The rest of the folks in the house (will be updated as the room fills)…
American Infidels Company
Dry Fly Politics/The Mitt Report (doing double-duty)
Fox Politics (in fact, the lovely and talented Jo is sitting to my right on Bloggers’ Row)
Human Events
KSKY (660 AM out of Dallas/Ft. Worth)
Leslie (sitting next to Fred; the second half of the double-barrel is going to be starting up presently)
Real Debate Wisconsin (Fred’s on the other table)
Right Angle Blog
The Sam Adams Alliance
Jim Geraghrty from National Review, who got shunted into the China Room (sorry about the misspell; D’OH!!!)
Mary Katharine Ham (the heavy hitters are now in the house)
Too many more to list, but Fred’s got most of them.
Vicki McKenna will be broadcasting the Milwaukee half of her show live from here as well, along with Jeff Kropf, 750 KXL out of Portland, Oregon.
Mini-pool television crew here (CBS/ABC/Fox; NBC and CNN aren’t here, and add Nippon Television Network as well as CNN). XM and MetroNetworks are doing radio coverage. AP’s doing the wire thing.