I’m back home in south suburban Milwaukee, where it is just as hot and humid as it was in DC, but where it gets lighter earlier, and the beer is less-expensive. The laptop is back on charge after offloading all the pics and audio to the desktop, so it’s time to dig up some reax from the rest of Bloggers’ Row (and probably others in my quick search for reax) before I have my own:
– Let’s start off with my roomie Fred (Dooley, not Thompson). There’s too many posts there to link to them all, so just start reading. Oh, and the Unreal One is VERY lucky that The Hammer is a good sport.
– Mary Katharine Ham had a bunch of reax. First, she wasn’t exactly impressed by Thompson (tempered a bit later in the HotAir thread on that). Next, she raised the ire of the Paulnuts by pointing out that while Ron Paul got Gong-showed off the stage after 10 minutes, he spent forever and a half on Bloggers’/Media Row. Finally, she highlights Mike Huckabee’s defense of a smoking ban in Bloggers’/Media Row.
– Jim Geraghty, who had the benefit of being in the “overflow” section and thus had audio, panned Sam Brownback and got the quote of the day from Michael Steele, ripped Huckabee for the FairTax, and was impressed by Thompson both on the main stage and in front of the Virginia contingent, with plenty of quotes from both appearances (hmmm, one would think that he’s a FredHead ;-)
– Steve from Dry Fly Politics ran with a massive live-blog, including getting Mark Block in a cheesehead. He got questions in on the Row, so he wins the “Questioner of the Day” award. He’s officially a Romney man, so it’s no surprise that his take of the Romney speech reflects that.
– Jo Egelhoff wisely left her perch immediately to my right when she found out that audio from the main stage would not be forthcoming and picked up several snippets, including a focus on Vicki McKenna.
– Bruce from Gay Patriot, who got the almost-ultimate seat between the Hammer and Fausta Wertz, started off hustling between the Row and the main room, came back in time to take some stills of Paul and Brownback on the Row, and poor-audio-quality video of Huckabee (I will point out that the room was VERY noisy at that point; so noisy that most of MKH’s video appears to not be of good-enough quality for public consumption). He wraps it up with a wrap-up, which includes an ironic group that was up the hall from us.
– Matt Lewis had the view from the Green Room, and didn’t like Thompson. Scary thing is, he linked to the TownHall version of NRE, and since I pulled SiteMeter (TH’s counter of choice), and I deep-linked to my audio files, I don’t know how many went there from him.
– Matthew of Right Angle Blog noted Rudy Giuliani was channeling French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and lamented the fact that Paul always manages to piss him off while taking a shot at the presstitutes (Matthew had a better angle to see their nose-picking ways).
– Brendan Steinhauser, who will eventually have video up, noted that there was a lot of energy, and Thompson didn’t match it.
– Fausta Wertz (how I missed meeting her I’ll never know, or is it just my memory failing me?) takes some serious whacks at Paul Krugman with the rest of us at the summit as the bats.
– David Weigel found that the most-positive people in the crowd, at least in the day session, were Paul-nuts.
– SWAC Girl made a long drive, but got there in time to cover the White House briefing (Fred was scheduled, but due to a delay in check-in, he was unable to make it). She was impressed by Giuliani and Romney, and less-than-thrilled with Thompson.
– Rob Port grabbed his camera and had the pic of the day (you can go and click for it; I won’t spoil the surprise), and noted that McCain was a bit tired. He put up so many posts about Day 2 that I’ll just say look for the stuff with the “Defending the American Dream Summit” title.
– Added 7:45 am 10/7/2007 –
– Jawa Ragnar Danneskjold was somewhere in the fold, and was happy with Giuliani and Thopmson, as well as most of the fiscal portion of Paul’s speech, and was less-than-impressed with Brownback and Huckabee.
– enamored by Giuliani, and not so much by Thompson.
– Chief of Freedom Dogs got a connection in the main room and live-blogged from there.
If I missed anybody, pipe up, please. I’m especially looking for “independent” audio/video from the main room for the day sessions (they never did get the audio into Bloggers’ Row).