to accelerate the date on which this occurs. Sasha left with the other spirits after telling Obama that if he doesn’t change, he will go down in history as the most reviled president ever for having eliminated the economic freedom of all future generations.

Obama was returned to his room just as the sun was dawning.

In all other versions of “The Carol,” the scrooge has a change of heart and immediately goes about to right the wrongs of his past and present. Will Scrooge Obama experience the same impact? It’s not the new year yet so we don’t know. Perhaps this version too will end like all those that are true to Dickens’ version. If not, we may well see a new version. This version will be one penned by the Brothers Grimm!

Happy New Year to all!

My thanks to for each of the graphs.

Tick, Tick, Tick….

by @ 11:02. Filed under Politics - National.

With a title like that at this time of the year, I’m sure you’re expecting a post about “the year that was.”  Well, kind of, except that I’m really only focused on the last week of it.

A week ago tomorrow we heard about the harrowing experience of NWA flight 253.  After a complete breakdown of routine security procedures, the passengers aboard the plane subdued a terrorist who attempted to ignite explosives to destroy the plane and all of those aboard.

Within 48 hours of the attack, Janet Napolitano, the individual responsible for Home Land Security including things like air safety, no fly lists and the like, was on camera telling us “the system worked.”  Not since the world watched the aftermath of Katrina and heard President Bush utter the phrase “heckuva job Brownie,” has there been a public comment by a senior government official that was so obviously out of touch with the situation that was right before their eyes.

The day following her assertion that “the system worked,” and after hearing the response to her absurd proclamation, Napolitano moved into high damage control mode.  On Monday, December 28th, Napolitano claimed her words were “taken out of context” and that “our system did not work in this instance.”

Even with Napolitano’s admission of “oops,” bloggers and even the MSM continued to ask how Napolitano could take the situation so cavalierly.  In the course of a couple of days it was determined that the terrorists father had warned the CIA that his son was dangerous, that the terrorist had been put on a watch list but not a no fly list, that groups within the government were aware of concern about the terrorist but did nothing to follow up on the concern or share the information with other agencies.

The level of incredulity over Napolitano’s, “we did great.  Wait, maybe we didn’t,” grew so large that on Tuesday, President Obama had to find some time between golf rounds and tennis sets to tell us that the Christmas day terror attack was allowed by a “systemic failure.”  Of course, he was quick to point out that the system that failed was one that he had inherited from President Bush.  Perhaps the most interesting aspect of President Obama’s comments is that they were assembled so quickly and in such a panic that the White House was unable to arrange for live coverage of his comments.

It’s clear as we watch these and other events this week, that President Obama was and is put in a bad light as a result of this event.  We also know how well he handles anything that impunes his ego; hello Reverend Wright, White Grandma etc.

In the case of Michael Brown, President Bush made his infamous statement on 9/2.  Brown was removed from Katrina responsibilities for Katrina on 9/9, one week later.  On September 12th, Michael Brown resigned.

The Obama administration has made an art of releasing news it finds embarrassing at the start of weekends and especially holiday weekends.  Tomorrow makes one week since the Christmas terrorist attack.  One week of Napolitano making a bad situation worse.  This also happens to be the last “off” weekend before things get refocused on an issue that Obama absolutely needs to win; placebocare.

I wonder if Janet has started cleaning her office yet?

December 30, 2009

And Yet, They Proceed


I have run out of words and thoughts that would attempt to explain the thinking of the left.  As the posts by Birdman, Steve and myself discuss, we are each unable to reconcile the high desire of self preservation that every elected official has with the “CHARGE” mentality of forging ahead with placebocare.

In an attempt to create a mental picture of what I’m seeing, imagine that the look out on the Titanic had just spotted the iceberg while it was still about two miles off.  Most of us would expect that upon notification, the Captain would tell the helmsman to slow down and steer a course to avoid the iceberg.  If Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid were that Captain, I’d see them responding by telling the helmsman to set a course directly for the iceberg and yell loudly for the engines to be increased to “full speed ahead.”  They would do this because while they know there will be casualties, they’re OK with those casualties.

The latest evidence of Pelosi and Reid giving the American people the middle finger comes from Rasmussen.  Amongst their latest findings:

  • Seventy-eight percent (78%) of voters nationwide say it’s at least somewhat likely that the health care reform legislation working its way through Congress will cost more than projected.
  • Eighty-one percent (81%) also think passage of the legislation is at least somewhat likely to lead to higher middle-class taxes.
  • The survey finds that 68% believe the legislation will increase the federal budget deficit.

No more is it sufficient to say that the American people are not in favor of placebocare.  With the latest Rasmussen results, we are now able to say that up to 81% of the American people believe that both Houses of Congress AND President Obama are lying to them about the implications of this legislation! 

Stop for a moment…………………………………………..Just sit still………………………………………Sip your coffee…………………….breath deeply………………………………………consider that last statement…………………

Up to 81% of the American people believe that both Houses of Congress AND President Obama are lying to them about the implications of this legislation! 

And yet, they proceed!

December 29, 2009

Coming Out

Well, it’s official now.  I feel the need to get it off my chest.

Birdman and I have been having an ongoing, private debate.  He believes placebocare will yet meet its Waterloo.  His primary belief, which he outlines nicely here,  is that the looming deficit will be the piece that brings enough Democrat votes together with Republicans, to kill this freedom obliterating bill.  I don’t want to make Birdman sound like a myopic Pollyanna.  He also believes that abortion, public option or a host of other issues could also cause the bill to stall.  In short, if I may paraphrase, he believes there are too many moving pieces and too many Democrats who will have to face election next year, to hold together the votes that were there on the passage of the original House and Senate versions.

I on the other hand, have complete confidence in the Democrats to push this bill through to the end.  Let me lay out my rationale.

  1. As I wrote yesterday, Payola Palooza is now in play.   Any Democrat member that Pelosi or Reid would need in a second vote, now have a price tag on their head.  Most Senators have already been bought.  Representatives go for much much less.  While there is a lot of talk about deficits, Harry, Nancy nor President Obama really care about them when it comes to passing this legislation.
  2. Obama is in trouble.  Read any poll you want and it is clear that Obama’s approval is falling on all political fronts.  Heck, even African Americans are down in the 60% approval level.  If Obama fails to get placebocare passed it could be argued that he is Ofer in his first year with no where to go but down.  All of his chips are in on placebocare.   He’ll get Nancy and Harry to do everything possible to keep him from becoming irrelevant before his first State of the Union.
  3. Elections – all the talk about Democrats having to face the electorate is a smoke screen.  Nancy Pelosi has already said she expects to lose up to 40 seats next year.  She considers these “transitional” seats.  She believes that they are the Democrat version of RINOS and should be replaced by more vigilant Marxists! 
  4. To the argument that Birdman makes about self preservation, I present exhibit A.  Expect to see many more “centrist” Democrats to announce their “retirements” in the next few weeks.  These are people who know they are dead people walking i.e. vote for the bill and they won’t get reelected, vote against the bill and Pelosi will have them cleaning the Republican urinals until they retire.  Oh, and if you think, “poor people, they’ll be out of work!”  Don’t worry, for anyone that goes willingly, Nancy has cushy, high paying and high pension jobs lined up for each of the votes she needs to buy.
  5. It doesn’t have XXXXX (name your favorite feature.)  Sorry, it doesn’t matter whether it is the public option, abortion, the deficit or any of the other items id’d as “deal breakers.”  None of them will ultimately be “deal breakers!”  In the end, the far left, the moderate left and all other versions of the left will accept anything that will pass with the understanding that if they pass it now, regardless of what is actually passed, they can fix it later.  Perfection is not required, passing something, anything is!
  6. Finally, history!  There is no doubt that every Democrat looks at this bill as historical.  While I admit to not understanding it, I see a similar pattern with placebocare as there was with the election of Barack Obama.  It was clear from early on that Obama was a Marxist and apologist who would do this country harm.  Objective people, people who actually wanted to look at the information, saw through the veneer of public persona that was being created.  Unfortunately for our country, in the end, too many people got caught up in the sale of “change” and the historicity of the first black president.  Placebocare is on the same track.  Any logical, thinking person can see the line of broken promises we’ll experience if placebocare is based.  That said, this isn’t about logic.  This is all about emotion and history for the Democrats.

There, now you’re on the inside of a debate that Birdman and I have had for several weeks.  Don’t get me wrong, I hope I’m wrong and Birdman is right.  Unfortunately, I’m used to the Democrats going against anything that resembles America but I’m hoping to be pleasantly surprised!

December 28, 2009

Placebocare – Payola Palooza

The toner hasn’t yet set on the Harry Reid’s version of placebocare and positions are already being taken on how the House and Senate will reconcile their bills.  The AP has an enlightening article that quotes numerous Democrat Representatives laying out how they see the House and Senate bill harmonizing:

James Clyburn, a strong advocate for the public option, when asked whether the final bill would be required to have a public option answered:

“We want a public option to do basically three things: Create more choice for insurers, create more competition for insurance companies, and to contain costs. So if we can come up with a process by which these three things can be done, then I’m all for it. Whether or not we label it a public option or not is of no consequence.”

Representative Chris Van Hollen said:

“Before the House was to give up the public option, we would want to be persuaded that there are other mechanisms in whatever bill comes out that will keep down premiums.  We’ve got to make sure that the final product is affordable.”

At first blush, these and other similar quotes, look like the normal “congressionalese” that is spoken any time a negotiation is about to take place.  However, in light of what we just watched in the Senate, particularly with the purchase of Ben Nelson’s vote (a side note:  I thought “Pay for play” was illegal?  Wasn’t that what Blagojevich and Burris were/are accused of?), comments like these need to be understood in a whole new way.

“Hey, I’m not fixated on a name.  I want to make sure we accomplish some specific goals,” is what appears to be Clyburn’s thoughtful response.  However, let’s take another look at Clyburn’s quote after putting on our official “Ben Nelson, you too can look like a whore” brand reading glasses.  With our special glasses, what initially looked like a principled, practical response, now reads:

“I could be persuaded to give up the public option.  First, while I don’t care if it actually does it, I need to be able to tell my constituents that the bill does three things:  Create more choice for insurers, create more competition for insurance companies, and to contain costs.  I’m sure we can add several hundred pages of confusing language that will give the impression that we’ve done this even thought we won’t.   Second, after seeing what has transpired in the Senate, I’ve developed a price that my vote can be purchased for.  Whether we end up having a public option or not is of no consequence as long as I get the appropriate gratuity!”

Let’s now look at Representative Van Hollen’s comment.  After you’ve used your official “Ben Nelson, you too can look like a whore” brand reading glasses once, subsequent quotes are much easier to decipher.

“Before I give up the public option, I would want to be persuaded that there are other mechanisms in whatever bill comes out that will keep down premiums.  We’ve got to make sure that the final product is affordable.  I expect other taxpayers to be subservient to the sluggards of my district so that my constituents will not have to pay any of the ridiculous taxes that have been placed in this bill.  With this benefit and the agreed to publicity that the DHCC will guarantee to provide me on this topic, I should be well on my way to buying myself another term in the House!”

Now that we’ve seen the vote purchasing in the Senate we will never again read or hear, any comment by any Congressperson about what he/she will or won’t accept in legislation without thinking, “I wonder how much they expect to be bribed for their vote?”  Keep you pair of “Ben Nelson, you too can look like a whore” brand reading glasses handy.  You’ll be reaching for them every day from now until November of 2010!

December 26, 2009

How to Clear a Real Snowfall

by @ 10:35. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I’m sure you all lay awake at night asking, “I wonder how Shoebox will keep his driveway (and that of those around the neighborhood) with all the snow?”

Answer:  A diesel tractor with an 8′ snowblower!

December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

by @ 16:39. Filed under Miscellaneous.

May you have a blessed Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Hey, You’re Giving Us a Bad Name!

by @ 12:27. Filed under Politics - National.

President Obama’s approach to politics is often referred to as the “Chicago Way.”  What is the “Chicago Way” you ask?  Well, to quote Sean Connery from the Untouchables:

Here’s how, they pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way!

In short, the “Chicago way” is bribing, bullying or threatening anyone and everyone necessary so that you get your way.

In today’s Washington Post, William M. Daley, son of Richard J. Daley, a well known user of the “Chicago way,” gives some advice to President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Billy, if I may be so bold, is concerned that the Marxist triumvirate is setting up trouble for the rest of the Democrats. Billy points to recent polls, the November election results and finally, the recent party affiliation change of Representative Griffith as evidence that the Marxist trio has taken the party too far to the left. Billy is concerned that the result of this “student body left” tilt will be that Democrats may have a problem getting or being re elected next year.

Past his warnings, Billy gives the Democrats hope. “Stop ye whilst there is still yet time,” cries Billy!

Despite this raft of bad news, Democrats are not doomed to return to the wilderness. The question is whether the party is prepared to listen carefully to what the American public is saying. Voters are not re-embracing conservative ideology, nor are they falling back in love with the Republican brand. If anything, the Democrats’ salvation may lie in the fact that Republicans seem even more hell-bent on allowing their radical wing to drag the party away from the center.

“See,” says Billy, “I know it’s not that people want to be more conservative, it’s just those damn Republicans keep making us look bad!”  In fact, Billy believes that the country really does like Marxism, it’s just that they don’t know it yet!

For liberals to accept that inescapable reality is not to concede permanent defeat. Rather, let them take it as a sign that they must continue the hard work of slowly and steadily persuading their fellow citizens to embrace their perspective.

It never crosses Daley’s mind that the American people are revolting against the Democrats because they don’t like the policies.  It never crosses Daley’s mind that America is still a country whose people have a desire for personal freedoms.  It never crosses Daley’s mind that perhaps the Marxist triumvirate has over reached and in doing so, awakened a spirit that has been slumbering since the 1940s. 

No, Daley, a member of the family who if not created, perfected the “Chicago way,” is complaining because Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have taken the “Chicago way” and applied it to national politics. Daley thinks that could create a problem.  Daley is concerned not for America but for himself and his “suck everybody dry as long as it gets me power” party!

I could have titled this post “Pot meet Kettle,” but I’ve used that too many times this year.  Besides, what it really seems to me that Billy is complaining about is not the tactics being used but rather, that if the Marxist triumvirate are successful in driving the country to bankruptcy, it might give the “Chicago way” a bad name!  I didn’t know the “Chicago way” had a good name!

December 23, 2009

Couldn’t Have Said It Better

by @ 14:59. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

Ray Stevens with his thoughts on Placebocare

My Colleague, the Senator From the State of Denial

Late this afternoon, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell waved the white flag.  As reported by RollCall, McConnell made an agreement withHarry Reid to pass a two month extension on the debt limit and waive the remaining time required to get to the final vote on the passage of Placebocare.  McConnell, recognizing that he never had any bullets (heck, even Barney Fife at least had one bullet) decided it was the better part of valor to waive the time and allow a timely departure for the Christmas holiday for all senators and staff rather than hold to the last second and be labeled a Scrooge on top of the label of “dolt!”

By Christmas there will be two versions of Placebocare that couldn’t be more different.  In fact, about the only thing the two bills have in common are the allegation that they both pertain to health care.  Now that both houses have passed a bill, the questions become these:  Can the two bills be reconciled and if they are, will both houses vote to support the reconciled bill?

The question of whether the bills can be reconciled is obvious.  Nancy, Harry and Rahmwill do anything and everything to get a bill that will go back to both chamber floors.  Don’t think for a second that there will be an issue that one of them can’t strong arm or buy their way through.  So, that leaves the question of whether the reconciled bill can be passed.

There’s lots of new bad news out for President Obama the Democrats and Placebocare.  In a new Quinnipiac poll, 72% oppose using any public money from placebocare to pay for abortions.  The same poll found that by a margin of 52% to 36%, Americans oppose placebocare and by a margin of 56% to 38% they disapprove of the way that President Obama is handling the issue of health care reform.  Perhaps most significant out of the Quinnipiac poll is that there is no economic or age demographic that now supports Obama’s handling of placebocare.  Not even the young people support Obama on placebocare any longer.

The latest Rasmussen polls are even more damaging to President Obama and Placebocare. After having shrunk to about a 10 point deficit, Rasmussen now shows that public opinion is back, and holding, near it’s high of a 15% deficit, and that’s the good news!

Early today, Rasmussen released it’s daily presidential tracking report. After hitting a new high, or rather low, of -19 ten days ago, the trend had been improving for President Obama recovering to a -12 a week ago. However, in the past few days the trend has not only reversed, it’s reversed at a staggering rate. On December 20th, the rating was -15. In just two days the poll leaped to a -21, a 6 point swing! Does anyone thing it coincidence that the health care votes are occurring during the same time frame as this dramatic change? The same daily poll shows even amongst African-Americans Obama’s support is now only 58%. Do you remember when 90% of African-Americans voted for President Obama?

Finally, early last evening, Rasmussen released the latest generic poll. Republicans now lead Democrats by 8 points, the highest level this year and the highest level for a considerable period of time.

Back to the question.  It’s clear that placebocare is shunned everywhere and by everyone.  It’s clear in all the polls, including President Obama’s favorability rating, that the public is rigidly set against the bill.  That said, I won’t put one penny of a bet against Nancy, Harry and company and their ability to rig another set of votes.  I will say this though, if the Democrats manage to pass this bill, the political tables will turn 180 degrees from where they were in 2008.  In 2008 you almost couldn’t buy an election if you were a Republican.  If placebocare is passed, in 2010, Democrats won’t be able to buy an election and that’s saying something!  The fact that the Democrats either don’t see this or believe that they can somehow avoid it is a willingness to suspend disbelief that is far worse than that required by Hillary Clinton when she questioned General Patraeus!

Regardless of the way that placebocare proceeds from here, I have a suggestion for the Republicans.  Rather than the normal congenial hand off of time on the chamber floor i.e. I yield my time to the good Senator from the State of XYZ, I propose that the Republicans brand the Democrats in a way that will keep the issue in the forefront for the foreseeable future.  I propose the Republicans brand the Democrats what they are by saying each time, “I yield my time to the good Senator from the State of Denial!”

December 22, 2009

You’re An Egotistical Boor

And you’re stupid too!

I chronicled last week, how Al Franken is easily the most egotistical, boorish member of the Senate. In less than 6 months, Franken has managed to alienate more Senators than President Obama has alienated world leaders in almost a year. While Franken is egotistical and boorish, we find out today that these are not his worst traits. No, his worst trait is that he’s plainly stupid.

As the light begins to shine on Harry Reid’s disaster of placebocare, we find that several states including Nebraska, Louisiana, Vermont, Conneticutt and Massachusetts received sweat heart deals to secure the vote of their senators. We also see that several special interest; AARP, longshormen, under construction private hospitals as examples, received sweat heart deals to secure the votes of the senators that were lobbying for them.

Seeing all the money tossed about to secure votes for Reid’s abomination, I started looking to see what goodies Minnesota received. I looked in the first 500 pages and found…..nothing. I looked in the second 500 pages and found….nothing. I looked through the entire bill for something good for Minnesota and found….nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. I did find one thing that Senator Franken was able to obtain.

In one of his few position statements about placebocare, Franken stated that the implementation of a medical device tax:

will seriously threaten thousands of American jobs and deter innovation

With that brief statement, Senator Franken put his large foot down. He wasn’t going to stand for taxes on an industry that has over 300 companies in Minnesota and is the core of a significant state industry not to mention thousands of jobs. Senator Franken stood for the principle right up until the point where he had to choose between his principles and being a member of the good ol’ boys club. Guess which he chose?

Oh, Al will tell you he got something for Minnesota. Yeah, he managed to get an entire year delay in the implementation of the tax! I fail to understand how a tax that “could threaten thousands of American jobs” doesn’t threaten those jobs if it is implemented a year later! Maybe the jobs that will exist for one more year will now be counted as “saved” jobs?

Al, you’re amazing!

Even Harry Reid agrees with me that Al Franken is a pathetic senator. In discussing why all the pork and special interest provisions were in the placebocare bill, Reid justified it by saying:

“That’s what legislation is all about,” said Reid at the press conference. “It’s the art of compromise.”

Later, in explaining why some senators got a lot for the vote while others didn’t, Reid said:

“If they don’t have something in important to them, it doesn’t speak very well for them.”

So, there you have it. While other senators negotiated for millions, nearly billions of dollars for their constituents, Al Franken gave away jobs, just not immediately. I never thought I’d say it but Harry Reid and I have one thing in common; we both believe Al Franken is stupid!

Oh, BTW, Senator Klobuchar, while you may have a slightly less grating personality, you too are stupid!

December 19, 2009

John Kerry To The Rescue!

by @ 17:26. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

In less than 72 hours, Ben Nelson went from centrist Democrat to Ashley Dupre in comparison to Mary Landrieu’s saloon girl pricing commands.

On Wednesday, reports were out that argued that Ben Nelson could not support any form of placebocare that didn’t have the sign off of Nebraska’s chapter of national right to life.  Also on Wednesday, The Weekly Standard published a poll showing that while 51% of Nebraskans approved of Nelson’s job, 67% opposed placebocare and 61% said they would be less likely to support Nelson if he voted for placebocare.

In spite of the risk to his political career, today after receiving lots of financial goodies for Nebraska and a poorly worded attempt at hiding the fact that abortion will ultimately still be required by placebocare, Nelson has agreed to vote for cloture.  Assuming there are no other Democrat whores whose conscience can be bought, it appears that the Senate will be passing Harry Reid’s version of placebocare. 

With the now apparent, imminent passage of placebocare, a question arises.  With the polls solidly against placebocare in places like Nebraska and other fly over states, how do Democrat Senators expect to pass placebocare out of the Senate and not receive reelection repercussions?  Easy, they’ll pull the “John Kerry!

in October 2003,  Kerry voted against an $87 billion supplemental funding bill for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. He did support an alternative bill that funded the $87 billion by cutting some of President Bush’s tax cuts.  Whenit was apparent the alternative bill would not pass, he decided to go on record as not supporting the legislation to fund soldiers.  It was after this combination of positions and votes that Kerry uttered his now infamous quote:

I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.

Cloture, or the approval to proceed, requires 60 votes in the Senate.  This is the issue that has stymied Harry Reid until now.  However, the final vote for the passage of a bill, only requires a simple majority or 51 votes.  In fact, if the vote is split at 50/50, Vice President Joe Biden would cast the deciding vote.  While it now appears that Reid has spread enough of our money around to get 60 votes for cloture, you can bet that there will be no where near 60 votes for the final votes.

Between today and whenever the final vote comes, you can bet that Senators like Jim Webb, Ben Nelson, Byron Dorgan, Evan Byah and a few others, will be talking about how they are yet “unsure” as to how they will vote on the final vote.  They will talk about the need to “move the process forward.”  In fact, I’m certain that several Democrat Senators will vote against the final passage of the bill.  Not too many, something less than 10 will vote against the bill, but there will be some who believe voting against the final bill will give them political cover.

By voting against the final bill, these supposed “moderate” Democrats will go back to their states and attempt to claim that they weren’t really for the atrocity that is placebocare.  When they return to their states, these senators will tell their constituents that they voted for the bill before they voted against the bill.  Actually, this is an incredibly difficult maneuver as it is not the “John Kerry” but the “Reverse John Kerry.”  I doubt you’ll see many of these folks successfully execute the move.  Several of those attempting this move will get zeros, not from the Russian judges but from their home state constituents!

If you haven’t seen it, here’s the last ditch plea from the Republican Senators.  If you have a phone and have a Democrat Senator, especially ones about to attempt the “Reverse Kerry,” call them and let them know that no matter how hard they try to explain otherwise, they will be held accountable for all votes that had any part in allowing placebocare to become law!

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