I’m too drunk to go through everybody else’s notes and give out grades tonight. I will say, looking back through just my notes, McCain won, and Giuliani and Thompson had strong debates. Romney, not so much. Paul-nut, as usual, took his performance right off the rails (did he take driving lessons from Swimmer and Patches Kennedy?), even when it appeared like he would finally get through a question without doing so. Huckabee, Tancredo and Hunter were essentially non-entities, though Huckabee was usually strong when he would actually get into the act.
One more thought before I crash, with all the focus on Hiliary, I have to say this was the HamNation Memorial Debate. Thank you, Katie, for snapping Mary Katharine out of her Edy’s and Cheeze-It stupor, and thank you, MK, for putting it on the web in time for the candiates not of Italian extraction to focus on it like a laser with six-string razors and mouths like alligators.
Make that a second thought and a hell of a regret as I dug up Quiet Riot’s “Bang Your Head (Metal Health)”; if only I had video editing software and a TV tuner on the computer, I could’ve punched out a Metal Health review of the debate.