No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for October 22nd, 2007

Legislative Fiscal Bureau out with the spending numbers – ‘Rats win in a knockout

by @ 16:03. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin, Taxes.

(H/Ts – Owen and WisPolitics)

Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch released a memo from the LFB comparing spending increases over the FY2007 portion of budget doubled for the various budget plans. The middle chart, showing just the General Purpose Revenue increases without the new segergated funds that would have been created in the first 3 proposals (the governor’s original, the Joint Finance Committee, and the Senate’s), is completely worthless because those new segergated funds disappeared starting with the Assembly’s proposal, but allow me to repost the relevant numbers from the other two charts for you:

All spending, which includes all that cash from the federal taxpayer trough (FY2007 base times 2 – $53,673,360,200):
– Governor’s original plan – An increase of $4,563,146,100, for a 2-year percentage of 8.5% and an annualized percentage of 4.2%.
– JFC’s plan – $4,440,511,200, 8.3% over 2 years, 4.1% annualized.
– Senate’s plan (with Healthy-and-Depopulated Wisconsin) – $12,433,308,700 (and the $7,600,000,000 portion that would have been spent on H&PW is just for the last 6 months), 23.2% over 2 years, 11.0% annualized.
– Assembly’s plan – $2,628,330,200, 4.9% over 2 years, 2.4% annualized.
– Doyle’s first revision (with additions made by the Senate, including the transportation budget not included in Doyle’s revision) – $4,452,896,700, 8.3% over 2 years, 4.1% annualized.
– The Munich Acco…er, Grand Compromise – $3,561,071,400, 6.6% over 2 years, 3.2% annualized

Spending from GPR + “new SEG” funds, which are funds that directly to Madison, and which does not and would not include H&DW (FY2007 base times 2 – $26,622,083,800):
NOT in the memo and included just for comparison because this deals with spending, not taxation – Growth in taxation without a single vote for “new” taxes or fees (to the nearest $100 million) – $1,200,000,000, 4.5% over 2 years, 2.2% annualized.
– Governor’s original plan – $1,633,079,100, 6.1% over 2 years, 3.0% annualized.
– JFC’s plan – $1,618,446,400, 6.1% over 2 years, 3.0% annualized.
– Senate’s plan (again, H&PW is documented above and not here) – $1,776,652,900, 6.7% over 2 years, 3.3% annualized.
– Assembly’s plan – $1,193,792,900, 4.5% over 2 years, 2.2% annualized.
– Doyle’s first revision (with additions made by the Senate, including the transportation budget not included in Doyle’s revision) – $1,614,013,700, 6.1% over 2 years, 3.0% annualized.
– The Munich Acco…er, Grand Compromise – $1,593,003,100 – 6.0% over 2 years, 3.0% annualized.

I resubmit that it is an all-but-complete win for Doyle and the ‘Rats. While it is true that total spending is significantly less than what was originally proposed by both Doyle and the JFC, almost all of that is a result of taking less from the taxpayers of the entire country. The spending of Wisconsin taxpayer dollars is only $25,413,300 less than what came out of the Joint Finance Committee and $40,046,000 less than what Doyle wanted in the first place. To contrast, that spending is $399,210,200 more than what the Assembly wanted.

My calculator shows that Doyle got 90.9% of the difference. That, combined with both the present and future tax increases to pay for the excesses of Doyle’s spending in this and previous budgets, gives the ‘Rats a knockout win, and that’s before the worse-than-worthless KRM is added in.

Revisions/extensions (12:40 am 10/24/2007) – Forgot a few zeroes in the H&DW cost.

Roll bloat – the Taxpayer Rally edition

by @ 14:37. Filed under The Blog.

Mr. Bill, the guy in the “Sign of the Day” pic (let’s run that again just because I can)…

…has a read-worthy blog called mrbillsbraindrain. Since the “auto-discover” feed links are fouling up at the moment, I tracked down an alternate address for your feed-reading pleasure. Add him.

Grading the Republican Debate #9

by @ 14:15. Filed under Politics - National.

Here we go again, basically relying on my semi-drunk R-rated notes along with the tape from Stan to fill in the blanks from the HamNation Memorial Clinton Bashfest. It’s SOOO much nicer listening to Brit and company than Prissy Chrissy. I wonder if Clinton will continue to refuse to debate on Fox News once we get into the general election season.

Fox News – B – For the most part, they let the blood be spilled. Golner dragged down the team’s performance signifcantly, and the exclusion of Alan Keyes to include Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter isn’t exactly defensible.

Rudy Giuliani – B – Don’t let my constant “Rudi” calls in the live-blog fool you. Once he got done lying about his conservative creds (and that’s exactly what they are, lies), he became UPS Man and delivered the raw red meat. Those early lies knocked this down from a probable “A”.

Mike Huckabee – B+ – He wasn’t around much, and seems to be resigned to the fact that he won’t be President in 2009, but he’s making lemonade out of that by becoming the early front-runner for the Veep slot no matter the man on top.

Duncan Hunter – C – Once again ignored, but finally found something other than Red China to talk about. Caused Romney to stumble on CubaCare Taxachusetts. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been paying much attention to the recreation of the Soviet Union.

John McCain – A- – Delivered the Smackdown of the Night, and is committed to the protection of America. A couple bouts of vagueness hurt the final score some.

Ron Paul – F – Once again, proved he’s the wrong man for the wrong party in the wrong era, and that he’s clueless on history to boot. Couldn’t answer a single question without dipping into the Hussein Obama/Osama bin Laden playbook of foreign relations. If we could get at least one non-Paul-nut debate before the convention, I would get to remove the R-rating from my live-blogging efforts.

Mitt Romney – C+ – Easily his weakest performance. Revealed himself to have hands-so-soft when it came time to break out the brass knuckles, but eventually managed to get a good shot at Clinton. Worse, he doesn’t see that the Dems have no intentions of compromising on anything, and we all know what happened to the last guy who resolutely said he was a “uniter, not a divider”.

Tom Tancredo – C- – See the start to Duncan’s grade, but he got in a heck of a shot on Nancy Pelosi in between his one-issue anti-illegal-alien crusade. He was led into it by Thompson.

Fred Thompson – A- – Just call him Broadsides Thompson. Plenty of shots to be had for all within range. Still has a bit of a problem with specifics, however.

AFP delivering pigs, hearing aids to the Capitol

by @ 6:36. Filed under Politics - National, Taxes.

This press release from Americans For Prosperity just popped up in my mailbox:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 22, 2006
Contact: Mark Block (262) 617-2716 or Annie Patnaude (202) 349-5896

Americans for Prosperity Delivers Pigs to Legislature, Hearing Aid to Governor in Strong Message: No New Taxes

MILWAUKEE – The Wisconsin chapter of the free-market grassroots group Americans for Prosperity (AFP) today delivered toy pigs to the Wisconsin legislature as symbols of the tax-hiking compromise budget slated to come up for a vote Tuesday. Governor Doyle and Speaker Huebsch unwisely continue to refuse to listen to Wisconsin citizens, the group says, so they will be sent hearing aids.

AFP Wisconsin Director Mark Block made the following statement:

“Governor Doyle and many members of the legislature chose to have selective hearing even after Wisconsin taxpayers brought their outrage over proposed new taxes to the steps of the Capitol. The proposed budget compromise ignores taxpayers wishes by including tax hikes and failing to deliver tax deductibility for Health Savings Accounts.

“"I said last week that if the Governor and the legislature did not hear the voices of the taxpayers in Wisconsin we would have little choice but to think they were deaf. We’ll be sending Speaker Huebsch and the Governor hearing aids to remind them to listen to taxpayers not just special interests.

“"Even as Wisconsin loses jobs, politicians are seeking ways to hike taxes. Today we are urging the legislature to defeat attempts to pass a budget compromise that raises taxes." Block said.

“"Decades ago Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen said of the grassroots, "˜’When I feel the heat, I see the light.’ We came to Madison last week to do just that – turn up the heat. Yet tax-happy politicians continue to refuse to listen."


Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is the nation’s premier grassroots organization committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and scope of government is the best safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. AFP educates and engages Citizens in support of restraining state and federal government growth, and returning government to its constitutional limits. For more information, visit

Can they hear us now?

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