Scratch my previous claim that I’m actively blocked by the ChiComs. While going through my logs this morning, I found this (everything that could identify this visitor beyond the city and country of the visitor in question has been redacted to protect him/her, while the URL of the page that was screen-capped has been redacted to protect me) –
(click for the full-sized pic)
Last I checked, Beijing is the capital of Red China.
I could take it as bad news that my constant bashing of the murderous thugs hasn’t blocked me, or I could say that No Runny Eggs is helping to replant the seeds of freedom that were ripped up, run over and shot down in Tianemen Square back in 1989.
OR you could conclude that PRC Intel is keeping an eye on you for future reference.
In that case, I have a special message for the murderous thug Commies…