No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for April 8th, 2008

County P-I-Gs don’t like ethics

by @ 16:48. Filed under Politics - Milwaukee County.

JSOnline’s DayWatch is reporting the county board supervisors are balking at an ethics package that would bring the county ethics enforcement more in line with enforcement elsewhere in the state. The excuses are pretty woeful, even for the Board, so let’s start fisking:

Supervisor Elizabeth Coggs-Jones said the plan fostered a presumption of guilt any time someone filed an ethics complaint against county officials.

Could it be that most times, county officials are guilty of ethics violations? Say, is it just me, or does anybody else note the irony of who is bitching here?

She and others questioned the idea of having the district attorney’s Public Integrity Unit conduct the first reviews of complaints, something that District Attorney John Chisholm suggested as a way to avoid having two simultaneous probes – one by the Ethics Board and another by the DA.

After all, there’s more taxpayer money to be spent in a 2-step investigation.

Under the proposed revisions, all complaints would be kept confidential, with nothing made public unless there was a finding of wrongdoing. That follows the state ethics system and many other municipal ethics codes, supervisors were told. But it changes current county practice in which ethics complaints are immediately made public.

If the secrecy provision were enacted, ethics complaints would likely be publicized by the complainants or otherwise leaked, supervisors said.

Supervisor Lynne De Bruin said political opponents could use the code as a weapon against supervisors, disclosing the existence of an ethics complaint they or a supporter had filed.

Again, hiding something? Worried about not being able to immediately retaliate against those that note the odor?

They also objected to a new standard that would forbid county officials from accepting “anything of value” that could be construed to compromise their ability to act fairly on county business.

Hell, they can’t possibly survive on a generous full-time salary plus Rolls Royce benefits for part-time work </sarcasm>.

Rockefeller the dumbf*ck

by @ 16:01. Filed under Politics - National.

Revisions/extensions (5:19 pm 4/8/2008) – I apologize to the Fox News gang for the auto-pingback on an AoSHQ-worthy rant.

(H/T – among others, Ace, whom I’m using because this is not going to be profanity-free, and because Slublog fed Ace a classic Slu-Shop)

West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller (D for dumbfuck DhimmiRAT) really stepped on his crank earlier today when he uttered the following horseshit:

"McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit. What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground? He doesn’t know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues.”

Shall we play, “How Many Ways Is the Jackass Wrong?” For $50, when were laser-guided munitions introduced to the Southeast Asia area of operations? 1972, which was, give or take a few months, 5 years after McCain was shot down.

Let’s go for double-Jeopardy, where the scores can really change. Has any of the US Navy versions of the A-4 ever been provisioned to carry laser-guided weapons? BZZZZT!!! The only precision-guided weapons the early-Vietnam era of the Skyhawk carried were the AGM-12 Bullpup command-guided missile (for those in Rio Linda, the pilot had to hand-fly the missile over its 10-nm range) and the AGM-62 Walleye EO-guided bomb (entered service in 1967, range of 15 miles, and was a fire-and-forget weapon). Later A-4s did carry the AGM-65 Maverick EO-guided missile as well as the Walleye II, and, after the Navy retired the A-4 in 1975, some versions did gain the ability to use laser-guided munitions, but those came about after McCain was shot down.

As for not seeing them hit, McCain typically carried plain iron bombs at low level, which meant he saw them hit and what they hit. Indeed, that was the mission profile on the mission he was shot down.

Oh, and CDR Salamander corrects the idiotic claim the A-4 is a “fighter plane”; the “A” stands for “Attack”. Yes, the Marines and other countries later slapped a couple of Sidewinders on the A-4, and TOPGUN (and “Top Gun”) used them as the analog to MiGs in Dissimilar Air Combat Training, but the Navy didn’t slap the Sidewinders on them.

Yes, there is late news that Rockefeller did apologize for being abso-fucking-lutely wrong. I can’t speak for McCain, but the phrase, “too little, too late” comes to mind.

Roll bloat – What you don’t get in Hillary’s world

by @ 14:50. Filed under The Blog, War on Terror.

I have to thank the blogging-again Katie Favazza (who also fits into the post below this one) for finding Having news from a bunch of groups interested in success in Iraq, like Long War Journal, Institute for the Study of War, and Foundation for Defense of Democracies, is a refreshing change of pace from the invested-in-defeat LeftStreamMedia.

Italian pol gets beauty right

by @ 14:40. Filed under Miscellaneous.

(H/T – Kate, who is a bit too self-depreciating)

As a red-blooded male, all ll I have to say to this is, “Amen, and with brains to match.”:

Women on the political right are the best looking, conservative opposition leader and election frontrunner Silvio Berlusconi said on an Italian radio show.

“The women of the right are certainly the most beautiful,” Berlusconi said on Radio Anch’io public radio, quoted Wednesday by Corriere della Sera newspaper.

Let’s see; Mary Katharine Ham, Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Phel, Amanda Carpenter, Sister Toldjah, Jenna,…. I could go on (and on and on and on), but you get the picture. Speaking of that, I don’t need the bots stopping in on a year-old post, so you get to do your own picture-mining.

The Tax Bomb

by @ 10:41. Filed under Politics - National, Taxes.

Sorry about that; I accidentally hit “Publish” way before I was ready.

(H/T – Flip)

While the old OpinionJournal may be dead, I do appreciate the fact that the entire The Wall Street Journal editorial page is free to all. In today’s edition, John Cogan and Glenn Hubbard peer into the future of the bite of the individual income tax.

First, let me steal what Flip rightfully called “The Ugliest Chart You’ll See All Day”, which estimates the percentage of Gross Domestic Product taken by the federal government over the last 2 years and next 5 years through the individual income tax structure…


…and make some uglier observations. First, note that the divergence between the code as it existed at the end of 2007 and as it did at the end of 2000 actually begins this year. I don’t have the time to research just what parts of the Bush tax-rate cuts of 2001 and 2003 expired already, but some of them already have. Since one can’t expect a Congress controlled by Democrats to give so much as a 1-year extension to tax-rate cuts both of their candidates are committed to eliminating entirely, the divergence should actually begin at 2009. Further, one can’t simply move the “current tax code” line up to meet that; those same Dems as well as select Republicans (including their Presidential nominee) cannot be expected to restore those tax-rate cuts that are already expired, so even if the remainder of the tax-rate cuts were to survive, the individual income tax would likely take something north of 9.3 cents of every dollar produced by the economy, compared to 8 cents in 2006 and an estimated 8.6 cents in 2007.

Even the focus on the indivudal income tax, while historic in its rise under the time bomb the Democrats are intent on setting off, is misleading. While it is the largest single component of the federal government’s drag on the economy, it is far from the only one. The total federal drag on the economy, euphemistically called “federal revenues”, is 18.8% of GDP. While Cogan and Hubbard focused solely on the individual income tax increases in store from the Democrats when they said that either Barack Obama’s or Hillary Clinton’s plans would result in the feds taking 20% of the GDP, the amount that they would have the goverment take will be higher than that as “corporate” income taxes will also be jacked up at astronomical rates. I may not be an economist, but I’ll lay what’s in my wallet against what’s in their wallets in saying that the federal government’s total drag on the economy will be closer to 25% of GDP by 2012 than 20% of GDP.

That reminds me of something my Congressman, Paul Ryan (R) has been saying lately. By the time his children are his age (roughly 2040), if there is no increase beyond inflation in discretionary spending and no changes in the welfare programs (misnamed “mandatory spending”), the federal government would be taking 40% of GDP. For those that didn’t do the math, that’s double the tax burden just to keep the current level of government we have now, and that doubling is on top of historically-high taxes.

I honestly could go on all day with the rest of the opinion piece, but I do want you to read it.

Drinking Right Warning – 7 pm 4/8/2008

by @ 8:56. Filed under Miscellaneous.

855 AM CDT TUE APR 8 2008








The Morning Scramble – 4/8/2008

by @ 8:43. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I don’t believe it; Kansas took the long way to the top, which put the final coup de grace on my brackets as some that were behind me had Kansas as the national champs…


Uncle Jimbo has the advance copy of Gen. David Petraeus’ testimony to Congress. May there be heartburn there for the retreat-and-defeat crowd.
JihadGene channels the Obamas.
Headless Blogger has a follow-up on yesterday’s corn-a-hole item. Before you click, guess how long it would take a typical American to eat the amount of corn burned up in a Suburban tankful of E-85 corn-a-hole gas, and double it.
Keith asks, “What would we do without nuclear warfare experts?”
James Wigderson thinks it’s Brookfield’s success that’s driving Waukesha’s push for a massive referendum. Considering that the school district is grossly incompetent, including not having a replacement superintendent in place, it’s more like Racine’s success driving that.

People get paid?????

by @ 7:02. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Blogging is stressful and can lead to death, at least so says this article.

I can’t say that I’m ready to die, 2 young sons etc. etc. but I’ve been at this blogging thing now for over two months, phew!

So, Shoebox, what are you going to do to keep your cardiologist at bay?

I’m going to DisneyWorld!

I’ll be out for the next week or so, don’t cry for me Argentina!

I now return you to your regularly scheduled host extraordinaire, Mr. Egg!

Obama and Patriotism

by @ 7:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Obama seeks to affirm his patriotism

That’s the headline from this article  by the AP, that talks about how Barack has been inserting more patriotic statements in his recent speeches.

The article quotes the following as his “patriotic” statements:

I love this country not because it’s perfect but because we’ve always been able to move it closer to perfection,” he told an audience in North Dakota.

And in Montana: “It’s a country where … I’ve seen ordinary Americans find justice, where I’ve seen progress made for working families who need leaders who are willing to stand up and fight for them. That is the country I love.”

But are these really patriotic statements?

I’ll concede that these statements are factually accurate, but they don’t seem patriotic to me. They strike me as more of the “yeah but” kinds of statements that Barack uses when he tries to deal with an issue without making himself look like the leftist he is.

“…move it closer to perfection,” I wonder where on the perfection scale Barack thinks we are? By his statement I assume he thinks we’re at least at 1 but not at 100, but where between 1 and 100 are we? Factually, I would agree with Barack that we are not at 100 for the simple reason that much of the country still views abortion as a valid birth control method, but I digress….See, if Barack wanted this to be a patriotic statement he would have said something like,

“I love this country because it’s the best system in the world. While we may not be perfect, we have a process that allows us to make constant, peaceful strides to that end.”

You may say I’m playing with semantics and that’s true. However, wasn’t it Barack who kept talking about the importance of “just words?” Words and how you choose to use them say alot about the intent of the speaker.   Making a beginning declarative statement rather than starting by trying to establish equivalency, would have made this patriotic, putting it together as he did makes it “yeah but.”

“I’ve seen ordinary Americans find justice,”   Is Barack suggesting that it is unusual for “ordinary” Americans to find justice?   Is he suggesting that only the wealthy or well connected can be assured of justice in our country?   Again, start with a declarative statement,

“I love this country because we have the best justice system in the world, a system where regardless of your economic or social standing, you can expect justice to serve you.   And in those few instances where the system doesn’t work as it should, I’m proud that there are leaders who will step up and fight to correct injustice.”

Once last comment on “just words” and the Obama supporters who will tell me that I’m twisting his language.   These comments came not from off-the-cuff remarks.   These comments came from prepared speeches.   Off-the-cuff remarks like “I don’t want them to be punished by a baby,” show me the individual’s true heart on a topic as they haven’t had time to think through the words and craft them.   Statements may be mad in  factual error but when it comes to judgements,  they speak with their most prevalent thought on the topic.   However,  with  prepared remarks, words that are considered and crafted in a particular order, well, you don’t get the chance to say “but he really meant XXXXXX.”   See, if he had really meant “XXXXXX,” he would have  crafted “XXXXXX.”   Barack purposely chose not to use declarative, patriotic statements simply because he will not declare his patriotism.   How tough is it?  

Barack tried to distance himself from Jeremiah Wright’s hateful speech by saying he didn’t agree with it and then quickly added a “yeah but” by telling us that Wright had come out of a generation where this speech was acceptable and we needed to appreciate that.   Now Barack’s trying to tell us he’s patriotic, and it seems to me that he’s also trying to tell us that people are “patriotic” even if they don’t believe the US is the best country in the world.  

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