Now that the non-candidacy of Gov. Jim Doyle is (all-but-)official (pending just a statement of non-candidacy filed with the Government Accountability Board), it’s time to ask when he will actually give up the office. Somehow, I doubt that he will stick around all the way until 1/3/2011, when the term is actually up.
When will Jim Doyle depart the governor's mansion for the last time?
Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed
- 1/3/2011 (the day the term expires) (66%, 21 Vote(s))
- After the 2010 primary election but before the 2010 general election (11/2/2010) (16%, 5 Vote(s))
- Before the 2010 primary election (9/14/2010) (13%, 4 Vote(s))
- After the 2010 general election but before 1/3/2011 (the day the term expires) (6%, 2 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 32
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After the State has no possibility whatsoever of becoming a going entity.
All he has to steal is another $1Bn or so to make that happen.
I would LOVE to see him bail out before the end of his term, especially after the swipe he took at Palin during his press conference this morning.