During a visit to his Hudson campaign office last week, Sen. Russ Feingold (or perhaps I should go back to using Slimeroad) uttered the following in the presence of a Hudson Star-Observer reporter:
Johnson, he said, talks “like public employees are evil.”
“When his house is burning down he doesn’t consider a public employee evil. We saved the jobs of firefighters. When somebody robs one of his kids and they call the police he doesn’t think a public employee is evil. We saved the jobs of many police in this state.”
What, exactly, does Feingold mean by “when”? To the best of my knowledge, Ron Johnson’s house hasn’t been burned down and his kids haven’t been robbed. Is Feingold inviting some of his more-“enthusiastic” supporters to target Johnson for criminal activity?
Back in 1992, Feingold actually took the high road. In 1998, that became a hollow claim as many “independent” supporters of Feingold went straight into the gutter against Mark Neumann. Now, Feingold isn’t even pretending that he isn’t throwing the slime.