One of the advantages of working with a blogging powerhouse like No Runny Eggs is the vast number of relationships that NRE has throughout all levels of the Federal and various State’s governments. One of the benefit of these relationships is that on occasion, we receive advance copies of press releases, speeches and prepared statements. Typically when we receive one of these advance copies they will be embargoed. Embargoed simply means that we can’t share the information with the public until after a date and time that is specified on the document.
President Obama, Henry Gates and Officer Crowley will be meeting this evening. They’ll be having a beer and discussing race relations. The White House staff has already sent out a press release as a follow up to the meeting. This piece has been embargoed until 7:30 PM Eastern but with the increased concern that President Obama has with race relations I think it’s important for you to get this information sooner rather than later:
Press Release
Office of the President of the United States
Embargoed until July 30, 2009 7:30 PM Eastern
Following his meeting with the distinguished professor Henry Gates and Sargent James Crowley, President Obama had the following comments:
“Today I met with the distinguished professor Henry Gates and Sargent James Crowley. We each had a beer.
Professor Gates had a Red Stripe, Sargent Crowley had a Blue Moon and I had a Bud Lite.
We talked about the incident that Professor Gates and Sargent Crowley were involved in. We talked about my comments on the incident. Each of us agreed that the other two could have done a better job.
We all feel good about our discussions and I am particularly pleased with how my Presidency has been able to move the discussion of race relations to this point of closure. In fact, I’m so pleased with our progress, that as it regards my goals of solving race relation problems during my Presidency, I am happy to declare:”
This is becoming the second Death of Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson is dead?
Dunno about Michael Jackson, but I know Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
Elvis is still alive, however. He was seen with the original of Obama’s birth certificate.