So, what did I miss besides a Brewer collapse only exceeded by a Flubs collapse and a dropout by The Other Thompson (nicely covered by Charlie) (besides a combined Sykes/P-Mac Spike; funny how that happens on my way out the door :-)
Revisions/extensions (1:42 am 8/17/2007) – I found a couple, First, the WTMJ/WKTI blogs do not have an archive system (or comments or pingback generation). Without going through my logs, the only reason I know I had a Sykes Spike is Peter found it when Charlie posted it. Not only do the Journtinel blogs have an archive system, and not only do they generate pingbacks, but Technorati picks them up as well. Now only if Technorati would recognize that the version is dead and stop saying that’s being updated,….
Speaking of Technorati, they did pick up SVC Alumnus Blogger’s catch of an old post of mine while outlining the trail of found WMDs in Iraq. Hmmm, I seem to have left off a comment exchange with Jay by saying that it’s his witness.