By now, you’ve heard Dem Presidential candidate and Senator Barak Hussein Obama (IL) advocating an invasion of Pakistan if Pakistani “President” General Pervez Musharraf doesn’t do more to battle Al Qaeda and Taliban forces taking refuge in his country. Welcome to the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, Barak. Too bad you don’t seem to recall the host of reasons why we went to war in Iraq (one of which was to keep Iraq from acquiring the same WMDs that Pakistan has, another of which was because of ties between Saddam Hussein and elements of Al Qaeda).
Question; considering Musharraf can charitably be described as walking a tightrope now between the Islamokazi forces he nurtured pre-9/11 and the US, has Obama considered the ramifications of conducting a large-scale invasion of a putative ally (as opposed to a “plausably deniable” small-scale operation, several of which appear to have happened already)? I hope you’ll have a plan to secure Pakistan’s 40-50 nuclear weapons (thanks, Clinton) before they’re used against us by either Musharraf in defending Pakistani territory or by the Islamokazis that will seize power in the wake of said invasion in revenge. I doubt you would, however, and I doubt that, when Pakistan turns into Iraq Part Deux, you’ll have the stomach to tough it out.
That’s not to say that I am opposed to a large-scale invasion of Pakistan; I believe it absolutely necessary. I’m just advocating it with eyes wide open to the likely consequences.
Now, why did Obama suddenly join the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, especially since Dick Morris said that he was “brilliant” in saying that he would meet with America’s mortal enemies? Simple; despite 55% of the Dhimm base agreeing with him, and only 22% agreeing with Hillary Clinton that Obama was “naiive”, that display of neck wasn’t flying.
So, will the real Barak Hussein Obama please stand up.