No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for posts by Shoebox.

February 12, 2010

Nobody’s a Bigger Nobody Than Me!

by @ 5:57. Filed under Miscellaneous.

For at least the past two years, Democrats have been putting conservatives and Republicans down as a bunch of nobodies.  At a fund raiser in April, 2008, then candidate Obama, called us a bunch of bitter clingers.  In April, 2009 as the tea party protests were gaining momentum, Nancy Pelosi called us astroturf.

A recent Gallup poll had President Obama in a statistical dead heat with an unnamed Republican candidate.  The same poll showed that when a name was put in for the Republican candidate, the highest support was for Mitt Romney at 14%.  You might ask, “What does this mean?”  Well, what it means is that “nobody” is the favorite Republican candidate and, as of today, Nobody is in a dead heat against President Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.

I read the headline of the poll story today, thought about it for awhile and an idea hit me like broken clasp off of Dolly Parton’s bra…I’m a nobody!

Don’t mistake my comment.  I’m not lamenting or feeling sorry for myself.  Actually, I’m elated!  Based on all of the comments from Democrat leadership over the past couple of years I’m Nobody.  Gallup says that with a little effort, I could be the next president!

As I was contemplating whether it was conceivable to run for president (this is all rather sudden), Stephen Green aka Vodkapundit tweeted back:

Problem is, “Nobody” probably polls better against Obama than any of the likely GOP somebodies.

Upon hearing this, I first thought “Now I have trouble.”  But, after thinking about it a bit more it dawned me; I’m not a GOP somebody.  In fact, I’m a general Nobody and I’m also a GOP Nobody!

The way I see things there is no one who is a bigger general Nobody than me.  Even if there was, there is certainly no one who is a bigger GOP Nobody than me!  Based on Gallup, I can be President in 2012 with less effort than it takes me to write a post here a few days each week.

Therefore, after considering the “encouragement” from Vodkapundit, with no further ado, I, Shoebox, the biggest Nobody within the GOP, announce my candidacy for President of the United States! Please note that while Ralph Nader will also likely run as a nobody, he will not run as a GOP nobody!

While I would appreciate you telling other people about my candidacy, don’t bother, I’m Nobody so they won’t know me!

Here’s my first campaign poster.  What do you think?

February 10, 2010

The Party of “No”

by @ 5:21. Filed under Economy, Politics - National.

Earlier this week, President Obama announced that he would hold a televised meeting that would include himself and leaders of both Congressional Chambers on February 25th.  According to Obama, the purpose of the meeting is to hear ideas from all parties, forge them in a bipartisan bill and get health care reform passed.

Coincidental with the announcement of his desire to hear Republican input on health care, Obama has increased the volume and frequency of accusing Republicans of being the “party of no.”  Last Wednesday, President Obama called Republicans “obstructionists” during a meeting with Democrat lawmakers.  On Monday of this week, President Obama characterized the Republican desire to start the health care process over again as “doing nothing.”  With this kind of rhetoric, some, including myself, wonder whether President Obama is sincere in is attempt to hear ideas or whether the health care meeting is a first step in an attempt to color the Republicans as the “party of no” in an attempt to save the sure November disaster waiting for the Democrats.

Today, President Obama had a closed door meeting with Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner.  The meeting was set to discuss what was to be included in and how to pass a “jobs bill.”  Reportedly, on the topic of credits for jobs created, Nancy Pelosi expressed skepticism of the bill and said that she knew of no one who believed the plan would actually create any jobs!

Hallelujah!  I’m not sure that I’ve ever agreed with Nancy Pelosi before!  Further, I think this may be the first time this session that Pelosi and Boehner agree, although they may not realize it!

Boenher has diagnosed the problem properly.  Jobs are not returning because businesses have too many uncertainties.  Health care costs, energy costs, capital gains, income taxes and many other items are currently being considered by the Obama administration.  In each case, the administration is proposing legislation that would either cost businesses more or put further regulation on their ability to do business.  When businesses see uncertainty that they have no ability to hedge against, they respond by taking less risk.  Taking less risk translates to less hiring and fewer jobs.

Pelosi is also right, even though she doesn’t know why.  Given the uncertainty described previously, jobs credits will have little to no effect on hiring.  The issue, simply, is that employers are not hiring because they see high risk in expanding their business.  Increasing hiring, even if it’s partially paid for by the government, does nothing to change the broader economic issues.

Who would have guessed that when it came to assessing a jobs program, Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner would be on the same side of the argument, neither party wants to pursue one.

So, who’s the “party of no” now?

February 9, 2010

Beware of The BHAG Trap!

by @ 5:31. Filed under Miscellaneous.

After over two decades of work with large wireless companies, you can bet that I’ve been exposed to nearly every main stream theory or philosophy on change management that has existed. Do this, don’t do that. Encourage these people, use a stick on those people etc. etc. While I don’t buy all of the theories, I have to admit that I did learn a few things from the training and put that knowledge to work in some of my current engagements.

One theory that was not precisely a change management technique but has application there is call a BHAG. A BHAG is a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. The BHAG was popularized by James Collins in his book “Good to Great.” Collins used a BHAG as a goal that an organization could focus on. While they may have been so large that they weren’t always attained, they provided a focal point for everyone in the organization to measure against and see if the work they were doing or the plan they were looking to implement, moved them closer to or further away from the BHAG.

The translation of a BHAG for use in change management worked like this. Let’s say you had a company that typically saw sales growth of 5% annually. Let’s also say that you needed to improve on that and get to 10%. In many institutions, a change like that will be met by numerous people who tell you how and why that growth can’t be achieved. Knowing that that would occur, on a few occasions, instead of saying we wanted to grow by 10%, we’d say that we wanted to grow by 20%. Upon saying that, we would get the same group of folks telling us how and why we couldn’t achieve that growth. We’d then sit down and put a plan together with our teams for achieving 20% growth. At the end of the plan, the same people who were complaining at the start were typically still complaining. Once we completed the detailed plan we’d come back and tell folks that after taking the input, 10% is a more attainable goal. In nearly every instance, once we let them back to 10%, people would let out a collective “Whew,” and move forward executing on the 10% plan which is what we wanted all along.

By using the BHAG approach, we went through the same caterwauling and planning that we would have gone through had we originally set a 10% target. But, by using the BHAG, we allowed people to expand the belief in their own abilities beyond that what they otherwise thought they could do. If we had started at 10%, it would have been very likely that we ended up with a plan that had 6% or 7% growth.

What’s this got to do with anything?

President Obama has invited Senate and House leadership to a televised meeting to discuss Placebocare. Ostensibly, President Obama wants to find a way for the Republicans and Democrats to “come together” and pass a plan.

Folks, there is nothing about this plan to like. Short of starting all over, there should be no negotiation of any kind.

I’m afraid that the Republican leadership will not have the spine or knowledge of their own principles to stand up to this takeover of health care. I’m afraid that what could happen is that Obama views the current plan as a BHAG, that he might come back and offer a couple of Republican carrots; say something like, “we’ll look at tort reform,” or “we’ll look at more competition across state lines,” without any commitment to actual legislation. The problem with this is that if the Republicans allow this line of discussion, they will get caught in the BHAG trap and end up looking like the losers of this event.

I was discussing this concern with Birdman today and he had the perfect approach to avoiding the BHAG trap. Read the next post to see if you don’t agree with his approach.

February 7, 2010


by @ 12:25. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I’ve periodically translated different phrases that President Obama uses on a recurring basis.  As an aside, can anyone think of a prior President who was so dependent on a small, recurring set of phrases?  Anyway, it’s been a while since I’ve published these in a coherent fashion.  As Obama and the Democrats become more vocal as they try to figure out which direction is up, I thought it would be helpful to publish these so that you can have them in the back of your mind as you hear published statements.

If you have any phrases that you’re aware of and that I haven’t captured, drop them to me at  I’ll provide a proper translation and include them in future updates.

I don’t want to run – should always be followed by “but I will take over.”

As I have repeatedly said – the fact that you haven’t agreed with me in the past on this issue is not a reason that I should reconsider my position. Rather, it is a reflection of your lack of intelligence and reverence for my omnipotence.

Shovel Ready – any project that rational taxpayers would vote you out of office for if you had voted to fund it.

Stimulus – a spending bill that contains “Shovel Ready” projects that is passed only with Democrat support

Uniquely Qualified – an individual who is either a tax cheat or has other ethical issues such that they wouldn’t be hired for and can only get a role through appointment to a Democrat legislator or Democrat Administration role.

Czar – An unelected, unaccountable bureaucrat, whose purpose is to expand government programs, imposes regulation, hire more conscripts for SEIU and reduce freedom for ordinary Americans.

Let me be clear – A phrase preceding a statement that certainly won’t be clear and is probably a lie.

Unprecedented – Does not mean “unprecedented” in the context of American history. Rather, it is unprecedented in the experience of Obama. Thus, he has no reference point from which to view or address the specific issue.

Inherited from the previous administration – I know this has nothing to do with other administrations. If I couldn’t blame those guys, how else could I get you to agree to the suicidal proposal that now follows?

I will not rest – I really don’t care what you or anyone else says about this matter. I will push this issue no matter how unpopular or how damaging it is to America. In fact, the louder you complain, the more sure I am that I am right!

February 5, 2010

Never Allow A Crisis To Go To Waste

by @ 5:10. Filed under Economy, Politics - National.

Talking just days after the election as he talked about the challengesPresident elect Obama faced, Rahm Emanuel made his famous quote:

Never allow a crisis to go to waste.

Emanuel explained this quote by saying that extreme circumstances allow you the opportunity to do big things.  The Democrat trilogy of Obama, Reid and Pelosi have spent the first 13 months of the Obama administration fulfilling Emanuel’s prophecy.

Health care “reform”, cap and trade, take over of portions of the financial and automotive industry, moving terror trials to New York and appointing Cabinet memebers and Czars who are out right Marxists are all examples of the Obama Administration doing “big things” because they thought they could.

The response to Obama’s action have been definite and specific.

Beginning as early as April of last year, people gathered in various parts of the country under the banner of Tea Parties.  Initially, these gatherings were a general protest against ever growing government, the taxes required to support it and the freedom that it extinguished. 

As time went on, the tea parties came to be a lead organization for protests against the attempt to take over the health care industry via the proposed health care “reform.”  Later, they became a major driver in the near victory of Doug Hoffman in NY.  Most recently, the financial support from those aligned with the tea parties allowed Scott Brown to be elected to the seat previously owned by Ted Kennedy and along with it, defeat Obama’s desire to control the health care industry.

It’s clear that much of the American population, including those affiliated with the tea parties, have grown tired of President Obama’s approach.  Whether it is ideology, naievete or stupidity, it is clear that Obama’s policies are driving us quickly to the edge of a financial cliff.

This week, President Obama proposed a nearly $4T budget with a deficit of nearly $1.6T.  These number are obscene by any definition.  What makes the situation move beyond obscene to grotesque is Obama’s chiding that we must become fiscally responsible and that somehow these numbers are a result of President George Bush’s making.

Folks, this budget needs to be defeated.  We need to do to it what was done to health care reform.  We need to take it apart line by line, word by word and expose it to the American people.  Unless Americans are unwilling to make any sacrifices, in which case we’re screwed, they will quickly see an audacity similar to that of health care reform and revolt against it.  If we have any hope of reversing the coming fiscal disaster and possibly, the ruin of our country, we need to start now! 

We’ve removed the super majority in the Senate and with it much of Obama’s political capital.  We have the momentum, the American people and principle on our side.  We have elections on the mind of every House member and many endangered Senators.

If ever there was a time to take on a challenge as large as fundamentally changing how budgets are viewed in Washington, now is the time.  If we wait until the next budget, people may be lulled to sleep thinking that the newly elected Republicans will solve the problem.

Rahm Emanuel laid out our came plan perfectly: Never allow a crisis to go to waste.  In extreme circumstances we have the opportunity to do big things.  Doubt me?  Ask the people of Massachusetts!

February 4, 2010

Permanent Casting

by @ 9:50. Filed under Economy, Elections, Politics - National.

Happy Blogiversary to me!  Two years ago I posted for the first time at Norunnyeggs.  Thanks to you for reading, encouraging and correcting me.  Thanks to Steve for his long suffering of allowing me to squat on his site!

Hopefully, the following is worthy of a 2 year blogiversary posting!

Quick, what do the following actors have in common?

Alan Alda, Carroll O’Connor, Ted Danson, James Garner and Kelsey Grammer.

Each of these actors, while having a varied and successful career having played numerous other characters, are immediately recognized for a single role that they played.  Alan Alda is forever Hawkeye from MASH.  Carroll O’Connor is immortalized as Archie Bunker.  Ted Danson is Sam Malone, James Garner is Jim Rockford (or Bret Maverick if you’re of a certain age) and Kelsey Grammer was Frasier Crane across two long running sitcoms.  These actors are victims of typecasting. 

Typecasting occurs when an actor or actress becomes so associated with a type of role, or specific role that no matter how hard they try, they are never able to fully keep people from thinking of a new role as an extension of the role they were type-casted as.  Typecasting varies in severity.  Some people, like James Garner, while fondly remembered for a role, go on to have very successful careers with other roles and genres.  In the most severe cases, typecasting can be so severe that actors or actresses are unable to get another role beyond the one that they were typecast in.  The most notorious of this level of typecasting was George Reeves who once he became Superman, was Superman even on TV shows that had no connection to the character.

President Obama has released his budget proposal for the next year.  His budget encompasess total spending of $3.8 trillion and a deficit of $1.56 trillion.

While President Obama has taken nothing from the Scott Brown victory, numerous Democrats in both the House and the Senate seem to be attempting to position themselves as aligned with the fiscal sensitivities of the populous.  From the WSJ:

“I guess I don’t understand…the vision of the administration when it comes to putting in place economic policy that works for our nation in today’s economy and the economic climate today,” Sen. Lincoln said during the same hearing with Mr. Geithner.


“I don’t know anybody in business who hires an employee because they’re going to get a tax credit,” said Rep. Thompson during the hearing of the House Ways and Means Committee.

There are scores of additional examples of Democrats now trying to convince their constituents that they aren’t aligned with those tax and spend liberals in Congress.

The problem for those Democrats now attempting to become the next Ron Paul is that nearly every one of them seem to have limits to their new found fiscal conservatism.  From the Baltimore Sun:

A headline on the 2010 campaign website of Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), blares her opposition to Obama’s farm budget: “Blanche stands up for Arkansas farm families,”


Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.), a recent party-switcher, questioned trade policies battering the steel industry. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) asked about health care for first responders involved in the Sept. 11attack. The message from Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Ca.): “California is hurting.”


Elsewhere around the country, Rep. Suzanne Kosmas — a freshman Democrat from a Republican leaning part of Florida — minced no words in complaining about Obama’s proposed cuts to the NASA budget. The space industry is one of the largest employers in her district.

“The president’s proposal lacks a bold vision for space exploration and begs for the type of leadership that he has described as critical for inspiring innovation for the 21st century,” said Kosmas.


In the swing state of Missouri, Democratic Senate candidate Robin Carnahan wasted no time this week denouncing Obama’s budget as profligate.

“I’m disappointed in the president’s budget recommendation,” she said. “Missouri families have to balance their checkbooks and our government is no different.”

Clearly, Democrats are trying to show their fiercer, budget hawk side.  After all, it wasn’t just the threat of health care that got Scott Brown elected and has put a number of the Dem’s jobs in jeopardy.  Equally, the ever ballooning spending and deficit has also gotten people’s attention.  Also clearly, while they talk budget hawk out of one side of their mouth, the Dem’s hawkishness ends right at the end of the particular program or jurisdiction that they have their nose stuck into!

As hard as Democrats may try from now until November, to paint themselves as characters other than the fiscally  irresponsible characters they are, it won’t work.  The Dems have become victims of their own “success”.  They were swept into office promising not one, but a whole flock of chickens in every pot, never considering how they were going to pay for those chickens.  Now that they find that those chickens actually cost money, and they don’t have any, they are left with the choice of not providing the chickens or attempting to con the public into believing that continuing investment we get from China each month is not really anything to worry about. 

The public is not buying a word of the Dems attempt to claim fiscal responsibility.  Like George Reeves the Dems are irreversibly typecast.  Try as they may, no one, at least not for this election cycle, will believe their claims that they can actually play a different role.

February 3, 2010

We Still Have To Lead!

by @ 13:01. Filed under Politics - National.

Refusing to take any message of “you’ve gone too far” out of the Scott Brown victory, President Obama told Senate Democrats that he is moving full steam ahead with his agenda:

“We’ve got to finish the job on health care. We’ve got to finish the job on financial regulatory reform. We’ve got to finish the job, even though it’s hard.”

Defiantly, Obama blamed Republicans for the inability to pass the health care legislation.  Never mind that up until Scott Brown, Republicans had no was to delay the legislation had Democrats themselves been united.

Obama urged the Senators to forge ahead with even greater urgency.  With regard to the loss of the Senate super majority, Obama said:

We still have to lead.

Leading is well and good.  In fact, I’d welcome some rational leadership from this administration.  The challenge with leading is that you should have an idea of where the path you are leading along goes.  If you don’t, charging ahead full steam without any caution could create some unexpected problems:

February 2, 2010

Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Shoebox is Now Free To Go!

by @ 5:21. Filed under Free Shoebox.

I came home from work and found a letter envelope from Homeland Security. Not sure that I really wanted to know the answer, I opened the envelope and found the following letter:

A few observations:

  • I didn’t “may have experienced” anything!  I did experience it!  They make it sound like I’m some tin foil hat type reporting that I’ve been abducted by aliens!
  • “DHS cannot ensure your travel will always be delay-free…For instance, an airline might still require a brief period of time to comply with identity verification requirements prior to issuing a boarding pass”– Huh?  Who’s driving the bus?  No wonder people get caught for no apparent reason!  Multiple bureaucracies trying to align their methods, procedures and databases.  Oh, yeah, that’s sure to be a smooth running process!
  • “Based on our analysis of those persons who have applied for redress through DHS TRIP, more than 99 percent are not on a Federal watch list.”  You must be kidding!  The program that is supposed to be ensuring our air safety has a 99 percent false positive?  With that high of a false positive, how many positives (people who should be on the list) do you think they are missing?  I guess this explains all the stories of grannies and six year olds being frisked and taken aside by airport TSA!

I’ve spent a considerable amount of my career involved with interactions with customers.  If one of my staff brought this letter to me and said they were about to send it to a customer, my reaction would be, “Are you nuts?  Even if it’s true, why would you be sending a letter to a customer telling them we’re incapable of doing our job?”  I would follow that up with, “If this is true, we have a lot of work to do!  We’re starting today and not stopping until we have a process that we can stand behind that is efficient and for which we can tell our customers how, what and why we are doing what we are doing!”

I’ll be flying again within the next couple of weeks.  I’ll let you know if any of this gobbledygook actually translates to “I can fly” or whether I’ll be again relying on my Peter Pan happy thought to provide air transport!

Stay tuned.

February 1, 2010

Yet Another Inconvenient Truth – Number 3,287

by @ 5:57. Filed under Global "Warming".

I told you last week about a new problem that that IPCC had with it’s MMGW “documentation.”  That problem was that they had folks speaking as “experts” when in fact, at least one was a journalist! has the latest IPCC gaffe.  It turns out that their claims of ice reductions on mountain tops was based on an article from a climbing magazine!  Yup, again, no scientific measurement.  Again, nothing but anecdotal hearsay by a people who no ability to comprehend that yes, climates do change but that doesn’t mean the change is caused by man.

I’m pretty sure that we are now just days away from finding that the core theory that global warming comes from CO2 emissions, was originally published in a 1930 Buck Rogers episode and in fact, has never been factually examined!

January 29, 2010

Pure Speculation-Ain’t I Smart Edition

by @ 5:57. Filed under Miscellaneous.

You’ve probably heard about the arrest of James O’Keefe of ACORN scandal fame.  He and several associates were arrested at Senator Mary Landrieu’s office.  Several of the original reports suggested that O’Keefe and his companions were attempting to bug or wire tap Landrieu’s phones.  It turns out that reporting wasn’t exactly accurate.

According to Patterico, the affidavit filed said nothing about bugging, intercepting or wire tapping.  It did talk about an allegation that they attempted to access the phone equipment closet.

Patterico guesses:

I believe they pretended to try to access the telephone closet, to tape the reaction of officials: “Why? It’s not like there’s a problem with the phones in Sen. Landrieu’s office!”

I think Patterico is on to something. 

With Landrieu getting the “Louisiana Purchase” and the heat of the placebocare debate, there is no doubt that Landrieu’s office was being swamped with phone calls.  My personal experience with Senators that didn’t have the profile of Landrieu is that for the several weeks prior to Scott Brown’s election, your odds of getting someone to answer your call were slimmer than getting to talk to Rush Limbaugh. 

Thinking about O’Keefe’s warped sense of humor I think they had been working to see how many times they could get through to Landrieu’s office.  Finding that the number was only fractionally above zero, they set up the scenario in Landrieu’s office where they would feign working on the phone system under the guise of numerous reports from constituents that the phone system was broken.  I’m sure they would have gotten responses on tape denying any malfunction of the phone system and O’Keefe would have his “gotcha” moment.

Hey, I didn’t claimed it was great theatre but I think I’m on the right track.  I’m hoping for O’Keefe’s sake that it is that simple.  It would be good to have a quick end to this for O’Keefe.

Update:  I’m so damn smart!  From

The government has now confirmed what has always been clear: No one tried to wiretap or bug Senator Landrieu’s office. Nor did we try to cut or shut down her phone lines. Reports to this effect over the past 48 hours are inaccurate and false. …
I learned from a number of sources that many of Senator Landrieu’s constituents were having trouble getting through to her office to tell her that they didn’t want her taking millions of federal dollars in exchange for her vote on the healthcare bill. When asked about this, Senator Landrieu’s explanation was that, “Our lines have been jammed for weeks.” I decided to investigate why a representative of the people would be out of touch with her constituents for “weeks” because her phones were broken. In investigating this matter, we decided to visit Senator Landrieu’s district office – the people’s office – to ask the staff if their phones were working.

January 28, 2010

It’s Time For Michael Steele To Go!

by @ 11:03. Filed under Politics - National.

Howard Dean has been the proverbial gift that keeps on giving.  Starting with his scream in Iowa and through incidents like:

“I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, you can’t play, you know, hide the salami, or whatever it’s called.” –urging President Bush to make public Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers’s White House records

Dean becomes a characitured face of many of the things that are wrong with Democrat thinking.  Don’t get me wrong, I want Dean to stay where he is.  His frequent foot-in-mouth episodes help crystallize the absurdity of many of the Democrat policies.

On the other hand, I don’t admire the same characteristics from our current RNC chairman!

Michael Steel is also a gaffe machine.  From picking a fight with Rush Limbaugh a short time after he became Chair to more recent statements like saying that Republicans aren’t ready to lead and saying:

`Critics should ‘get a life,’ ‘shut up,’ ‘fire me’  … or get out of the way’

after he received criticism about his ability to lead the party. 

While verbal gaffes are many times the result of an inexperience or inability to “think on one’s feet” and can be occasionally excused, gaffes of planned events or execution are much less so.

Under the direction of Michael Steele, the RNC decided to have their winter meeting in……..Hawaii! 

“Imagine lush tropical gardens, waterfalls, exotic wildlife and priceless artwork,” boasts the website of the Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort & Spa. “This one-of-a-kind Honolulu Hawaii hotel resort is the only true resort property in Waikiki.”
While unemployment hovers around 10% and in an environment where the general population thinks much of the political class is elite and removed from the realities of “normal” people’s lives, Michael Steele books his meeting in Hawaii, completely missing the impact of the public’s perception on the credibility of the GOP.
Fortunately, some of the meeting participants understand the potential impact of the meeting’s location:
“Do I want voters to think that Republicans do nothing but go to beach resorts in January? No,” House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told reporters last week.
When asked about the location, Michael Steele responded:

I’ve had the chance to participate in a few company events in Hawaii.  While there is some work done to satisfy the IRS requirements, I can assure you that no meeting on Hawaii is a “working meeting!” 

If Michael Steele really believes that his gathering is a “working meeting,” why didn’t he choose some place like Des Moines, Kansas City or even St. Louis?  Why wouldn’t Steele have chosen a place that didn’t require an 8+ hour flight for most of the events participants?  Couldn’t Steele find a convention hall and some hotel rooms in a city that is more convenient than Hawaii?

Michael Steele is a liability.  On so many levels he has shown that he is either clueless or patronizing towards the mood of the country represented by the tea party participants. 

It’s time to find someone to lead the RNC who can harness and work with the tea party movement.  Michael Steele isn’t the person.  It’s time for Michael Steele to go!

Talking to Four Year Olds – Be Careful of The Friends You Choose Edition

by @ 5:57. Filed under Talking to Four Year Olds.

Our twin boys, Thing 1 and Thing2 are in fifth grade.  Parenting is a full contact activity at this age.  While they aren’t yet old enough to get into major trouble, they are flexing and testing their independence muscles.  One of the areas where we’ve had to work with both of the Things is in their choice of friends.

Both of the Things are very social and compassionate boys (Insert “where did they get the from?” here).  From a very early age they had a spirit that let them make friends with anyone and everyone.  For the most part, this character trait has been a great advantage to them.  However, as the saying goes; the greatest strength can be the greatest weakness.

Because the boys accept others so readily, they don’t always use good judgement in determining who they should be friends with.  A couple of times they have befriended other boys who did not have the same values regarding school work, school behavior or behavior with other kids.  On a couple of occasions, the poor choice of a friend has gotten one of the things in trouble in school.  Our counsel to them has always been that while we want them to be friends with as many people as possible, they need to be aware of the behaviors of the people they choose to be friends with.  Like it or not, we are judged by and impacted by the company we keep.

Wow, that was a lot of stage setting for this article from WSJ.  It seems that the PGA is about to have a really tough season.  While the financial situation of some previously large sponsors like GM, Chrysler and Stanford Group Co. have left some holes in the sponsorship line up, the big problem is the loss of Tiger Woods.

The loss of Woods is and will, have a large financial impact on the PGA:

Ticket sales are down, fewer hospitality tents have been sold, and the title sponsor had to be lured with a cut-rate price.

It is a harbinger of what the PGA Tour may be without its most popular player. Three of the Tour’s 46 tournaments scheduled for 2010 don’t have a lead corporate sponsor, nor do 13 of next year’s tournaments. Television viewership of the first two events of this year’s Tour tumbled.

While the PGA will be challenged this year, they have no one to blame but themselves.

It’s become clear that the behavior which caused Tiger Woods to step out of the tour was not a behavior that was hidden from those around him.  It’s now clear that Woods’ behavior was well known on the tour.  One would have to believe that if not actually assisting in his behavior, people associated with the tour abetted the behavior simply by keeping it from the public and not dealing with it.

What’s all this have to do with my counsel to the Things?  Well, like the Things, the PGA had a choice of how closely to embrace their friend, Tiger.  They did not remain casual friends.  No, the PGA made Tiger their BFF while knowing that his behavior was dangerous to himself as well as the reputation of the PGA. 

The result?  Because the PGA not only listed Tiger as their BFF but perpetuated the mystic of the clean cut, family guy, knowing that the truth was something far different, when Tiger fell, so did the PGA.

The halcyon days of both Tiger and the PGA may be over, we’ll have to see.  The Things have both learned how to be friends without letting the friendship dictate who they are as individuals.  It will be interesting to see whether the PGA will be able to learn that same lesson.

January 26, 2010

Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Shoebox should be freer to go (Update)

by @ 9:56. Filed under Free Shoebox, Miscellaneous.

Hey, guess what? The DHS recognizes my existence!

At day 22 of my captivity, the DHS now says that they have all the information they need to make a determination of whether I am who I say I am!

You’ll love this:

We are currently reviewing the submission to determine if the delays are caused by incorrect information or mistaken identity. We will also coordinate with other Federal Agencies as appropriate to make this determination and to correct any errors.

“If” the delays are caused by incorrect information or mistaken identity? Damn right they are!

Stay tuned. I suspect I’ll be getting a friendly check in from the IRS next!

Yet Another Inconvenient Truth?

by @ 5:28. Filed under Global "Warming".

First it was the “hockey stick.” Next was the “historical” data.  Following that was the glaciers melting.  Now it appears that all the concern about the horrors of glorebal warmings impact on the Amazon forest was…….wait for it…………….. Also made up!

Watts up has the story.  It’s a story that is beginning to sound vaguely familiar:  Data “gathered” by advocacy groups, the “peer reviewers” had no knowledge of the Amazon, one of the “peer reviewers” was actually a journalist.

Net result of the recent revelation is that no one can find any basis for the IPCC’s claim that “40 percent” of the Amazon is at risk due to global warming.  Is nothing sacred?

A recent Pew poll showed that of 20 potential topics, Americans ranked global warming dead last in importance getting only 30% of those polled to think it had top priority.

In 1996 a Newsweek poll found that 29% of Americans believed that we had made contact by aliens and that the truth was being covered by the government.

If the number of people who are really concerned about global warming are now equal to the number of people who think we’ve been visited by alien, maybe man made global warming has finally reached the point where those who believe in it can show unity by wearing the international symbol of farcical thinking the tinfoil hat!

Who is Ellie Light?

by @ 5:22. Filed under Politics - National.

A story has surfaced over the past week about a prolific OpEd writer by the name of Ellie Light. 

Ellie’s OpEd offers support for President Barack Obama.  Her OpEd makes the argument that Obama never promised us a Rose Garden.  Rather she argues, Obama told us it was going to be a tough slog to fix the economy.  She further argues that those who criticize him of not having fixed the economy are guilty of unrealistic expectations.

OK, so MS. Light and I won’t agree on Barack Obama’s economic letter grade.  But, that’s not what makes Ms. Light interesting or the subject of my post.  Turns out that Ms. Light’s OpEd has been printed in at least 40 newspapers across the country.  In nearly every newspaper, she is listed as a reader who lives within the service area of that publication.

Because of her ability to be published in so many papers and portray herself as from the local economic area, a form of sleuthing has begun to determine who exactly Ellie Light is.

In an email to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the paper who uncovered Ms. Light’s country wide travels, Ms. Light gives this defense of her actions:

“I’m flattered, and I must give the Tea Partiers credit for even knowing who [Power] is,” Light’s e-mail said. “But what I want to point out is that, if I were a person trying to imply this huge groundswell of support for our beleaguered president, then I would have signed the letter with different names. However, as you may have noticed, my main point is that absence of support for the president.

“I am not surprised that an article that tends to discredit a pro-Obama letter-writer has lots of readers. I understand that there are 10 million dittoheads that daily scour the airwaves, print and online press for something nasty to say about the president, so I’m sure your article will get more hits,” she wrote in another e-mail later Sunday. “I’m not sure why you would write me that people would probably be interested in what I have to say. My impression is that my letter could contain Chinese food recipes with a Pro-Obama subject line, and the event would be interpreted as fodder for that same highly-motivated, but narrow class of people.”

Ms. Light closes her defense with the following:

“If my letter were boilerplate [White House senior adviser David] Axelrod dribble, as has been suggested by your new fan club, it would not have been published. Many of my friends have written letters to the editor and bemoan the fact that they never get published. I reply that everything they wrote in their letters has been said before by others. I think, however, this one letter that I wrote, is unique enough, that it was worth widespread attention, simple as that.”

After reading Ms. Light’s OpEd and her defense article, I commissioned a clandestine NoRunnyEggs operative to investigate Ms. Light.  My goal was to determine who “Ms. Light” actually is.

After untold minutes of investigation that included a couple of rereadings of “her” letters, I believe I have the answer.

It’s clear that “Ms. Light is a supporter of President Obama.  That observation reduces us to only about 40% of the population.  Based on the words used, and the phraseology, I think it’s safe to say that “Ms.” is actually a Ms.  That takes us to about 20% of the population.  Ms. Light specifically slights David Axlerod.  The general public has no idea who or where  David Axlerod is since he hasn’t been seen in about 4 months.  From this we can conclude that Ms. Light is a Washington insider.  Finally, Ms Light seems to ascribe to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy theory as she belittles the tea parties and those affiliated with them.

Yes, Ms. Light is none other than Hillary Clinton!  You doubt me?  Can you think of anyone who is more concerned about Obama completely screwing things up than Hillary Clinton?  Let’s see, Clinton is a part of the Obama administration; can you think of a bigger blotch on a presidential hopeful’s resume than to be a part of a catastrophic administration? Really?  You don’t think this is a problem?  Does the name Walter Mondale mean anything to you? 

The other possibility is that it Barack Obama himself.  I considered that but there weren’t references to “I” every other point.  No, it has to be Hillary.  Case closed!

January 25, 2010

Who’s The Real “Barack Obama?”

by @ 5:08. Filed under Politics - National.

After months of saying “no” and “hell no,” the American people, represented by the voters of Massachusetts, sent a clear message to President Obama; quit your head long run towards Socialism!  While I’m not sure they’ve gotten the message, the election of Scott Brown has clearly taken the wind out of the Administration’s sails.

From his interview with George Stephanopoulos where he claimed that he and Scott Brown were elected under the same “hope” agenda, to his blatant and obvious attempt at populism when he introduced his bill to penalize banks on the day following the repudiation of placebocare, it’s clear that the Obama administration has lost their momentum and is seeking a way to get it back.

With his mojo deflated, pundits and talking heads have been filling airwaves and electronic and printed media asking what will Obama do next.  In general, their question comes down to this; is Obama an ideologue who will not take no for an answer and continue to push his extreme left agenda or, will Obama become the reincarnation of Bill Clinton and learn the art of triangulation.  This skill that will be required if he wants any success with what will surely become a much more Republican filled House and Senate.

I’ve claimed from the start that Obama is an ideologue.  I have seen nothing in his character or agenda that suggested to me that he had anything other than a hard left perspective.  From Jeremiah Wright to Van Jones to his full bore tilt to have government control or dictate to all major American industries, it looked like he was an ideologue’s ideologue.

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been reading the book “The Argument” by Matt Bai.  The book largely outlines the progression of the far left from theory on a slide show post 2002 elections, to the core of the Democrat party, and ultimately the presidency, by 2008.  In this book, Bai reports on one of the first encounters that then, Senator Barack Obama, had with the nutroot bloggers.

In 2005, while debating John Roberts for chief justice, Patrick Leahy had come out to support Roberts.  Obama said he would vote against Roberts but then supported Leahy’s position saying that those who didn’t accept diverse opinions were knee-jerk, amongst other things.  As the story goes forward, Obama is roundly criticized by the nutroots for not being “pure” on this issue.  Obama couldn’t handle the criticism so after brooding over it for a while, he wrote a two thousand word plus response which was posted on the nutroot’s holy site.

In this missive, Obama started by laying out the argument that the nutroots and their kind, were interested only in purity and that through enforcing this, eventually they would elect enough officials and the public would see just how right their positions are/were.  He then explained why this philosophy was flawed.  As quoted in the book, part of Obama’s response was:

I think this perspective misreads the American people.  From traveling throughout Illinois and more recently around the country, I can tell you that Americans are suspicious of labels and supicious of jargon.  They don’t think George Bush is mean-spirited or prejudiced, but have become aware that his administration is irresponsible and often incompetent.  They don’t think that corporations are inherently evil (a lot of them work in corporations), but they recognize that big business, unchecked, can fix the game tot he detriment of working people and small entrepreneurs.  They don’t think America is an imperialist brute, but are angry that the case to invade Iraq was exaggerated…

Bai follows up this section of Obama’s letter with his own interpretation and further Obama quotes:

If Democrats really wanted to win the trust of these voters, Obama lectured, they couldn’t go around demonizing those who disagreed with them, nor could they impose some kind of purity test on their elected leaders.  “To the degree that we brook no dissent within the Democratic Party, and demand fealty to the one, “true” progressive vision for the country, we risk the very thoughtfulness and openness to new ideas that are required to move this country forward,” he said.  Citing Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr., Obama said the country’s most compelling voices had been those who could “speak with the utmost conviction about the great issues of the day without ever belittling those who opposed them, and without denying the limits of their own perspectives.”

Note that the bolded items are my embellishments.

Look back at the bolded items.  Note how Obama, when addressing the nutroots was arguing directly against the attitude and policies that he has implemented as President!  “Bush is a good man but wrong”, “Don’t blame corporations” and “America is not a brute” has been replaced by the exact opposite talking points in Obama’s presidency.  “Recognizing, appreciating and considering diverse perspectives” has been replaced by a dogmatic “I won” mentality on every topic and approach.

What’s my point?

While I believe his core is that of a hard left ideologue, there have been times where Obama has at least, “talked” the game of a pragmatist.  I don’t know whether the “talk” was just that, “talk”, and he never was a pragmatist, or whether perhaps, he really did/does view his election and the corresponding sweep of Congress, as a mandate for a hard left transformation of the country and thus believed being an ideologue was what the people voted for.

If Obama took 2008 as a mandate, I suspect we will see some moderating of his hard left agenda.  I don’t think he’s going to recommend a reduction in taxes as a solution to our economic challenges.  However, it’s possible that some of the talk of extending the Bush tax cuts for a year could be just this kind of pragmatism coming to the fore.  On the other hand, if Obama is the ideologue he has portrayed in the first year of office, it will be a long three years.

If Obama continues to lead the nation believing that solutions come from the hard left, the results will be further increases in spending with little to no economic recovery.  If Obama continues as an ideologue, we will see damage done that could well cause the United States to cease being a world economic power.

That last sentence is a pretty sobering thought and not one that I wrote just as hyperbole.  The Obama presidency is at a cross roads.  If Obama recognizes that the American people are not with him, at least on his approach, and with a bit of humility leads the Democrats back to a plan that Independents support, he may yet have a chance to shape America.  If he doesn’t, any reshaping will result in long term damage to America.  While Obama regularly refers to “the last eight years,” if Obama doesn’t understand the implications of the Brown election, we may have Presidents for a generation referring to “the four years of Obama” as the cause for the problems they then face!

January 22, 2010

The Real Fawlty Towers

by @ 13:23. Filed under Miscellaneous.

The Brits have always had a difficult time separating reality from fiction.  Watching shows like “Dallas” or later, “90210,” shaped much of the British view of what America, and in turn Americans, was and were.

I think in some similar ways, Americans pick up on stereotypes of the the Brits.  Fawlty Towers was a long running british farce about a hotel manager played by John Cleese, and his hapless staff running a hotel.  If you haven’t seen the show, please do.  John Cleese is incredibly funny and as a hotelier getting into odd situations with his staff, was years ahead of Bob Newhart.

While at the time, Fawlty Towers may have given us the false impression of the Brits as hospitality idiots, it now looks like it was just ahead of its time.

A Holiday Inn in London is now “offering a human bed warming service!”   Yup, you read that right!  You can get somebody on their staff to put on an all-in-0ne “sleeper suit” and have them crawl into your bed to warm it before you hop in!

Apparently, there are benefits to a warm bed.  According to some scientist who knows about this stuff, a warm bed helps us fall asleep.

Dr Chris Idzikowski, director of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, said the idea could help people get off to sleep.

I was thinking that if the right person crawled in to some beds, you could drop the last two words of the Dr. Idzikowski’s statement!

Listen, I live in Minnesota and know all about the desire for a warm bed.  From late November until as long as I can get Mrs. Shoe to leave them on, I like my flannel sheets!  I hate crawling in on cold percale sheets!  Better yet, at least in my world, is to get both of our dogs to lay on my side of the bed while I’m getting ready for bed.  About five minutes of the two hounds laying where I’m about to crawl in and the temperature of the sheets is just right for my winter’s nap!

Now, I’m not suggesting that Holiday Inn should go to putting dogs in each of their rooms.  However, I suspect that with some of the dental problems that the Brits still have, it’s entirely possible that that would inadvertently happen, if you catch my drift!

No, no need for dogs but before they went down the path of human bed warmers, did anyone consider the possibility of an electric blanket?  I suppose they might have, unless the “bed warmer” is just code for something else?  Hmmmmmmm?

January 21, 2010

How Stupid Does He Think We Are?

by @ 6:52. Filed under Politics - National.

Yesterday, President Obama was interviewed on ABC.  When asked about the Scott Brown victory, President Obama responded:

“Here’s my assessment of not just the vote in Massachusetts, but the mood around the country: the same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office,” the president said. “People are angry and they are frustrated. Not just because of what’s happened in the last year or two years, but what’s happened over the last eight years.”

According to Barack Obama, he and Scott Brown are actually brothers involved in the same fight.  Both he and Scott Brown were elected because people are so mad at Buuuuuuuuuuuuush!

On Sunday with his only trip to Massachussetts to stump for Martha Coakley, President Obama called Scott Brown:

  • a protector of big banks
  • a protector of big insurance companies
  • a protector of big pharma
  • a protector of big health care

On Sunday, Obama nearly picked up Caesar Chavez’s meme to call Scott Brown “satan!”  On Wednesday, after being firmly rebuked by the Massachusetts, and as a proxy, my the American people, Obama claims they are part of the same struggle against “the man!”

Does he really think we’re that stupid?

His HE really that obstinate that he can not accept any level of criticism?

I think the answer to both questions, sadly, is yes!

All Hands On Deck!

by @ 5:24. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Catch this headline from USAToday:

Soldiers told to stop handing out food

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Food handouts were shut off Tuesday to thousands of people at a tent city here when the main U.S. aid agency said the Army should not be distributing the packages.

It was no known whether the action reflected a high-level policy decision at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) or confusion in a city where dozens of entities are involved in aid efforts.

“We are not supposed to get rations unless approved by AID,” Maj. Larry Jordan said.

Jordan said that approval was revoked; water was not included in the USAID decision, so the troops continued to hand out bottles of water.

It’s hard to put into words just what I want to say about this situation.

Catastrophe, human suffering, starvation, death from dehydration, all of these are realities in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake.  I’ve been involved in natural disasters of a far smaller scale (Florida hurricanes) and I can tell you that even there, the attitude is “help the people!”

We didn’t care about who got recognition for what was being done.  We didn’t care about “following chain of command.”  We didn’t care stop to ask permission when someone needed food.  We didn’t stop to ask for IDs.  We also didn’t stop to fight over “who’s going to pay for this.”

When it comes to a tragedy the scope of which has happened in Haiti, the last thing that will help any of those people is to fight over “who’s in charge!” 

I will echo Rush Limbaugh’s sentiment, for which he was roundly skewered by the left, do NOT send donations to any federal agency to assist Haiti.  They are to focused on covering their butts and using this event as an opportunity to justify their existence and expand their scope and power.

Please do help the Haitians by contributing through Samaritans Purse or and organization which I have done a fair amount of volunteer work with, Feed My Starving Children.

Help the Haitians but do it through groups that are more focused on helping the Haitians than they are in helping their own careers!

January 19, 2010

Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, What? Wait a Minute!

by @ 13:29. Filed under Free Shoebox, Miscellaneous.

I’ve got to travel by commercial air again this week. I’ve got to be in Louisville tomorrow.

After fuming a couple more days over the “you’re nobody to us, go away” response I got from the TSA, I decided to see if I could get some help from my Congresscritter. I sat down and wrote a detailed, factual account of the travelous interruptus that I have contracted from the TSA. I even remembered an important point that I had previously forgotten.

Remember back after 9/11 when the TSA (or what ever they were called then) had some customer focus and was actually was looking for a way to make the lines quicker? Well, one of the things they trialed was a machine that did a retina and fingerprint match. Because I was traveling about 125K miles per year, I applied for the program. Part of the process for the program was that they had to do a background check on you along with capturing your retina and fingerprint. Guess what, I was accepted. So, at least at that time, I wasn’t a security risk!

I finished my letter, had the letter all printed, stuffed in an envelope, stamped and finished with a return address. And then, something odd happened.

I woke up this morning, less than 24 hours from the departure of my flight. While I was sure I knew what would happen, I went to the NWA web site and attempted to get my boarding pass. To my great surprise, I got a boarding pass. No muss no fuss! So now what? I guess there are now one of a few explanations:

1. NWA hasn’t gotten the TSA’s message.
2. NWA still has my security clearance on file from 8 years ago (I think that previous program was sponsored by the various airlines)
3. Only UAL thinks I’m a security risk
4. Just as magically as I became a security risk, the TSA has decided I’m no longer one.

I don’t know what to make of this. I hope that whatever works today will work again on Friday when I return home. If it does, my answer, short term, is easy; as much as I hate to admit it, I’ll fly NWA

January 18, 2010

I Don’t Have The Right Tools

by @ 5:48. Filed under Free Shoebox.

You’ve got to love this opening paragraph:

A big reason why the government is inefficient and ineffective is because Washington has outdated technology, with federal workers having better computers at home than in the office.

The paragraph comes from this articlein which Peter Orszag claims that a significant reason for ineffective and inefficient government services is that their computers aren’t and other technology aren’t up to the latest standards.

You may have heard about my recent challenges with a particularly intrusive government agency.  It turns out they actually have a process for resolving my “problem.”  Step one was to fill out an internet form giving them basic information about myself, information about when and where I ceased to be able to fly freely and a couple of other items.  They then asked for me to send in COPIES of my passport and drivers license.  On their website they tell you VERY clearly that if they don’t receive your copies within 30 days, your file will be dumped and you will have to start the process all over again.

I had send in my documents about 12 days ago.  I had been checking their website daily.  I put in my case number and kept getting a message that they had not yet received my documents.  They also give you the option of emailing your information.  Because I hadn’t heard anything on the USPS version and I had already burned more than a third of my 30 days, I emailed the information. 

Two days went by and still they were not showing that they had received my information.  Assuming they had received it but hadn’t started working on it yet, and concerned that they at least acknowledge receipt before 30 days passed, I sent them an email stating when I had sent my information and asked if they could confirm receipt of my information.  The email was cordial and respectful.

The next day I got an email response.  This is what I received:

We received your submission. Documents are processed in the order of receipt and remain in a “pending paperwork” status until they have been reviewed and verified as complete.  No further action by you is required at this time. To that end, please do not resend. The website will not be updated until your documents have been reviewed by the triage team. Moreover, the message will not change until the documents are uploaded from the holding queue. Your request for redress will be reviewed and you will receive a final determination in writing. Reviews of requests for redress take a minimum of 30 business days.

If I may paraphrase:

Hey schlub, we received your stuff.  We’ll get to it when we’re good and ready.  However, you’ll have to guess as to whether we think you’ve sent us the right stuff or not.  We will not correspond with you until we make a unilateral decision and tell you whether you will ever again fly inconvenienced.  We won’t tell you what the normal expectation of time frame is because we are the government and have no expectations of accomplishing anything within a “normal” time frame.  What we can tell you is you will be inconvenienced a minimum of 6 weeks from the time that we decide to even start a review of your case!

Piss off!

The Government!

It’s probably just me but it would seem that a nice note saying “thanks for your inquiry.  We have received your documentation” and an update on their website indicating such, would have gone a long way to making me think these folks were actually serious about my information and serious about attempting to resolve my situation.  I would also think that resolving “he is who he says he is” issues like mine shouldn’t take more than a very few weeks.

Notice that my suggestions would improve both the effectiveness and the efficiency for both the agency and myself.  I’ll also point out that none of this requires anymore technology than the agency has available to them today.  In fact, I could step them back to 386 technology and do what I’ve suggested. 

For this particular agency to improve both their effectiveness and efficiency, no improved technology is required.  The only thing required is to use their brains rather than their CYA manual and they could improve themselves dramatically.

I know, I know, it’s not the people, it’s their tools!

It’s About Time!

It’s about time someone had the balls to do this: (I wish I could embed the video)

And yes, my choice of words WAS intentional!

Revisions/extensions (6:50 am 1/18/2010, steveegg) – ABC News video now embedded…

January 15, 2010

A Simple Question

by @ 8:43. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Will Keith Olbermann say about Danny Glover:

“your life is not worth those of the lowest, meanest, poorest of those victims still lying under that rubble in Haiti tonight. You serve no good. You serve no god. You inspire only stupidity and hatred. And I would wish you to hell but knowing how empty your soul must be, for you to be able to say such things in a time of such pain, I suspect the vacant purposeless life you live now is hell enough already.

Yes, of course I already know the answer!

January 14, 2010

You Are Not Alone!

by @ 14:00. Filed under Free Shoebox.

Well, at least I’m not.  Get this:

NJ Boy, 8, On Terrorism Watch List


Cub Scout Mikey Hicks Shares Same Name Of Person Who Has Drawn Suspicion Of Homeland Security Department

Oh, you’ll love this part:

His mother tells The New York Times she sensed trouble when her son was a baby and she couldn’t get a seat for him at a Florida airport. She says airline officials explained his name “was on the list.”

He was patted down as a 2-years-old at Newark Liberty International Airport.

Can someone explain to me how anything at the TSA qualifies as “intelligence services” when time and again they prove to use no “intelligence” in how they apply their rules?

The article does provide some good news:

Transportation Security Administration spokesman James Fotenos says in the coming months, the agency will cross-check names with birth dates and gender.


Are you F$#*&ing kidding me?  These morons haven’t been able to cross reference their list to something as simple as a birth date and gender?????  Shit, Disney knows my birth date, sex, the age of my children, my preferences in lodging.  Google is able to gather more information on me than the largest domestic security organization ever known to the United States!

The government who is unable to match my name, birth date and sex (Hello, state department?  Yeah, have you issued a passport for this dude in Minnesota?  You have?  Great, could I verify the birth date and sex we have for him?  Huh, that’s what we had too!) is telling us that keeping track of the voluminous mountain of health care records for every single American and determining mandates for precise, successful treatments for every variation of malady is as easy as snapping their fingers!

In the words of H/T Chrisfromracine:  Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot!

The Democrat Metaphor

by @ 5:20. Filed under Politics - National.

By now, you’ve all heard about the incident involving an “aide” of Democrat Senate candidate Martha Coakely, pushing a reporter. After having pushed the reporter to the ground,the “aide” thug offered to help the reporter back to his feet and then went into a blocking effort to keep the reporter away from Coakley.  If you haven’t heard/seen about it, go here and catch up.

As I read the various accounts of the incident and heard various talk shows discuss the incident, it dawned on me that this incident was a perfect metaphor for the Democrat’s approach to policy.

Think of all the ways that Democrats claim to help African Americans.  Hiring quotas, increasing welfare and the creation of “hate crimes” are just some of the ways that Democrats purport to aide African Americans.  However, in areas where African Americans could really benefit; school vouchers and welfare reform, the Democrats kick them to the curb.

Throughout the debate for placebocare, Democrats have been telling us how essential the legislation is and how American families would be unable to afford healthcare without this plan.  At the same time, their legislation kicks Seniors to the curb by reducing Medicare payments, kicks union members to the curb by taxing their cadillac plan and kicks the poor it purports to help to the curb by passing huge unfunded Medicaid increases to states that already have budget challenges.

The argument for a cap and trade tax is that we must reduce global warming.  If global warming is allowed to continue, increasing temperatures will cause food shortages, rising water levels will displace millions of people and more mega storms will occur which will have a devastating effect on people and property.  Of course, the Democrats seem to pass right by the fact that if cap and trade is implemented, energy costs will dramatically rise which will increase the cost of all food, all shelter, not to mention the cost of just getting to your job.  Once again, welcome to the curb America!

I could cite example after example where Democrats, under the guise of “I’m here to help,” offer us something with one hand while they punch us in the gut with the other.  This is exactly the behavior that Coakley’s aide exhibited and that Coakley herself didn’t even notice even though she was standing right next to the altercation.

I guess the moral to this story is that if you ever hear, “Hi, I’m a Democrat and I’m here to make your life better,” you should immediately protect yourself because the gut punch is on its way.

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