Info from RedState, pic spotted on the Free Republic thread on that RS post, and the High Priest update courtesy Allahpundit:
- Cold in Northern Michigan in the top 10 coldest winters ever? – Check
- Cambodia (where the Ketchup Boy spent a nice, warm Christmas back in 1968, or so he says) struggling to get out of the 40s? – Check
- The Indian subcontinent seeing record cold in January? – Check
- Polar bears fleeing Greenland (and calling on the aforementioned person for halp) – Check
- Ice packs showing up off the coast of Iceland for the first time in 40 years? – Check
Guess Algore picked the wrong day to say that Red China should not have to reduce its emissions of “greenhouse gases” until the US does.
I love that Pic. That’s funny. I’m going back to my igloo now.
im soooo sorry a zoo could come and get them there………and help them…..
naw poor polar bear, im naming him pappy :)
If you turn your moron filter off, you’ll see that unusual weather events all around the world are exactly what you would expect from systemic shifts in the global climate.
The Moron filter is a design feature, not a bug.
Seriously, history did not start when you popped out of you mother’s womb, despite what your indoctrinators told you. Unusual weather events all around the world have happened every single year that the world has been in existence. Back when the Romans ruled southern Britain, they had vineyards there; now, it’s too cold for them to thrive. Back in the early 1800s, the northeast had what was known as the year without summer, complete with massive crop failures.