No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for December 24th, 2007

What critera did Forbes use in ranking Milwaukee #17 in education?

by @ 10:35. Filed under Education.

(H/T – Jon Ham)

Jon wondered how Durham, North Carolina ranked 20th in Forbes’ current list of Top 20 Places to Educate Your Child. The story from The Hearld-Sun pointed out that “(t)he article does not consider student achievement, dropouts or suspensions "” some of the more common factors used to determine school system success.”

Instead, Forbes used a 5-part criteria, with the public-school portion consisting of “the metro area’s average number of students per full-time equivalent classroom teacher (the lower the better) with its average instructional expense figure for student (the higher the better)”. In short, it was how many teachers and how much money was thrown at how few students. Guess that explains why Milwaukee got an “A” in that department. At least Forbes notes that “an impressive 18% of (K-12 students) attend one of Milwaukee’s exceptional private schools”, and the private-school portion of the grade was an “A+”.

As a side note, Madison was 2nd.

Revisions/extensions (12:35 pm 12/24/2007) – I need to learn to proof-read. Sorry about that, Mr. Ham.

Making a list, checking it twice

by @ 9:56. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Revisons (extensions are below; 8:12 am 12/25/2007) – I know I didn’t include everybody on my bloated roll, and with so many people, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to personally wish everybody a merry and blessed Christmas. Do have a merry and blessed Christmas, and a happy new year.

I’ll have my own Christmas wishes up late tonight (further revisions; they’re at the top of the main feed of the blog), but just in case you missed those from various people on the roll, allow me to point you to those that got started early for various reasons and I managed to remember (my apologies to those I will inevitably forget):

Blackfive (that’s Blackfive Actual)
The Wolf, also at BLACKFIVE
Blackfive TV with a host of bloggers sending a video Christmas message to the troops
Jim Lynch at bRight & Early
sinistar at doubleplusundead
Mary at Freedom Eden
Bruce at Gay Patriot
Daniel, also at Gay Patriot
HeatherRadish at Hasenpfeffer Incorporated (revision; I should know better than to have gotten it wrong; I’m part German)
Brian at Liberty Pundit
Joey at PheistyBlog
Keith Conrad at (bet you miss the snow, but not the cold wind right about now)
Dan at Still Spinning Blog
Brennan at The American Pundit
The Asian Badger
ESK at TheWisconsinSportsBar
Jonathan Garthwaite at TownHall
Mary Katharine Ham at TownHall (sadly, no Christmas HamNation this year)
USCitizen at Traction Control
Billiam at View from the cheap seats
Stephen Green the VodkaPundit
Joey at Wide White
James Wigderson at Wigderson Library & Pub
Extensions (11:03 am 12/24/2007):
Caledonia Unplugged
Chris at TheWisconsinSportsBar (forgive his spelling; he’s an atheist)
Jim Geraghty at The Campaign Spot
Patrick at Badger Blogger
Extensions part deux (11:30 am 12/24/2007) – last one for a while; I’ve got my annual 2 hours of store-blitzing to do and I’m hoping to make it 90 minutes or less:
Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
Mike at Flopping Aces
the gang at RedState
Peter at Texas Hold’Em Blogger
More extensions (5:50 pm 12/24/2007):
Michelle, Bryan and Allahpundit over at Hot Air
Dean at Musings of a Thoughtful Conservative
Huckleberry Dumbell at Spring City Chronicle
Gaius at Blue Crab Boulevard
Doc at The Autopsy
Karen Taubenheim at Thinking Out Loud
Howie at The Jawa Report
Laughing Wolf at BLACKFIVE (thanks for getting the video message up at YouTube, Uncle Jimbo)
Mary Lazich at Conservatively Speaking
Kathy Carpenter at Stepping Right Up
Trail-Mix at Disgruntled Truck Driver
And the extensions keep on coming (7:55 pm 12/24/2007):
Jay at Stop the ACLU
Sister Toldjah
Michelle Malkin (again, with many more videos)
Even more extensions (8:17 pm 12/24/2007):
some of the Free Republic NASCAR Pit Crew
“Why do I insist on putting these up as I find them instead of waiting a while to allow more to come in?” extensions (8:42 pm 12/24/2007):
The FReeper Foxhole at Free Republic
Last extension of Christmas Eve (8:55 pm 12/24/2007; early to bed/rise here):
Jo Egelhoff at
Christmas morning extensions (8:12 am 12/25/2007):
Kate at An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings
Owen (and Wendy and Jed) at Boots and Sabers
A second helping of Trail-Mix at Disgruntled Truck Driver (because of the headline of the post – “Rejoice! Rejoice! Christ the Savior is born!”)
Ed Driscoll
Fausta at Fausta’s Blog
Wordsmith at Flopping Aces
A second helping of Bruce at Gay Patriot
RadicalRon at JammieWearingFool
Dad29 (who broke out the Latin)
The late Vermont Royster over at OpinionJournal (as well as the Wall Street Journal)
the crew at Pajamas Media
Patrick McIlheran
Fred at Real Debate Wisconsin
The Game at Right from the Right
Rick Esenberg at Shark and Shepherd
The entire ‘E’ family at silent E speaks
A second helping of Jay at Stop the ACLU
JonJayRay at Stop the ACLU
Aaron and family at Subject to Change
A second helping of Peter at Texas Hold’Em Blogger
“I knew I should have refreshed my feed reader again” extensions (8:16 am 12/25/2007):
Brian Fraley at Daily Takes
Hugh Hewitt
“Adding those who waited until Christmas Day, or had their blogging software wait” extension (2:36 pm 12/25/2007):
Marcus Aurelius at Blogger Beer
Ian Schwartz
the gang at Little Green Footballs
Chris at On the Borderline
Jeni at Sheboygan Shenanigans
Teresa at Terry Ann Online
Nick at The World According to (St.) Nick (the St. part is temporary)
Weasel Zippers
I’ve lost count on the extensions (4:22 pm 12/25/2007):
capper at Folkbum’s Rambles and Rants
John McAdams at Marquette Warrior
PaulNoonan at The Electric Commentary

I’m sure I’ll be adding to this as the day night rolls on (if I’m still awake and have the computer on, that is) tomorrow sometime today.

Why does government continue to insist on leaking secrets to the press?

by @ 8:51. Filed under Presstitute Follies, War on Terror.

First, we had ABC News telling us about the Transportation Security Agency’s Operations Center (H/T – Michelle Malkin). Now, we have Meg Jones of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, in a puff piece about how the FAA and NORAD track Santa, telling anybody with an Internet connection pretty much how to find the radar facility that tracks all planes flying above 8,000 feet around Lake Michigan, including O’Hare. At least ABC News didn’t tell certain “interested” parties how to find the facility within a roughly-20-mile drive up and down a single street busy enough to conceal drive-by surveillance or show a picture of the outside of said facility.

Roasted Paul-Nuts over a Hot Air fire

by @ 8:11. Filed under Politics - National.

Bryan’s roasting of Ron Paul’s piss-poor performance on Meet The Press is an instant classic, as well as the perfect excuse to break out some classic Paul-Nut imagery:



Just a quick sample of something I commented on over there:

Evidently Paul doesn’t realize the utility that ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons would offer an Iran whose president has repeatedly declared his personal desire to wipe Israel off the map.

That’s just door #1, which would disqualify Paul on sheer stupidity.

Door #2 is that he doesn’t care if Israel is wiped off the map by nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles, in which case he gets disqualified for having no idea what the saying, "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it," means.

Door #3 is the most-frightening; he’s rooting for Israel’s destruction. Judging by his quip that the cross equals fascism, I’d say it’s fair to state the door is unlocked.

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