…I may as well let you know about the asshats who decided that the same profit level that ExxonMobil is getting ripped to shreds over must continue to be mandated to gas-station owners (which includes ExxonMobil):
Roger Breske
Russ Decker
Mike Ellis
Jon Erpenbach
Scott Fitzgerald
Dave Hansen
Sheila Harsdorf
Bob Jauch
Dan Kapanke
Julie Lassa
Joe Leibham
Mark Miller
Luther Olsen
Jeff Plale (who has turned into my biggest disappointment)
Fred Risser
Judy Robson
Cathy Stepp
Lena Taylor
Bob Wirch
If you see any of these asshats complaining about either high gas prices or “excessive” profits, shove their votes to continue to mandate a 9.18% profit for gas stations in their faces and serve them a tall, frosty glass of STFU.
Amen! Hansen will hear from me..
Ellis’ hair piece should get a separate pic.