Item #1 – Much like the indulgences that the Catholics sold back in the 15th Century (I swear I was typing this up before the Blogfather brought it up), the high priests of Global Warming have thought up the perfect dodge for their “excessive carbon footprint”, specifically The High Priest himself, Algore – “carbon offsets”. A couple of random thoughts on that:
– I guess we finally found an “offset” program the lieberals will support, mainly because it benefits them instead of “big business”.
– Because the “carbon offset” program is completely unregulated, there is absolutely no verification of whether the entity being bribed is either in a position to reduce its “carbon footprint” or is reducing its own “carbon footprint” to match what is being bought. Do note that I am not saying that it should be either regulated or mandated; if it were so, it would be just another barrier constructed by the illuminati to keep the aspiring masses from improving their own lifestyles.
– Specifically in Algore’s case (H/T – Bill Hobbs via Fred), there is an ethical question of whether he’s actually paying anything. It seems the company that he’s buying those “offsets” from is the one he founded.
Item #2 – The Global Warming disciples are trying to poo-pooh this little story from National Geographic – the dry ice at Mars’ poles have been melting at a prodigious rate the last 3 years (the only 3 years that they’ve been measured with the current level of accuracy). The explanation given by Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, that the warming experienced by both the Earth and Mars is a result of a long-term increase in solar irradiance (one that has started to turn the other direction), has been rejected by the disciples, partly because there isn’t enough accurate historical records on solar irradiance. Like the religious elite they are, they ignore that their case is not exactly supported by the lack of accurate historical records of amounts of greenhouse gases and temperatures.
The disciples’ explanation of Mars’ warming, wobbles in Mars’ orbit, sounds reasonable until one tries to apply that reasoning to Earth’s warming. While the disciples acknowledge that the Earth’s orbit also wobbles, they try to claim that Earth’s “different” because humans are here.
If Abdussamatov is right, the last item of the National Geographic article has a surprise – we’re not going to be warming much longer because the solar irradiance has started to drop.
Your final comment: “If Abdussamatov is right, the last item of the National Geographic article has a surprise – we’re not going to be warming much longer because the solar irradiance has started to drop.” is great. If this holds true the so called anomalies in our current weather may hold true and the Reverend Al Gore of the Church of Global Warming will not be able to hide in the future predictions 50+ years out when they will not be around to answer for their lies.