No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for January 8th, 2010

Shoebox held hostage by the TSA – Day 5 update

by @ 12:11. Filed under Miscellaneous.

As I continue my wandering through the TSA labyrinth, I have learned a few things.

First, when you file your “redress” you are given a “redress control number.” From what I’m reading, it appears that this number, if all things go well, will become my magical key to regain my flying rights. It appears that if they agree I am who I am, I won’t actually come off of their ineffectual list. Rather, I will provide my RCN to airlines when I book a ticket. They will then cross reference this RCN with the “this guys is a bastard” list and because I have a RCN, they’ll know I’m not a bastard.

In short, it looks like I have hope. The problem is that the only hope I have is placing my confidence in a federal bureaucracy!

How the healthy banks were strongarmed into TARP

by @ 7:58. Tags:
Filed under Business, Politics - National.

(H/T – The Right Scoop via Ed Morrissey)

BB&T CEO John Allison spoke with Fox Business Channel’s John Stossel about how BB&T was forced to take TARP money despite being sufficiently capitalized…


To wit:

– The Bush-era regulators “kindly informed” BB&T that the capitalization rules would be changed for banks who did not succumb to TARP to levels that even BB&T could not meet.
– Fed chair Ben Bernanke, Time’s “Person of the Year” for being instrumental in the federalization of the economy, didn’t want we the people to realize which banks were in trouble.

Revisions/extensions (8:32 am 1/8/2010) – Had the hat-tip links reversed. OOPS!

Shoebox held hostage by the TSA – Day 5

by @ 7:22. Filed under Miscellaneous.

This video from ReasonTV (H/T – Eric Odom) explains everything you need to know about Shoebox’s situation…


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